SVM Software


SVM Software

Top 3

  2. SVMlight
  3. SVMTorch
2 (6/10) about 92 about 50,900 about 3,580 LIBSVM Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin Both C++ and Java sources CHANG, C.C. and C.J. LIN, 2001. LIBSVM: a library for support vector machines. … available at http://www. csie. ntu. edu. tw/cjlin/libsvm. [Cited by 247] (54.01/year)
1 (6/10) about 68 about 19,600 about 1,450 SVMlight Thorsten Joachims Written in C JOACHIMS, T., 1999. SVMLight: Support Vector Machine. … Vector Machine http://svmlight. joachims. org/, University …. [Cited by 30] (4.56/year)
- (5/10) 3 about 753 about 488 SVMTorch Ronan Collobert and Samy Bengio C++ COLLOBERT, R. and S. BENGIO, 2001. SVMTorch: Support Vector Machines for Large-Scale Regression Problems. Journal of Machine Learning Research. [Cited by 232] (50.73/year)
- (5/10) about 9 about 579 about 232 mySVM Stefan Rüping C++ RUPING, S., mySVM-Manual. … .(2000) http://www-ai. cs. uni-dortmund. de/SOFTWARE/MYSVM. [Cited by 22] (3.95/year)
5 (0/10) 0 about 308 about 179 TinySVM Taku Kudo Written in C++ with OO style BINDINGS, L., R. LINK and F. OPTIMIZATION, TinySVM: Support Vector Machines. [not cited] (?/year)
- (5/10) 3 about 142 about 152 BSVM Chih-Wei Hsu and Chih-Jen Lin C and C++ HSU, C.W. and C.J. LIN, 2002. A comparison of methods for multiclass support vector machines. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. [Cited by 342] (95.71/year)
3 (6/10) 6 about 309 about 102 SvmFu Ryan Rifkin written in C++ RIFKIN, R., 2000. Svmfu. [Cited by 14] (2.51/year)
- (5/10) 2 about 93 about 551 OSU SVM Classifier Matlab Toolbox Junshui Ma, Yi Zhao and Stanley Ahalt Matlab Toolbox
- (5/10) 8 about 314 about 221 Gist William Stafford Noble and Paul Pavlidis written in ANSI C NOBLE, W.S. and P. PAVLIDIS, 1999. Gist Support vector machine and kernel principal components analysis Software toolkit Version 2.0. 2. Copyright (C). [Cited by 1] (0.15/year)
- (4/10) 0 about 137 about 146 SSVM - Smooth Support Vector Machine Yuh-Jye Lee and Olvi L. Mangasarian  
4 (5/10) 7 ? about 58 MATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox Gavin Cawley MATLAB toolbox CAWLEY, G.C., … 7TJ (2000) http://theoval. sys. uea. ac. uk/gcc/svm/toolbox. MATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox. [Cited by 14] (2.51/year)
- (4/10) 0 about 239 about 123 PSVM - Proximal Support Vector Machine Glenn Fung and Olvi L. Mangasarian MATLAB FUNG, G.M. and O.L. MANGASARIAN, 2005. Multicategory Proximal Support Vector Machine Classifiers. Machine Learning. [Cited by 78] (136.06/year)
- (5/10) about 11 ? about 131 LSVM - Lagrangian Support Vector Machine Olvi Mangasarian and Dave Musicant MATLAB m-files MANGASARIAN, O.L. and D.R. MUSICANT, 2001. Lagrangian Support Vector Machines. Journal of Machine Learning Research. [Cited by 94] (20.55/year)
- (4/10) 2 ? about 18 Royal Holloway and AT&T SVM Software A. Gammerman, et al.  
- (5/10) about 12 about 135 about 17 M-SVM Yann Guermeur Written in C
- (5/10) 0 about 104 about 13 ASVM - Active Support Vector Machine David R. Musicant and Olvi L. Mangasarian  
- (5/10) 0 about 72 about 13 looms Jen-Hao Lee and Chih-Jen Lin  
6 (4/10) 2 about 339 about 18 GhostMiner FQS Poland Commercial product
- (4/10) 0 about 15 about 14 HeroSvm Jianxiong Dong Written in C++ DONG, J., HeroSVM Support Vector Machine User Guide. [not cited] (?/year)
- (4/10) 1 ? ? Support Vector Machine Jianzhong Fang  
7 (5/10) 7 ? ? Sequential Minimal Optimization for SVM Xianping Ge Written in C++
- (5/10) about 23 ? ? MATLAB Support Vector Machine Toolbox Steve Gunn MATLAB toolbox
- (4/10) 1 ? about 23 SVM toolbox for Matlab Anton Schwaighofer  
- (4/10) about 6 about 33 about 41 SVMTool Jesús Giménez and Lluís Márquez  
- (4/10) 0 about 46 about 22 Gini-SVM CLSP,Johns Hopkins University   CHAKRABARTTY, S., 2003. The giniSVM toolkit. Technical Report No. 48, CLSP, JHU. [Cited by 2] (0.78/year)
- (6/10) about 96 about 134 about 18 KXEN KXEN Commercial product
- (4/10) 2 about 34 about 15 SVMProt C.Z. Cai, L.Y. Han, Z.L. Ji, X. Chen, Y.Z. Chen Web-based
- (4/10) about 73 6 7 LIBSVMTL - a Support Vector Machine Template Library Olaf Ronneberger C++ library
- (4/10) 1 about 135 6 winSVM Martin Sewell Windows implementation written in C++
- (4/10) 1 114 6 SVMdark Martin Sewell Windows implementation written in C
- (4/10) 1 ? ? SVM and Kernel Methods Matlab Toolbox S. Canu, Y. Grandvalet and A. Rakotomamonjy  
- (4/10) 0 ? 4 Nearest Point Algorithm for Support Vector Machines (SVMs) S.S. Keerthi et al.  
- (4/10) 0 3 3 LPSVM - Newton Method for LP Support Vector Machine Glenn Fung and Olvi L. Mangasarian MATLAB
- (4/10) 0 about 5 3 NSVM - Newton Support Vector Machine Glenn Fung and Olvi L. Mangasarian MATLAB
- (3/10) 2 about 16 3 SVMsequel Hal Daume III  
- (6/10) about 8 about 130 2 LS-SVMlab Kristiaan Pelckmans, et al. Matlab
- (5/10) about 44 about 9,230 1 DTREG Phillip H. Sherrod Predictive modeling software
- (0/10) 0 1 0 CTI-SV eivd, UNIL and IDIAP  






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