python Paramiko 模块远程管理主机
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import paramiko import os, stat import sys import operator as op from string import Template def ssh_connect( _host, _username, _password ): _ssh_fd = paramiko.SSHClient() _ssh_fd.set_missing_host_key_policy( paramiko.AutoAddPolicy() ) _ssh_fd.connect( _host, username = _username, password = _password, timeout = 5 ) return _ssh_fd def ssh_exec_cmd( _ssh_fd, _cmd ): return _ssh_fd.exec_command( _cmd ) def ssh_sftp( _ssh_fd, _local_path, _remote_path ): _sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(_ssh_fd.get_transport()) _sftp = _ssh_fd.open_sftp() _sftp.put(_local_path, _remote_path) #_sftp.get(_remote_path, _local_path) _sftp.close() def ssh_close( _ssh_fd ): _ssh_fd.close() def main(ip, password, fiperror, cmds, flag, local_path, remote_path): username = 'root' fip = open(fiperror,'a') cmds = cmds flag = flag try: sshd = ssh_connect( ip, username, password ) if flag == '1': _local_path = local_path _remote_path = remote_path try: ssh_sftp(sshd, _local_path, _remote_path) except Exception as e: print('Error: sftp failed') for cmd in cmds: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_exec_cmd( sshd, cmd ) err_list = [] err_list = stderr.readlines() items = [] items = stdout.readlines() for item in items: print("{} {}".format(ip, item), end='') s = Template("nova list --${host_name}") s = s.safe_substitute(host_name=item) ssh_close( sshd ) except Exception as e: print( 'ssh %s@%s: %s' % (username, ip, e) ) fip.writelines([ip,"\t",password,"\n"]) fip.close() if __name__ == "__main__": with open('iplist') as f: errfile = "/tmp/err.log" fd = open(errfile, 'w') fd.truncate() fd.close() local_path = '' remote_path = '' scp_flag = input('scp regular file? yes(input 1), no(input 0): ') if scp_flag == '1': local_path=input('local file path: ') remote_path=input('remote host path: ') local_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), local_path) cmds = [] cmd = input("input the cmd you want to execute(end with 0): ") while cmd != '0': cmds.append(cmd) cmd = input('input the cmd you want to execute(end with 0): ') for line in f: x = line.split() length = len(x) ip = x[0] if length == 1: password = '123456' else: password = x[1] print('---------------ip address: %s--------------' % ip) main(ip=ip, password=password, fiperror=errfile, cmds=cmds, flag=scp_flag, local_path=local_path, remote_path=remote_path)