nanomsg(ZeroMQ with C)
% mkdir build
% cd build
% cmake ..
% cmake --build .
% ctest .
% sudo cmake --build . --target install
% sudo ldconfig
(if on Linux)
dong@ubuntu:~/nanomsg-1.1.4/build$ ctest .
Test project /home/dong/nanomsg-1.1.4/build
Start 1: inproc
1/43 Test #1: inproc ........................... Passed 0.51 sec
Start 2: inproc_shutdown
2/43 Test #2: inproc_shutdown .................. Passed 0.26 sec
Start 3: ipc
3/43 Test #3: ipc .............................. Passed 0.71 sec
Start 4: ipc_shutdown
4/43 Test #4: ipc_shutdown ..................... Passed 1.07 sec
Start 5: ipc_stress
5/43 Test #5: ipc_stress ....................... Passed 1.52 sec
Start 6: tcp
6/43 Test #6: tcp .............................. Passed 0.65 sec
Start 7: tcp_shutdown
7/43 Test #7: tcp_shutdown ..................... Passed 2.72 sec
Start 8: ws
8/43 Test #8: ws ............................... Passed 1.73 sec
Start 9: pair
9/43 Test #9: pair ............................. Passed 0.00 sec
Start 10: pubsub
10/43 Test #10: pubsub ........................... Passed 0.12 sec
Start 11: reqrep
11/43 Test #11: reqrep ........................... Passed 0.11 sec
Start 12: pipeline
12/43 Test #12: pipeline ......................... Passed 0.02 sec
Start 13: survey
13/43 Test #13: survey ........................... Passed 1.01 sec
Start 14: bus
14/43 Test #14: bus .............................. Passed 0.01 sec
Start 15: async_shutdown
15/43 Test #15: async_shutdown ................... Passed 2.02 sec
Start 16: block
16/43 Test #16: block ............................ Passed 0.21 sec
Start 17: term
17/43 Test #17: term ............................. Passed 0.11 sec
Start 18: timeo
18/43 Test #18: timeo ............................ Passed 0.21 sec
Start 19: iovec
19/43 Test #19: iovec ............................ Passed 0.00 sec
Start 20: msg
20/43 Test #20: msg .............................. Passed 0.03 sec
Start 21: prio
21/43 Test #21: prio ............................. Passed 0.11 sec
Start 22: poll
22/43 Test #22: poll ............................. Passed 0.15 sec
Start 23: device
23/43 Test #23: device ........................... Passed 0.21 sec
Start 24: device4
24/43 Test #24: device4 .......................... Passed 0.11 sec
Start 25: device5
25/43 Test #25: device5 .......................... Passed 0.11 sec
Start 26: device6
26/43 Test #26: device6 .......................... Passed 1.01 sec
Start 27: device7
27/43 Test #27: device7 .......................... Passed 1.01 sec
Start 28: emfile
28/43 Test #28: emfile ........................... Passed 0.05 sec
Start 29: domain
29/43 Test #29: domain ........................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 30: trie
30/43 Test #30: trie ............................. Passed 0.00 sec
Start 31: list
31/43 Test #31: list ............................. Passed 0.00 sec
Start 32: hash
32/43 Test #32: hash ............................. Passed 0.02 sec
Start 33: stats
33/43 Test #33: stats ............................ Passed 0.51 sec
Start 34: symbol
34/43 Test #34: symbol ........................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 35: separation
35/43 Test #35: separation ....................... Passed 0.41 sec
Start 36: zerocopy
36/43 Test #36: zerocopy ......................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 37: shutdown
37/43 Test #37: shutdown ......................... Passed 0.01 sec
Start 38: cmsg
38/43 Test #38: cmsg ............................. Passed 0.01 sec
Start 39: bug328
39/43 Test #39: bug328 ........................... Passed 0.41 sec
Start 40: bug777
40/43 Test #40: bug777 ........................... Passed 0.00 sec
Start 41: ws_async_shutdown
41/43 Test #41: ws_async_shutdown ................ Passed 1.08 sec
Start 42: reqttl
42/43 Test #42: reqttl ........................... Passed 0.21 sec
Start 43: surveyttl
43/43 Test #43: surveyttl ........................ Passed 0.21 sec
100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 43
Total Test time (real) = 18.70 sec
#include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <nanomsg/nn.h> #include <nanomsg/reqrep.h> #include <nanomsg/pubsub.h> #include <nanomsg/pipeline.h> const char *url = "ipc:///tmp/pipeline.ipc"; typedef struct{ int type; char text[1024]; }buf_t; int main () { buf_t *buf = NULL; buf = (buf_t *)malloc(sizeof(buf_t)); int sock = nn_socket (AF_SP, NN_PULL); assert (sock >= 0); assert (nn_bind (sock, url) >= 0); while (1) { int bytes = nn_recv (sock, &buf, NN_MSG, 0); assert (bytes >= 0); printf ("NODE0: RECEIVED %d \"%s\"\n", buf->type, buf->text); nn_freemsg (buf); } return 1; }
#include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <nanomsg/nn.h> #include <nanomsg/reqrep.h> #include <nanomsg/pubsub.h> #include <nanomsg/pipeline.h> const char *url = "ipc:///tmp/pipeline.ipc"; typedef struct{ int type; char text[1024]; }buf_t; int main () { buf_t *buf = NULL; buf = (buf_t *)malloc(sizeof(buf_t)); buf->type = 1; memset(buf->text,0,1024); memcpy(buf->text,"hello,world !",strlen("hello,world !")); int sz_msg = sizeof(buf_t); int sock = nn_socket (AF_SP, NN_PUSH); assert (sock >= 0); assert (nn_connect (sock, url) >= 0); printf ("NODE1: SENDING %d \"%s\"\n", buf->type,buf->text); int bytes = nn_send (sock, buf, sz_msg, 0); assert (bytes == sz_msg); return nn_shutdown (sock, 0); }
dong@ubuntu:~/nanomsg_demo$ gcc -o recv recv.c -lnanomsg
dong@ubuntu:~/nanomsg_demo$ ./recv
NODE0: RECEIVED 1 "hello,world !"
NODE0: RECEIVED 1 "hello,world !"
NODE0: RECEIVED 1 "hello,world !"
dong@ubuntu:~/nanomsg_demo$ gcc -o send send.c -lnanomsg
dong@ubuntu:~/nanomsg_demo$ ./send
NODE1: SENDING 1 "hello,world !"
dong@ubuntu:~/nanomsg_demo$ ./send
NODE1: SENDING 1 "hello,world !"
dong@ubuntu:~/nanomsg_demo$ ./send
NODE1: SENDING 1 "hello,world !"
* 进程内通信(inproc):url格式为inproc://test
* 进程间同in想(ipc):url格式为ipc:///tmp/test.ipc
* tcp通信:url格式为tcp://*:5555
4、python 与 c 进程通信
#include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <nanomsg/pair.h> #include <nanomsg/bus.h> #include <nanomsg/nn.h> char *url = "ipc://test"; int server_sock_init(int *sock) { *sock = nn_socket (AF_SP, NN_PAIR); if (*sock < 0) { printf("create server sock failed\r\n"); return 1; } if (nn_bind(*sock, url) < 0) { printf("bind server sock failed\r\n"); return 1; } printf("server socket init success...\r\n"); return 0; } int main() { int s_sock; char *tx_msg = "Hi, client !"; char *rx_msg = NULL; if (0 != server_sock_init(&s_sock)) { return; } while (1) { int result = nn_recv(s_sock, &rx_msg, NN_MSG,NN_DONTWAIT); if (result > 0) { printf("server Recieve: %s\r\n", rx_msg); nn_freemsg (rx_msg); } size_t len = strlen (tx_msg) + 1; if (nn_send(s_sock, tx_msg, len, 0) < 0) { printf("server Send Msg Failed\r\n"); nn_freemsg (tx_msg); } sleep(1); } return 0; }
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function from nanomsg import Socket, PAIR, PUB import time s1 = Socket(PAIR) s1.bind('ipc://test') while True: s1.send(b'hi, server !') print(s1.recv()) time.sleep(1) #s1.close()
gcc -o server server.c -lnanomsg
gcc -o client client.c -lnanomsg
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(pwd)/nanomsg-1.1.5/build:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
1)Getting Started with nanomsg
2)This is a sample for p2p network based nanomsg
Pipeline (A One-Way Pipe)
Request/Reply (I ask, you answer)
Pair (Two Way Radio)
Pub/Sub (Topics & Broadcast)
Survey (Everybody Votes)
Bus (Routing)
【推荐】凌霞软件回馈社区,博客园 & 1Panel & Halo 联合会员上线
【推荐】轻量又高性能的 SSH 工具 IShell:AI 加持,快人一步