dtelnet: shkeys.c
/* shkeys.c */ /* compile me: cc -o shkeys shkeys.c */ #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <termios.h> #include <unistd.h> typedef struct ConstBuffData { const char *ptr; size_t len; } ConstBuffData; #define StaticConstBuffData(Name,Sname,Value) \ static const char Sname [] = Value; \ static const ConstBuffData Name = { (char *)Sname, sizeof (Sname)-1} #define StaticConstBD(Name,Value) StaticConstBuffData(Name,N##Name,Value) static int BuffDataBeg (const ConstBuffData *data, const ConstBuffData *beg) { if (data->len < beg->len) return 0; return memcmp (data->ptr, beg->ptr, beg->len) == 0; } static struct { int kpam; int mouse; int mouse_x10; } opt = { 0, 0, 0 }; static void ParseArgs (int *pargc, char ***pargv); #define ESC "\x1b" static const struct { const char *KPAM; const char *KPNM; const char *MOUSE_ON; const char *MOUSE_OFF; const char *MOUSE_X10_ON; const char *MOUSE_X10_OFF; } seq = { ESC "=", ESC ">", ESC "[?1000h", ESC "[?1000l", ESC "[?9h", ESC "[?9l" }; static void PrintBlock (ConstBuffData *bd); static void PrintSome (ConstBuffData *bd); int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct termios oldtio, newtio; int rc, rdlen, leave; char buf [12]; ConstBuffData rest; ParseArgs (&argc, &argv); rc= tcgetattr (0, &oldtio); if (rc) { perror ("tcgetattr (0, &oldtio)"); return 4; } memcpy (&newtio, &oldtio, sizeof (newtio)); newtio.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG | ICANON | ECHO); newtio.c_iflag &= ~(INLCR | ICRNL | IXON | IXOFF); newtio.c_cflag &= ~(PARENB); newtio.c_cflag = (newtio.c_cflag & ~CSIZE) | CS8; newtio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; rc= tcsetattr (0, TCSAFLUSH, &newtio); if (rc) { perror ("tcsetattr (0, TCSAFLUSH, &newtio)"); return 12; } if (opt.kpam) write (1, seq.KPAM, strlen (seq.KPAM)); if (opt.mouse) write (1, seq.MOUSE_ON, strlen (seq.MOUSE_ON)); else if (opt.mouse_x10) write (1, seq.MOUSE_X10_ON, strlen (seq.MOUSE_X10_ON)); printf ("Press any key to see codes, ctrl-D to terminate\n\n"); for (leave= 0; ! leave; ) { rdlen= read (0, buf, sizeof (buf)); if (rdlen<0) { perror ("read(0)"); leave= 1; /* error */ continue; } else if (rdlen==0) { leave= 1; /* EOF */ continue; } rest.len= rdlen; rest.ptr= buf; PrintBlock (&rest); if (buf[0]==4) leave= 1; /* ctrl-D */ } if (opt.mouse) write (1, seq.MOUSE_OFF, strlen (seq.MOUSE_OFF)); else if (opt.mouse_x10) write (1, seq.MOUSE_X10_OFF, strlen (seq.MOUSE_X10_OFF)); if (opt.kpam) write (1, seq.KPNM, strlen (seq.KPNM)); rc= tcsetattr (0, TCSAFLUSH, &oldtio); if (rc) { perror ("tcsetattr (0, TCSAFLUSH, &oldtio)"); return 12; } return 0; } static void PrintMouse (const char *from) { int code, codeh, codel; int row, col; code= (unsigned char)from[3]; col = (unsigned char)from[4] - 32; row = (unsigned char)from[5] - 32; codeh= code&0xe0; codel= code&0x03; printf ("Mouse event %02x:", code); if (codeh==0x20 && codel==0x03) { printf (" button release"); } else if (codeh==0x20) { printf (" button #%d press", 1+codel); } else if (codeh==0x60) { printf (" button #%d press or wheel #%d %s" , 4+codel, 1+codel/2, codel%2==0? "up": "down"); } else if (codeh==0x40) { printf (" press-and-move button #%d is down", 1+codel); } else if (codeh==0x80) { printf (" press-and-move button #%d is down or wheel #%d %s" , 4+codel, 1+codel/2, codel%2==0? "up": "down"); } if (code&0x04) printf (" shift pressed"); if (code&0x08) printf (" alt pressed"); if (code&0x10) printf (" ctrl pressed"); printf (" at row=%d col=%d", row, col); printf ("\n"); } StaticConstBD (BMousePref, "\x1b[M"); static void PrintBlock (ConstBuffData *bd) { ConstBuffData mybd; while (bd->len >= 6 && BuffDataBeg (bd, &BMousePref)) { mybd.ptr= bd->ptr; mybd.len= 6; bd->ptr += 6; bd->len -= 6; PrintMouse (mybd.ptr); PrintSome (&mybd); } if (bd->len) PrintSome (bd); } static void PrintSome (ConstBuffData *bd) { size_t i; int c; char prbuff [128], *p; p= prbuff; for (i=0; i<bd->len; ++i) { c= (unsigned char)bd->ptr[i]; if (c < ' ') { p += sprintf (p, "^%c", c+64); } else if (c==0x7f) { p += sprintf (p, "^?"); } else { p += sprintf (p, "%c", c); } } for (i=0; i<bd->len; ++i) { c= (unsigned char)bd->ptr[i]; printf ("%-16s %3d 0x%02x 0%03o\n", prbuff, c, c, c); prbuff[0] = '\0'; } } static void ParseArgs (int *pargc, char ***pargv) { int argc; char **argv; int parse_arg; char *progname; argc = *pargc; argv = *pargv; parse_arg = 1; progname = argv[0]; while (--argc && **++argv=='-' && parse_arg) { switch (argv[0][1]) { case 'k': case 'K': if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "-kpam")==0) { opt.kpam= 1; break; } goto UNKOPT; case 'm': case 'M': if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "-mouse")==0 || strcasecmp (argv[0], "-mouse-x11")==0) { opt.mouse= 1; break; } else if (strcasecmp (argv[0], "-mouse-x10")==0) { opt.mouse_x10= 1; break; } goto UNKOPT; case 0:parse_arg = 0; break; case '-': if (argv[0][2]=='\0') { parse_arg = 0; break; } goto UNKOPT; default: UNKOPT: fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s [-kpam] [-mouse]'\n", *argv); exit (4); } } ++argc; *--argv = progname; *pargc = argc; *pargv = argv; }