
iPhone开发 web开发

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function is_mobile(){ 
    // returns true if one of the specified mobile browsers is detected 
    $regex_match.="symbian|smartphone|midp|wap|phone|windows ce|iemobile|^spice|^bird|^zte\-|longcos|pantech|gionee|^sie\-|portalmmm|"; 
    $regex_match.="jig\s browser|hiptop|^ucweb|^benq|haier|^lct|opera\s*mobi|opera\*mini|320x320|240x320|176x220"; 
    return isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE']) or isset($_SERVER['HTTP_PROFILE']) or preg_match($regex_match, strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])); 
if ($_GET['mobile']) { 
 $is_mobile = true; 
if ($_GET['full']) { 
 $is_mobile = false; 
if($is_mobile) { 
    //it's a mobile browser, do something 
    header("Location: http://www.php100.com/mobile"); 
} else { 
    //it's not a mobile browser, do something else 
    header("Location: http://www.php100.com/desktop"); 
    // or instead of a redirect, simply build html below 
posted on 2012-02-22 14:49  YamateDD  阅读(466)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报