




  • 构成谓语





we must keep this in mind  我们必须记住这一点




I'll be back right away. 我马上就回来





You ought to be prepared for the worst.  你必须准备应付最坏的情况

She happened to live in the same department. 她碰巧住在同一个小区.

疑问:与不定式做宾语有什么区别?   解答:ought 和 happened 虽然都是动词,但是在语义上却不是谓语,所以后面的不定式不是动词的宾语,而真正的谓语是动词+不定式





He is certain to return. 他一定会回来




和被动结构搭配    疑问:与不定式做复核宾语的被动结构有什么区别?


This was thought to be impossible 过去这被认为是不可能的

You are expected to speak at the meeting. 大家期待你在会上发言


  • 做主语



To lean out of the window is dangerous. 把头伸出窗外是危险的


另一种使用 it 代替,做为先行主语,不定式作为真正的主语放到句子的后半部分,有如下的几种结构

It + be  + 形容词 + 不定式        斜体部分是真正的主语

It's impossible to finish the job in one day.  一天完成这项工作是不可能的


It + be  + 名词 + 不定式

It's our duty to obey the law  遵守法律是我们的责任


It + be  + 介词短语 + 不定式

It's not within my power to change his view 改变他的观点非我所能


It + 动词 + (宾语) + 不定式

It cost a lot of money to build this museum.   盖这做博物馆花了很多钱

It feels good to be out here for a while  出来在这待一会还是挺惬意的


  • 做宾语


He agreed to pay $4000 for the car. 他同意出4千刀买这辆车



He discovered how to open the safe. 他发现了开保险箱的方法

She showed me which button to press. 她教我按哪个按钮



He wrote a book on how to protect the environment. 他写了一本关于环保的书

They were worried about how to find the necessary equipment. 他们为如何找到所需的设备而发愁



I have long had it in mind to answer your letter.  好久以来我一直想回你的信

She took it on herself to apologize to me. 她亲自来向我道歉


  • 做复合宾语



My boss told me to type out two letters. 我的老板让我打两封信

They forbade her to leave the country. 他们禁止她出境



He shouted to me to come over 他喊我过去

The teacher called on me to answer this question 老师叫我回答这个问题



动词+宾语+to be

I consider him to be the best candidate 我认为他是最佳候选人

I know him to be a liar  我知道他是个爱说谎的人



She was told to wait at the door. 他们让她在门口等着

He is known to be honest.  大家都知道他是诚实的



I heard her lock the door  我听见她锁门了

She was heard to lock the door


He made me move the car 他让我把车移动一下

I was made to move the car


  • 做定语



We have a lot of things to do today. 今天我们有很多事情要做

Do you have any suggestions to offer? 你有什么建议要提?


He was the first guest to arrive. 他是第一个到达的客人

I want someone to talk to. 我想找个人交谈


It's time to go to bed. 该睡觉了

There is no reason to doubt his word. 没有理由怀疑他说的话



There are a lot of things to be done. 有很多事情要做

He was the second man to be killed this way 他是第二个这样被杀的人


  • 做状语


首先要判断是不是状语,能够成为状语的是要符合一些条件的,例如是 be+形容词+不定式 这种结构的,不定式就是句子里的状语成分, 或者在语义上表示了动作的目的、原因、结果等意思也是状语成分



I am afried to tell her 我很害怕告诉她

I'm not ready to go back to work yet  我还不准备回去上班

He was brave to act like that. 他这样做很勇敢



A friend of mine came to see me last night. 昨晚有个朋友来看我

We slept together to keep warm.  我们睡一起可以保持暖和

We jumped with joy to hear it.  听到这个消息我们都高兴的跳了起来

She lived to be 100. 她活到了一百岁

He was so careless as to leave his car unlocked.  他如此粗心大意,车门都没有锁就走了

Go in quietly so as not to wake the baby. 悄悄进去,别把宝宝吵醒




To be honest ,I just don't like him. 说实话,我就是不喜欢他

To tell you the truth, I've never met him. 说真的,我从来没有见过他

He's a nice persion, to be sure. 毫无疑问,他是个好人


  • 做表语


 Her ambition was to be a film star 她的志向是当电影明星

The thing now is to get ahead. 当务之急是要取得进展

All you have to do is to linten. 你只要听着就行了



完成形式 :

构成谓语 I happend to have been there once  我碰巧到过那里一次

做主语    What a mistake it is to have come here  来这里是个多大的错误啊

做宾语    I remember to have told you about it 我记着告诉过你这件事

做状语    I am sorry to have given you so much trouble 对不起给你添了这么多的麻烦

做复合宾语被动结构  He was known to have worked for the International Olympic Committee.  大家知道他曾为国际奥委会工作过     

(疑问:不定式的完成形式做复合宾语的时候,是否只能用在被动结构的句子里,如果这样用: They knew him to have worked for the International Olympic Committee.  是否正确?)


进行形式 :

构成谓语  He seemed to be dreaming.  他似乎在做梦

做主语     It's strange to be sleeping in this house again. 真奇怪又要在这屋子里睡觉了

做宾语     I hate to be quarrelling with her.  我不愿意和她吵架

做状语     She was happy to be earning her own living. 她很高兴能自食其力

做复合宾语被动结构  He is thought to be hiding in the woods  人们认为他躲藏在林子里



构成谓语  He appears to have been waiting a long time.  他似乎已经等了好长时间

做宾语     He pretended to have been studying. 他假装一直在学习

复合宾语被动结构   She is said to have been doing this work for twenty years. 据说她干这工作已经二十年了



构成谓语  She ought to be praised for her heroic deeds.  她的英勇行为应受到表扬

做主语     It's an honour to be awarded a scholarship  被颁给奖学金是一种荣耀

做宾语     They wanted to be better treated 他们希望受到更好的对待

做定语     These are the major problems to be discussed at the meeting.  这些是会上要讨论的主要问题

做状语     She went to the hospital to be inoculated.  她到医院去打预防针   




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