Permutations and Combinations using Python
Permutations and Combinations using Python
# A Python program to print all # combinations of given length from itertools import combinations # Get all combinations of [1, 2, 3] # and length 2 ''' tmp = [[ 2 -61 -58] [ 0 -61 -64] [ 1 -61 -67] [ 3 -61 -79] [ 7 -61 -83] [ 6 -61 -83] [ 5 -61 -90] [ 4 -61 -96]] ''' tmp = [[0, -61, -64], [1, -61, -67], [2, -61, -58], [3, -61, -79], [4, -61, -96], [5, -61, -90], [6, -61, -83], [7, -61, -83]] comb = combinations(tmp, 2) # Print the obtained combinations # for i in comb: for i in list(comb): print (i)
([0, -61, -64], [1, -61, -67])
([0, -61, -64], [2, -61, -58])
([0, -61, -64], [3, -61, -79])
([0, -61, -64], [4, -61, -96])
([0, -61, -64], [5, -61, -90])
([0, -61, -64], [6, -61, -83])
([0, -61, -64], [7, -61, -83])
([1, -61, -67], [2, -61, -58])
([1, -61, -67], [3, -61, -79])
([1, -61, -67], [4, -61, -96])
([1, -61, -67], [5, -61, -90])
([1, -61, -67], [6, -61, -83])
([1, -61, -67], [7, -61, -83])
([2, -61, -58], [3, -61, -79])
([2, -61, -58], [4, -61, -96])
([2, -61, -58], [5, -61, -90])
([2, -61, -58], [6, -61, -83])
([2, -61, -58], [7, -61, -83])
([3, -61, -79], [4, -61, -96])
([3, -61, -79], [5, -61, -90])
([3, -61, -79], [6, -61, -83])
([3, -61, -79], [7, -61, -83])
([4, -61, -96], [5, -61, -90])
([4, -61, -96], [6, -61, -83])
([4, -61, -96], [7, -61, -83])
([5, -61, -90], [6, -61, -83])
([5, -61, -90], [7, -61, -83])
([6, -61, -83], [7, -61, -83])