SIP UA/GB28181-Server/GB28181-Client
感谢网友larkguo整理的sip ua示例,完善,对味 !小改一下就能实现/uac/uas/gb28181-server/gb28181-client
1. 功能改造
1. 启动参数太长,可以把参数放到配置文件
; Test config file for ini_example.c and INIReaderTest.cpp [UA] ;SIP role = UAC server_id = 34020000002000000001 server_ip = server_port = 5060 user_id = 34020000001320000111 user_ch = 34020000001320000111 passwd = 12345678 user_port = 5060 expiry = 3600 heartbeat = 60 transport = UDP
; Test config file for ini_example.c and INIReaderTest.cpp [UA] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Local Platform ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;SIP role = UAS server_id = 34020000002000000001 passwd = 12345678 server_port = 5060 transport = UDP ;RTP rtp_port_fix = close rtp_port_fix_port = 6000 rtp_port_start = 15000 rtp_port_end = 15100 ;RESTFUL restful_port = 10000 ;RTMP rtmp_port = 1935; http_flv_port = 8081; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Upper Level Platform ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; upper_level_platform = close upper_server_id = 34020000002000000002 upper_server_ip = upper_passwd = 12345678 upper_server_port = 5060 upper_expiry = 3600 upper_heartbeat = 30 upper_transport = UDP
2. larkguo 的ua示例是个SIP网络代理终端(sip user agent),代理终端一般应用在背靠背的网络的环境(ua1~proxy~ua2)。
//eXosip_set_user_agent(g_core.context, UA_VERSION);
3. 加一个参数role来区分ua/uac/uas/gb28181-client/gb28181-server
/* SIP User Agent Sample -- by Intercom/GB28181-Server/GB28181-Client Agent Sample -- by zhoudd This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. 1.Architecture: UA ==command==> eXosip2 UA <==notify== eXosip2 2.Requires: libosip2-5.0.0 libeXosip2-5.0.0 3.Compile:(assumed that osip2 & eXosip2 are installed in /usr/local) gcc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib ua.c -o ua -leXosip2 \ -losip2 -losipparser2 -lpthread 4.Run: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/usr/local/lib: ./ua -r sip:DOMAIN-OR-IP -R sip:X.X.X.X:5060 -f sip:FROM-USER@DOMAIN \ -t sip:TO-USER@DOMAIN -U AUTH-USER -P AUTH-PASSWORD 5.Register: UAC/UAS PROXY 1 -REGISTER-> <-401- -REGISTER(auth)-> <-200- 6.Call: UAC (PROXY) UAS 2 -INVITE-> <-407- -INVITE(auth)-> <-180- <-200- 3 -ACK-> 4 -reINVITE-> <-200- -ACK-> 5 -BYE-> <-200- */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <signal.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <ifaddrs.h> #include <osip2/osip_mt.h> #include <eXosip2/eXosip.h> #include "HTTPDigest.h" #include "ini.h" #include "util.h" #define UA_CMD_REGISTER ('1') #define UA_CMD_CALL_START ('2') #define UA_CMD_CALL_ANSWER ('3') #define UA_CMD_CALL_KEEP ('4') #define UA_CMD_CALL_STOP ('5') #define UA_CMD_UNREGISTER ('6') #define UA_CMD_HELP ('h') #define UA_CMD_QUIT ('q') #ifdef UAS_DISABLE_LOG #define uaslog(msg, ...) (void)0 #else #define uaslog(msg, ...) printf("[%s] ", get_time());printf(msg, ##__VA_ARGS__);printf("\n") #endif #ifdef UA_DISABLE_LOG #define ualog(a,b...) (void)0 #else #define ualog(a,b...) fprintf(stderr,b);fprintf(stderr,"\n>") #endif #define null_if_empty(s) (((s)!=NULL&&(s)[0]!='\0')?(s):NULL) #define UA_VERSION "SipUAv0.1" #define UAS_VERSION "SipUASv0.1" #define BUFFER_LEN (1024) #define DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN 64 #define THREAD_GROUP (4) /*rtp send/recv thread group*/ enum{SEND, RECV, SOURCE, DESTROY}; typedef struct { const char *role; const char *server_id; const char *user_id; const char* passwd; const char *server_ip; int server_port; const char *user_ip; int user_port; const char* transport; const char* rtp_port_fix; int rtp_port_fix_port; int rtp_port_start; int rtp_port_end; int heartbeat; int expiry; } config_ua_t; /*task bridge*/ typedef struct task { /*user*/ }task_t; typedef struct ua_core{ /* config */ int expiry; int localport; int calltimeout; char *proxy; char *outboundproxy; char *username; char *password; char *realm; char *nonce; char *from; char *to; char *contact; char *localip; char *firewallip; char *transport; char *role; /* dynamic */ struct eXosip_t *context; pthread_t ua_notifythread; int running; int regid; int callid; int dialogid; int transactionid; int cmd; /*media channel task*/ config_ua_t *config_ua; //task_t **task; uint32_t rtp_port; uint32_t media_index; int media_proto; int media_req_mode; pthread_mutex_t lock; } uacore; static uacore g_core; /*UA Functions*/ static void ua_cmd_usage(void); static int ua_add_outboundproxy(osip_message_t *msg, const char *outboundproxy); static int ua_cmd_register(uacore *core); static int ua_cmd_unregister(uacore *core); static int ua_cmd_callstart(uacore *core, char *sdp); static int ua_cmd_callring(uacore *core); static int ua_cmd_callanswer(uacore *core, char *sdp); static int ua_cmd_callkeep(uacore *core); static int ua_cmd_callstop(uacore *core); static int ua_notify_callack(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je); static int ua_notify_callkeep(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je); static int ua_notify_keepalive(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je); static void *ua_notify_thread(void *arg); static int ua_printf_msg(eXosip_event_t* je, int ch); /*GB28181 UAS Functions*/ static void uas_cmd_usage(void); static void ua_register401_unauthorized_response(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je); static void ua_auth_calc_response(uacore *core, char *username, char *uri, char *method, HASHHEX response); static void ua_register_success_response(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je); static void ua_register_failed_response(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je); /*GB28181 UAC Functions*/ static int ua_device_info_response(char* SN, char* DeviceID, char* rsp_xml_body); static int ua_device_boot_response(char* SN, char* DeviceID, char* rsp_xml_body); static int ua_device_status_response(char* SN, char* DeviceID, char* rsp_xml_body); static int ua_catalog_response(char* SN, char* DeviceID, char* rsp_xml_body); static int get_str( const char* data, const char* s_mark, bool with_s_make, const char* e_mark, bool with_e_make, char* dest ); /*Util Functions*/ static void usage(void); static int init(uacore *core); static void stop(int signum); static int quit(uacore *core); static void usage(void){ #define short_options "r:f:t:k:U:P:X:Y:T:b:e:p:c:l:F:R:hv" printf("Usage: " UA_VERSION " [required] [optional]\n" "\n\t[required]\n" "\t-r --proxy\tsip:proxyhost[:port]\n" "\t-f --fromuser\tsip:fromuser@host[:port]\n" "\n\t[optional]\n" "\t-t --touser\tsip:touser@host[:port]\n" "\t-U --username\tauthentication username\n" "\t-P --password\tauthentication password\n" "\t-X --realm\tauthentication realm\n" "\t-Y --nonce\tauthentication nonce\n" "\t-T --transport\tUDP|TCP|TLS|DTLS(default UDP)\n" "\t-b --role\tUA|UAS|UAC(default UA)\n" "\t-e --expiry\tnumber(default 3600)\n" "\t-p --port\tnumber(default 5060)\n" "\t-c --contact\tsip:user@host[:port]\n" "\t-l --localip\tX.X.X.X(force local IP address)\n" "\t-k --keep\tcall keep timeout(default 1800)\n" "\t-F --firewallip\tX.X.X.X\n" "\t-R --route\toutboundproxy or SBC or P-CSCF(sip:outboundproxyhost[:port])\n" "\n\t[help]\n" "\t-v --version\n" "\t-h --help\n" "\n\t[uas example]\n" "\tua -r sip:192.168.1.X:5060 -f" " -U 1001 -P 1001 -p 5080\n" "\n\t[uac example]\n" "\tua -r -R sip:192.168.1.X:5060 -f" " -t -U 1002 -P 1002\n" "\n\t[ims uac example]\n" "\tua -r -R sip:192.168.1.X:5060 -f" " -t -U -P 1002\n\n" ); } static void ua_cmd_usage(void){ printf("please select:\n" "\t1: register\n" "\t2: call start\n" "\t3: call answer\n" "\t4: call keep\n" "\t5: call stop\n" "\t6: unregister\n" "\th: help\n" "\tq: quit\n"); } static void uas_cmd_usage(void){ printf("please select:\n" "\t2: call start\n" "\t5: call stop\n" "\th: help\n" "\tq: quit\n"); } static int init(uacore *core){ core->proxy = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->from = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->to = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->contact = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->localip = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->username = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->password = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->realm = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->nonce = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->outboundproxy = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->firewallip = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->transport = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->role = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR_LEN); core->config_ua = (config_ua_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(config_ua_t)); //core->task = (task_t**)calloc(1, sizeof(task_t*)); pthread_mutex_init(&(core->lock), NULL); return 0; } static int quit(uacore *core){ if (NULL != core->proxy) free(core->proxy); if (NULL != core->from) free(core->from); if (NULL != core->to) free(core->to); if (NULL != core->contact) free(core->contact); if (NULL != core->localip) free(core->localip); if (NULL != core->username) free(core->username); if (NULL != core->password) free(core->password); if (NULL != core->realm) free(core->realm); if (NULL != core->nonce) free(core->nonce); if (NULL != core->outboundproxy) free(core->outboundproxy); if (NULL != core->firewallip) free(core->firewallip); if (NULL != core->transport) free(core->transport); if (NULL != core->role) free(core->role); if (NULL != core->config_ua) free(core->config_ua); //if (NULL != core->task) free(core->task); pthread_mutex_destroy(&(core->lock)); return 0; } static void stop(int signum){ g_core.running = 0; } #define REQUEST 1 #define RESPONSE 0 static int ua_printf_msg(eXosip_event_t* je, int ch) { char *dest=NULL; size_t length=0; int i=0; if (ch == 1) i = osip_message_to_str(je->request, &dest, &length); else if(ch == 0) i = osip_message_to_str(je->response, &dest, &length); if (i!=0) { return -1; } printf("%s\n", dest); osip_free(dest); return 0; } /*decode system config file*/ static int config_ua_handler(void* user, const char* section, const char* name, const char* value) { config_ua_t* pconfig = (config_ua_t*)user; #define MATCH(s, n) strcmp(section, s) == 0 && strcmp(name, n) == 0 if (MATCH("UA", "role")) { pconfig->role = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "server_id")) { pconfig->server_id = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "user_id")) { pconfig->user_id = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "passwd")) { pconfig->passwd = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "server_ip")) { pconfig->server_ip = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "server_port")) { pconfig->server_port = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "user_ip")) { pconfig->user_ip = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "user_port")) { pconfig->user_port = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "transport")) { pconfig->transport = strdup(value); }else if (MATCH("UA", "rtp_port_fix")) { pconfig->rtp_port_fix = strdup(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "rtp_port_fix_port")) { pconfig->rtp_port_fix_port = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "rtp_port_start")) { pconfig->rtp_port_start = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "rtp_port_end")) { pconfig->rtp_port_end = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "heartbeat")) { pconfig->heartbeat = atoi(value); } else if (MATCH("UA", "expiry")) { pconfig->expiry = atoi(value); } else { return 0; /* unknown section/name, error */ } return 1; } /***************************** command *****************************/ static int ua_add_outboundproxy(osip_message_t *msg, const char *outboundproxy) { int ret = 0; char head[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }; if (NULL == null_if_empty(outboundproxy)){ return 0; } snprintf(head, sizeof(head)-1, "<%s;lr>", outboundproxy); osip_list_special_free(&msg->routes, (void(*)(void*))osip_route_free); ret = osip_message_set_route(msg, head); return ret; } static int ua_cmd_register(uacore *core) { int ret = -1; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; if (core->regid > 0){ // refresh register ret = eXosip_register_build_register(core->context, core->regid, core->expiry, &msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "register %d refresh build failed %d", core->regid, ret); return -1; } } else{ // new register core->regid = eXosip_register_build_initial_register(core->context, core->from, core->proxy, core->contact, core->expiry, &msg); if (core->regid <= 0){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "register build failed %d", core->regid); return -1; } ua_add_outboundproxy(msg, core->outboundproxy); } ret = eXosip_register_send_register(core->context, core->regid, msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "register %d send failed", core->regid); return ret; } return ret; } static int ua_cmd_unregister(uacore *core) { int ret = -1; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; int expiry = 0; //unregister ret = eXosip_register_build_register(core->context, core->regid, expiry, &msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "unregister %d build failed %d", core->regid, ret); return -1; } ret = eXosip_register_send_register(core->context, core->regid, msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "register %d send failed %d", core->regid, ret); return ret; } core->regid = 0; return ret; } static int ua_cmd_callstart(uacore *core, char *sdp) { int ret = -1; char session_exp[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; ret = eXosip_call_build_initial_invite(core->context, &msg, core->to, core->from, NULL, NULL); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call build failed %s %s", core->from, core->to); return -1; } ua_add_outboundproxy(msg, core->outboundproxy); osip_message_set_body(msg, sdp, strlen(sdp)); osip_message_set_content_type(msg, "application/sdp"); /* UAC call timeout */ snprintf(session_exp, sizeof(session_exp)-1, "%i;refresher=uac", core->calltimeout); osip_message_set_header(msg, "Session-Expires", session_exp); osip_message_set_supported(msg, "timer"); core->callid = eXosip_call_send_initial_invite(core->context, msg); ret = (core->callid > 0) ? 0 : -1; return ret; } static int ua_cmd_callring(uacore *core) { int ret = 0; int code = 180; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; ret = eXosip_call_build_answer(core->context, core->transactionid, code, &msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d build ring failed", core->callid); return ret; } ret = eXosip_call_send_answer(core->context, core->transactionid, code, msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d send ring failed", core->callid); return ret; } return ret; } static int ua_cmd_callanswer(uacore *core, char *sdp) { int ret = 0; int code = 200; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; ret = eXosip_call_build_answer(core->context, core->transactionid, code, &msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d build answer failed", core->callid); return ret; } /* UAS call timeout */ osip_message_set_supported(msg, "timer"); osip_message_set_body(msg, sdp, strlen(sdp)); osip_message_set_content_type(msg, "application/sdp"); ret = eXosip_call_send_answer(core->context, core->transactionid, code, msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d send answer failed", core->callid); return ret; } return ret; } static int ua_cmd_callkeep(uacore *core) { int ret = -1; char session_exp[BUFFER_LEN] = { 0 }; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; ret = eXosip_call_build_request(core->context, core->dialogid, "INVITE", &msg); if (NULL == msg){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d build keep failed", core->callid); return ret; } ret = eXosip_call_send_request(core->context, core->dialogid, msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d send keep failed", core->callid); return ret; } return ret; } static int ua_cmd_callstop(uacore *core) { int ret = 0; ret = eXosip_call_terminate(core->context, core->callid, core->dialogid); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d send stop failed", core->callid); return ret; } return ret; } /*****************************ua notify *****************************/ static int ua_notify_callack(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je) { int ret = 0; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; ret = eXosip_call_build_ack(core->context, je->did, &msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d build ack failed", je->cid); return ret; } ua_add_outboundproxy(msg, core->outboundproxy); ret = eXosip_call_send_ack(core->context, je->did, msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d send ack failed", je->cid); return ret; } return ret; } static int ua_notify_callkeep(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je) { int ret = 0; int code = 200; osip_message_t *msg = NULL; eXosip_call_build_answer(core->context, je->tid, code, &msg); if (NULL == msg){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d send keep answer failed", je->cid); } ret = eXosip_call_send_answer(core->context, je->tid, code, msg); if (0 != ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "call %d send keep answer failed", je->cid); return ret; } return ret; } static int ua_notify_keepalive(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je) { osip_message_t* heart_msg = NULL; static long int heart_tick = 0; heart_tick++; char tmp[4096]; memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); snprintf(tmp, 4096, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\r\n" "<Notify>\r\n" "<CmdType>Keepalive</CmdType>\r\n" "<SN>%ld</SN>\r\n" "<DeviceID>%s</DeviceID>\r\n" "<Status>OK</Status>\r\n" "</Notify>\r\n",heart_tick, g_core.config_ua->user_id); eXosip_message_build_request(core->context, &heart_msg, "MESSAGE", core->proxy, core->from, NULL); osip_message_set_body(heart_msg, tmp, strlen(tmp)); osip_message_set_content_type(heart_msg, "Application/MANSCDP+xml"); eXosip_message_send_request(core->context, heart_msg); return 0; } static int ua_notidy_callid(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je) { core->callid = je->cid; core->dialogid = je->did; core->transactionid = je->tid; return 0; } /*****************************ua response *****************************/ static int get_str( const char* data, const char* s_mark, bool with_s_make, const char* e_mark, bool with_e_make, char* dest ) { const char* satrt = strstr( data, s_mark ); if( satrt != NULL ) { const char* end = strstr( satrt, e_mark ); if( end != NULL ){ int s_pos = with_s_make ? 0 : strlen(s_mark); int e_pos = with_e_make ? strlen(e_mark) : 0; strncpy( dest, satrt+s_pos, (end+e_pos) - (satrt+s_pos) ); } return 0; } return -1; } static void ua_register401_unauthorized_response(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je) { int ret = 0; osip_message_t * reg = NULL; osip_www_authenticate_t * header = NULL; osip_www_authenticate_init(&header); osip_www_authenticate_set_auth_type (header,osip_strdup("Digest")); osip_www_authenticate_set_realm(header,osip_enquote(core->realm)); osip_www_authenticate_set_nonce(header,osip_enquote(core->nonce)); char *dest = NULL; osip_www_authenticate_to_str(header,&dest); ret = eXosip_message_build_answer (core->context,je->tid,401,®); if ( ret == 0 && reg != NULL ) { osip_message_set_www_authenticate(reg,dest); osip_message_set_content_type(reg,"Application/MANSCDP+xml"); eXosip_lock(core->context); eXosip_message_send_answer (core->context,je->tid,401,reg); eXosip_unlock(core->context); } osip_www_authenticate_free(header); osip_free(dest); } static void ua_auth_calc_response(uacore *core, char *username, char *uri, char *method, HASHHEX response) { HASHHEX HA1; DigestCalcHA1("REGISTER",username,core->realm,core->password,core->nonce,NULL,HA1); HASHHEX rresponse; DigestCalcResponse(HA1,core->nonce,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,method,uri,NULL,rresponse); memcpy(response,rresponse,HASHHEXLEN); } static void ua_register_success_response(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je) { int ret = 0 ; osip_message_t * reg = NULL; ret = eXosip_message_build_answer (core->context,je->tid,200,®); if ( ret == 0 && reg != NULL ) { eXosip_lock(core->context); eXosip_message_send_answer (core->context,je->tid,200,reg); eXosip_unlock(core->context); } } static void ua_register_failed_response(uacore *core, eXosip_event_t *je) { int ret = 0 ; osip_message_t * reg = NULL; ret = eXosip_message_build_answer (core->context,je->tid,401,®); if ( ret == 0 && reg != NULL ) { eXosip_lock(core->context); eXosip_message_send_answer (core->context,je->tid,401,reg); eXosip_unlock(core->context); } } static int ua_device_info_response(char* SN, char* DeviceID, char* rsp_xml_body) { snprintf(rsp_xml_body, 4096, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n" "<Response>\r\n" "<CmdType>DeviceInfo</CmdType>\r\n" "<SN>%s</SN>\r\n" "<DeviceID>%s</DeviceID>\r\n" "<Result>OK</Result>\r\n" "<DeviceType>simulate client</DeviceType>\r\n" "<Manufacturer>ZHD</Manufacturer>\r\n" "<Model>28181</Model>\r\n" "<Firmware>fireware</Firmware>\r\n" "<MaxCamera>1</MaxCamera>\r\n" "<MaxAlarm>0</MaxAlarm>\r\n" "</Response>\r\n", SN, DeviceID); return 0; } static int ua_device_boot_response(char* SN, char* DeviceID, char* rsp_xml_body) { snprintf(rsp_xml_body, 4096, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n" "<Response>\r\n" "<CmdType>DeviceStatus</CmdType>\r\n" "<SN>%s</SN>\r\n" "<DeviceID>%s</DeviceID>\r\n" "<Result>OK</Result>\r\n" "</Response>\r\n", SN, DeviceID); return 0; } static int ua_device_status_response(char* SN, char* DeviceID, char* rsp_xml_body) { time_t rawtime; struct tm* timeinfo; time(&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); char curtime[72] = {0}; sprintf(curtime, "%d-%d-%dT%02d:%02d:%02d", (timeinfo->tm_year + 1900), (timeinfo->tm_mon + 1), timeinfo->tm_mday, timeinfo->tm_hour, timeinfo->tm_min, timeinfo->tm_sec); snprintf(rsp_xml_body, 4096, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n" "<Response>\r\n" "<CmdType>DeviceStatus</CmdType>\r\n" "<SN>%s</SN>\r\n" "<DeviceID>%s</DeviceID>\r\n" "<Result>OK</Result>\r\n" "<Online>ONLINE</Online>\r\n" "<Status>OK</Status>\r\n" "<DeviceTime>%s</DeviceTime>\r\n" "<Alarmstatus Num=\"0\">\r\n" "</Alarmstatus>\r\n" "<Encode>ON</Encode>\r\n" "<Record>OFF</Record>\r\n" "</Response>\r\n", SN, DeviceID, curtime); return 0; } static int ua_catalog_response(char* SN, char* DeviceID, char* rsp_xml_body) { snprintf(rsp_xml_body, 4096, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n" "<Response>\r\n" "<CmdType>Catalog</CmdType>\r\n" "<SN>%s</SN>\r\n" "<DeviceID>%s</DeviceID>\r\n" "<SumNum>1</SumNum>\r\n" "<DeviceList Num=\"1\">\r\n" "<Item>\r\n" "<DeviceID>%s</DeviceID>\r\n" "<Name>simulate client</Name>\r\n" "<Manufacturer>ZHD</Manufacturer>\r\n" "<Model>28181</Model>\r\n" "<Owner>Owner</Owner>\r\n" "<CivilCode>CivilCode</CivilCode>\r\n" "<Address>Address</Address>\r\n" "<Parental>0</Parental>\r\n" "<SafetyWay>0</SafetyWay>\r\n" "<RegisterWay>1</RegisterWay>\r\n" "<Secrecy>0</Secrecy>\r\n" "<Status>ON</Status>\r\n" "</Item>\r\n" "</DeviceList>\r\n" "</Response>\r\n", SN, DeviceID, DeviceID); return 0; } /* event ua_notify loop */ static void * ua_notify_thread(void *arg) { uacore *core = (uacore *)arg; int ret = 0; int code = -1; while (core->running){ osip_message_t *msg = NULL; eXosip_event_t *je = eXosip_event_wait(core->context, 0, 20); if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UAC") == 0){ static int counter = 0; counter++; if (counter % (10*g_core.config_ua->heartbeat) == 0) { struct eXosip_stats stats; memset (&stats, 0, sizeof (struct eXosip_stats)); eXosip_lock (core->context); eXosip_set_option (core->context, EXOSIP_OPT_GET_STATISTICS, &stats); eXosip_unlock (core->context); uaslog ("eXosip stats: inmemory=(tr:%i//reg:%i) average=(tr:%f//reg:%f)", stats.allocated_transactions, stats.allocated_registrations, stats.average_transactions, stats.average_registrations); ua_notify_keepalive(core, je); } } if (NULL == je){ /* auto process,such as:register refresh,auth,call keep... */ eXosip_automatic_action(core->context); osip_usleep(100000); continue; } eXosip_automatic_action(core->context); switch (je->type){ case EXOSIP_REGISTRATION_SUCCESS: if (UA_CMD_REGISTER == core->cmd){ //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "register %d sucess", je->rid); ua_notify_keepalive(core, je); } else { //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "unregister %d sucess", je->rid); } break; case EXOSIP_REGISTRATION_FAILURE: if (UA_CMD_REGISTER == core->cmd){ //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "register %d failure", je->rid); } else{ //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "unregister %d failure", je->rid); } break; case EXOSIP_CALL_INVITE:{ //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ua_notidy_callid(core, je); ua_cmd_callring(core); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d incoming,please answer...", je->cid); #if 1 sdp_message_t *sdp_msg = eXosip_get_remote_sdp(core->context, je->did); if ( !sdp_msg ) break; sdp_connection_t *connection = eXosip_get_video_connection(sdp_msg); if ( !connection ) break; char *remote_ip = connection->c_addr; sdp_media_t * video_sdp = eXosip_get_video_media(sdp_msg); if ( !video_sdp ) break; char* remote_port = video_sdp->m_port; /*media_type:rtp_over_udp/rtp_over_tcp*/ printf("m_media:%s,m_port:%s,m_number_of_port:%s,m_proto:%s\n", \ video_sdp->m_media,video_sdp->m_port,video_sdp->m_number_of_port,video_sdp->m_proto); /*setup:active/passive*/ char setup[64]; for (int i = 0; i < video_sdp->a_attributes.nb_elt; i++) { sdp_attribute_t *attr = (sdp_attribute_t*)osip_list_get(&video_sdp->a_attributes, i); printf("%s : %s\n", attr->a_att_field, attr->a_att_value); if(strcmp(attr->a_att_field,"setup")==0) strcpy(setup, attr->a_att_value); } char tmp[4096]; if(strcmp(video_sdp->m_proto, "RTP/AVP") == 0){ snprintf (tmp, 4096, "v=0\r\n" "o=%s 0 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n" "s=Play\r\n" "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "m=video %s RTP/AVP 96 98 97\r\n" "a=recvonly\r\n" "a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000\r\n" "y=0100000001\r\n" "f=\r\n", g_core.config_ua->user_id, g_core.config_ua->server_ip, get_ip(), remote_port); }else if(strcmp(video_sdp->m_proto, "TCP/RTP/AVP") == 0){ snprintf (tmp, 4096, "v=0\r\n" "o=%s 0 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n" "s=Play\r\n" "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "m=video %s TCP/RTP/AVP 96 98 97\r\n" "a=recvonly\r\n" "a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000\r\n" "a=setup:passive\r\n" "a=connection:new\r\n" "y=0100000001\r\n" "f=\r\n", g_core.config_ua->user_id, g_core.config_ua->server_ip, get_ip(), remote_port); }else{ /*unknow media translate proto type !*/ } ua_cmd_callanswer(&g_core, tmp); #endif break; } case EXOSIP_CALL_REINVITE: //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ua_notidy_callid(core, je); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d keep", je->cid); ua_notify_callkeep(core, je); break; case EXOSIP_CALL_RINGING: if (je->request){ //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ua_notidy_callid(core, je); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d ring", je->cid); } else{ //ua_printf_msg(je, RESPONSE); uaslog("ringing!\n"); uaslog("call_id %d,dialog_id %d \n",je->cid,je->did); } break; case EXOSIP_CALL_PROCEEDING: //ua_printf_msg(je, RESPONSE); uaslog("proceeding!\n"); break; case EXOSIP_CALL_ANSWERED: if (je->response){ //ua_printf_msg(je, RESPONSE); uaslog("connected!\n"); code = osip_message_get_status_code(je->response); osip_message_t* ack; eXosip_call_build_ack(core->context,je->did,&ack); eXosip_call_send_ack(core->context,je->did,ack); sdp_message_t *sdp_msg = eXosip_get_remote_sdp(core->context, je->did); if ( !sdp_msg ) break; sdp_connection_t *connection = eXosip_get_video_connection(sdp_msg); if ( !connection ) break; char *remote_ip = connection->c_addr; sdp_media_t * video_sdp = eXosip_get_video_media(sdp_msg); if ( !video_sdp ) break; char* remote_port = video_sdp->m_port; /*media_type:rtp_over_udp/rtp_over_tcp*/ printf("m_media:%s,m_port:%s,m_number_of_port:%s,m_proto:%s\n", \ video_sdp->m_media,video_sdp->m_port,video_sdp->m_number_of_port,video_sdp->m_proto); /*setup:active/passive*/ char setup[64]; for (int i = 0; i < video_sdp->a_attributes.nb_elt; i++) { sdp_attribute_t *attr = (sdp_attribute_t*)osip_list_get(&video_sdp->a_attributes, i); printf("%s : %s\n", attr->a_att_field, attr->a_att_value); if(strcmp(attr->a_att_field,"setup")==0) strcpy(setup, attr->a_att_value); } #if 0 (*(core->task)) = (task_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(task_t)); (*(core->task))->remote_ip = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->local_ip = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->role = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->transport = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->setup = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->buffer = rb_create(DATA_ITEM_NMAX, sizeof(data_t)); (*(core->task))->buf = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*TASK_BUFFER_SIZE); strcpy((*(core->task))->remote_ip, remote_ip); (*(core->task))->remote_port = atoi(remote_port); strcpy((*(core->task))->local_ip, get_ip()); (*(core->task))->local_port = atoi(remote_port)/*core->rtp_port*/; strcpy((*(core->task))->role, core->role); strcpy((*(core->task))->transport, video_sdp->m_proto); strcpy((*(core->task))->setup, setup); (*(core->task))->media_index = core->media_index; task_gb28181_bridge_creat_run((*(core->task))); (*(core->task))++; core->media_index++; #endif uaslog("created ps stream channel to recv device data (rtp port:%s)", remote_port); } else{ //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ua_notidy_callid(core, je); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d answer %d", je->cid, code); ua_notify_callack(core, je); } break; case EXOSIP_CALL_NOANSWER: //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d noanswer", je->cid); ua_notidy_callid(core, je); break; case EXOSIP_CALL_REQUESTFAILURE: case EXOSIP_CALL_GLOBALFAILURE: case EXOSIP_CALL_SERVERFAILURE: ua_notidy_callid(core, je); if (je->response) code = osip_message_get_status_code(je->response); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d failture %d", je->cid, code); break; case EXOSIP_CALL_ACK:{ //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d ack", je->cid); ua_notidy_callid(core, je); sdp_message_t *sdp_msg = eXosip_get_remote_sdp(core->context, je->did); if ( !sdp_msg ) break; sdp_connection_t *connection = eXosip_get_video_connection(sdp_msg); if ( !connection ) break; char *remote_ip = connection->c_addr; sdp_media_t * video_sdp = eXosip_get_video_media(sdp_msg); if ( !video_sdp ) break; char* remote_port = video_sdp->m_port; /*media_type:rtp_over_udp/rtp_over_tcp*/ printf("m_media:%s,m_port:%s,m_number_of_port:%s,m_proto:%s\n", \ video_sdp->m_media,video_sdp->m_port,video_sdp->m_number_of_port,video_sdp->m_proto); /*setup:active/passive*/ char setup[64]; for (int i = 0; i < video_sdp->a_attributes.nb_elt; i++) { sdp_attribute_t *attr = (sdp_attribute_t*)osip_list_get(&video_sdp->a_attributes, i); printf("%s : %s\n", attr->a_att_field, attr->a_att_value); if(strcmp(attr->a_att_field,"setup")==0) strcpy(setup, attr->a_att_value); } #if 0 (*(core->task)) = (task_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(task_t)); (*(core->task))->remote_ip = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->local_ip = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->role = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->transport = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->setup = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*64); (*(core->task))->buffer = rb_create(DATA_ITEM_NMAX, sizeof(data_t)); (*(core->task))->buf = (char*)calloc(1, sizeof(char)*TASK_BUFFER_SIZE); strcpy((*(core->task))->remote_ip, remote_ip); (*(core->task))->remote_port = atoi(remote_port); strcpy((*(core->task))->local_ip, get_ip()); (*(core->task))->local_port = atoi(remote_port)/*core->rtp_port*/; strcpy((*(core->task))->role, core->role); strcpy((*(core->task))->transport, video_sdp->m_proto); strcpy((*(core->task))->setup, setup); (*(core->task))->media_index = core->media_index; task_gb28181_bridge_creat_run((*(core->task))); //(*(core->task))++; core->media_index++; #endif uaslog("push ps stream to server rtp port:%s", remote_port); break; } case EXOSIP_CALL_CLOSED: if (je->request){ //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d stop", je->cid); //task_gb28181_bridge_release(*(core->task)); } else{ //ua_printf_msg(je, RESPONSE); uaslog("other side closed!\n"); } break; case EXOSIP_CALL_CANCELLED: //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d cancel", je->cid); break; case EXOSIP_CALL_RELEASED: //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); ualog(LOG_INFO, "call %d release", je->cid); break; /*UA eXosip message event*/ case EXOSIP_MESSAGE_NEW: if ( MSG_IS_REGISTER(je->request) ) { //ua_printf_msg(je, RESPONSE); osip_authorization_t * ss_dest = NULL; osip_message_get_authorization(je->request,0,&ss_dest); if ( ss_dest != NULL ) { char *ss_method = je->request->sip_method; char *ss_algorithm = osip_strdup_without_quote(ss_dest->algorithm); char *ss_username = NULL; if ( ss_dest->username != NULL ) { ss_username = osip_strdup_without_quote(ss_dest->username); } char *ss_realm = NULL; if ( ss_dest->realm != NULL ) { ss_realm = osip_strdup_without_quote(ss_dest->realm); } char *ss_nonce = NULL; if ( ss_dest->nonce != NULL ) { ss_nonce = osip_strdup_without_quote(ss_dest->nonce); } char *ss_nonce_count = NULL; if ( ss_dest->nonce_count != NULL) { ss_nonce_count = osip_strdup_without_quote(ss_dest->nonce_count); } char *ss_uri = NULL; if ( ss_dest->uri != NULL ) { ss_uri = osip_strdup_without_quote(ss_dest->uri); } HASHHEX HA1; DigestCalcHA1(ss_algorithm,ss_username,ss_realm,core->password,ss_nonce, ss_nonce_count, HA1); HASHHEX Response; HASHHEX HA2=""; DigestCalcResponse(HA1,ss_nonce,ss_nonce_count,ss_dest->cnonce,ss_dest->message_qop,0, ss_method,ss_uri,HA2,Response); char calc_response[HASHHEXLEN]; ua_auth_calc_response(core,ss_username,ss_uri,ss_method,calc_response); if ( memcmp(calc_response,Response,HASHHEXLEN) == 0 ) { ua_register_success_response(core,je); uaslog("register_success\n"); } else { ua_register_failed_response(core,je); uaslog("register_failed\n"); } osip_free(ss_algorithm); osip_free(ss_username); osip_free(ss_realm); osip_free(ss_nonce); osip_free(ss_nonce_count); osip_free(ss_uri); } else { uaslog("register401_unauthorized\n"); ua_register401_unauthorized_response(core,je); } } else if(MSG_IS_MESSAGE(je->request)) { //ua_printf_msg(je, REQUEST); osip_body_t* req_body = NULL; osip_message_get_body(je->request, 0, &req_body); char CmdType[64] = {0}, SN[64] = {0}, DeviceID[64] = {0}, TeleBoot[64] = {0}, rsp_xml_body[4096] = {0}; get_str(req_body->body, "<CmdType>", false, "</CmdType>", false, CmdType); get_str(req_body->body, "<SN>", false, "</SN>", false, SN); get_str(req_body->body, "<DeviceID>", false, "</DeviceID>", false, DeviceID); uaslog("SIP Message : CmdType~%s, SN~%s,DeviceID~%s", CmdType, SN, DeviceID); if(strcmp(CmdType, "DeviceInfo") == 0) ua_device_info_response(SN, DeviceID, rsp_xml_body); if (strcmp(CmdType, "Catalog") == 0) ua_catalog_response(SN, DeviceID, rsp_xml_body); if (strcmp(CmdType, "DeviceStatus") == 0) ua_device_status_response(SN, DeviceID, rsp_xml_body); if (strcmp(CmdType, "DeviceControl") == 0) { get_str(req_body->body, "<TeleBoot>", false, "</TeleBoot>", false, TeleBoot); if (strcmp(TeleBoot, "Boot")) ua_device_boot_response(SN, DeviceID, rsp_xml_body); } osip_message_t* rsp_msg = NULL; sprintf (core->from, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->user_id,"@", get_ip(),":",g_core.config_ua->user_port); sprintf (core->to, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_id,"@" ,g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); eXosip_message_build_request(core->context, &rsp_msg, "MESSAGE", core->to, core->from, NULL); osip_message_set_body(rsp_msg, rsp_xml_body, strlen(rsp_xml_body)); osip_message_set_content_type(rsp_msg, "Application/MANSCDP+xml"); eXosip_message_send_request(core->context,rsp_msg); } break; case EXOSIP_MESSAGE_ANSWERED:{ break; } case EXOSIP_MESSAGE_REQUESTFAILURE: break; default: ualog(LOG_INFO, "recv unknow msg %d\n",je->type); break; } eXosip_event_free(je); } eXosip_quit(core->context); osip_free(core->context); pthread_detach(pthread_self()); return 0; } /***************************** main *****************************/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ret = 0; struct servent *service = NULL; /* init */ signal(SIGINT, stop); memset(&g_core, 0, sizeof(uacore)); g_core.running = 1; g_core.expiry = 3600; g_core.localport = 5060; g_core.calltimeout = 1800; /*0:rtp_over_udp, 1:rtp_over_tcp*/ g_core.media_proto = 1; /*0:passive, 1:active*/ g_core.media_req_mode = 0; init(&g_core); if(strcmp(argv[1],"-c") == 0){ if (ini_parse(argv[2], config_ua_handler, (g_core.config_ua)) < 0) { printf("load 'config file' failed !\n"); return -1; } sprintf (g_core.role, "%s", g_core.config_ua->role); } if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UA") == 0){ sprintf (g_core.username, "%s", g_core.config_ua->server_id); sprintf (g_core.password, "%s", g_core.config_ua->passwd); sprintf (g_core.transport, "%s", g_core.config_ua->transport); sprintf (g_core.realm, "%s", "3402000000"); sprintf (g_core.nonce, "%s", "1234567890123456"); sprintf (g_core.from, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->user_id,"@", g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); sprintf (g_core.proxy, "%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); sprintf (g_core.outboundproxy, "%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); sprintf (, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->user_id,"@", g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); g_core.expiry = g_core.config_ua->expiry; g_core.localport = g_core.config_ua->user_port; }else if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UAS") == 0){ sprintf (g_core.username, "%s", g_core.config_ua->server_id); sprintf (g_core.password, "%s", g_core.config_ua->passwd); sprintf (g_core.transport, "%s", g_core.config_ua->transport); sprintf (g_core.realm, "%s", "3402000000"); sprintf (g_core.nonce, "%s", "1234567890123456"); g_core.expiry = g_core.config_ua->expiry; g_core.localport = g_core.config_ua->server_port; }else if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UAC") == 0){ sprintf (g_core.username, "%s", g_core.config_ua->user_id); sprintf (g_core.password, "%s", g_core.config_ua->passwd); sprintf (g_core.transport, "%s", g_core.config_ua->transport); g_core.expiry = g_core.config_ua->expiry; g_core.localport = g_core.config_ua->user_port; sprintf (g_core.from, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->user_id,"@", g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->user_port); sprintf (g_core.proxy, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_id,"@", g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); sprintf (, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->user_id,"@", \ get_ip(),":",g_core.config_ua->user_port); //sprintf (g_core.outboundproxy, "%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); }else{ printf( "\t-r --proxy\tsip:proxyhost[:port]\n" "\t-f --fromuser\tsip:fromuser@host[:port]\n" "\t-t --touser\tsip:touser@host[:port]\n" "\t-c --contact\tsip:user@host[:port]\n" "\t-R --route\toutboundproxy or SBC or P-CSCF(sip:outboundproxyhost[:port])\n" ); } ualog(LOG_INFO, "proxy: %s", g_core.proxy); ualog(LOG_INFO, "outboundproxy: %s", g_core.outboundproxy); ualog(LOG_INFO, "from: %s", g_core.from); ualog(LOG_INFO, "to: %s",; ualog(LOG_INFO, "contact: %s",; ualog(LOG_INFO, "expiry: %d", g_core.expiry); ualog(LOG_INFO, "localport: %d", g_core.localport); ualog(LOG_INFO, "transport: %s", g_core.transport); ualog(LOG_INFO, "role: %s", g_core.role); ualog(LOG_INFO, "calltimeout: %d", g_core.calltimeout); g_core.context = eXosip_malloc(); if (eXosip_init(g_core.context)){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "init failed"); return -1; } if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.transport, "UDP") == 0){ ret = eXosip_listen_addr(g_core.context, IPPROTO_UDP, NULL, g_core.localport, AF_INET, 0); } else if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.transport, "TCP") == 0){ ret = eXosip_listen_addr(g_core.context, IPPROTO_TCP, NULL, g_core.localport, AF_INET, 0); } else if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.transport, "TLS") == 0){ ret = eXosip_listen_addr(g_core.context, IPPROTO_TCP, NULL, g_core.localport, AF_INET, 1); } else if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.transport, "DTLS") == 0){ ret = eXosip_listen_addr(g_core.context, IPPROTO_UDP, NULL, g_core.localport, AF_INET, 1); } else{ ret = -1; } if (ret){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "listen failed"); return -1; } if (g_core.localip){ ualog(LOG_INFO, "local address: %s", g_core.localip); eXosip_masquerade_contact(g_core.context, g_core.localip, g_core.localport); } if (g_core.firewallip){ ualog(LOG_INFO, "firewall address: %s:%i", g_core.firewallip, g_core.localport); eXosip_masquerade_contact(g_core.context, g_core.firewallip, g_core.localport); } eXosip_set_user_agent(g_core.context, UA_VERSION); if (g_core.username && g_core.password){ ualog(LOG_INFO, "username: %s", g_core.username); ualog(LOG_INFO, "password: ******"); ualog(LOG_INFO, "realm: %s", g_core.realm); ualog(LOG_INFO, "nonce: %s", g_core.nonce); if (eXosip_add_authentication_info(g_core.context, g_core.username, g_core.username, g_core.password, NULL, NULL)){ ualog(LOG_ERR, "add_authentication_info failed"); return -1; } } /* start */ if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UAS") == 0){ uaslog("eXosip UAS Startup..."); uas_cmd_usage(); }else if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UAC") == 0){ ualog(LOG_INFO, "eXosip UAC Startup..."); ua_cmd_usage(); }else{ ualog(LOG_INFO, "eXosip UA Startup..."); ua_cmd_usage(); } pthread_create(&g_core.ua_notifythread, NULL, ua_notify_thread, &g_core); if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UAC") == 0){ g_core.cmd = UA_CMD_REGISTER; ua_cmd_register(&g_core); } printf("....................test......................\n"); printf(">"); while (g_core.running){ char c = getchar(); eXosip_lock(g_core.context); switch (c){ case UA_CMD_REGISTER: g_core.cmd = c; ua_cmd_register(&g_core); break; case UA_CMD_CALL_START:{ char tmp[4096]; if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UAS") == 0){ //test const char *user_id = "34020000001320000222"; const char *user_ip = ""; const int user_port = 5222; sprintf (g_core.from, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_id,"@", get_ip(),":", \ g_core.config_ua->server_port); sprintf (, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:", user_id, "@", user_ip, ":", user_port); sprintf (, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_id,"@", \ g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); //sprintf (g_core.outboundproxy, "%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":", \ g_core.config_ua->server_port); g_core.rtp_port = get_rand_rtp_port(g_core.config_ua->rtp_port_start, g_core.config_ua->rtp_port_end); if(g_core.media_proto==0){ snprintf (tmp, 4096, "v=0\r\n" "o=%s 0 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n" "s=Play\r\n" "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "m=video %d RTP/AVP 96 98 97\r\n" "a=recvonly\r\n" "a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000\r\n" "y=0100000001\r\n" "f=\r\n", g_core.config_ua->server_id, get_ip(), get_ip(), g_core.rtp_port); }else if(g_core.media_proto==1){ snprintf (tmp, 4096, "v=0\r\n" "o=%s 0 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n" "s=Play\r\n" "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "m=video %d TCP/RTP/AVP 96 98 97\r\n" "a=recvonly\r\n" "a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000\r\n" "a=setup:passive\r\n" "a=connection:new\r\n" "y=0100000001\r\n" "f=\r\n", g_core.config_ua->server_id, get_ip(), get_ip(), g_core.rtp_port); }else{ /*unknow media translate proto type !*/ } } ua_cmd_callstart(&g_core, tmp); break; } case UA_CMD_CALL_ANSWER:{ /* char tmp[4096]; int rtp_port = 6000; snprintf (tmp, 4096, "v=0\r\n" "o=%s 0 0 IN IP4 %s\r\n" "s=Play\r\n" "c=IN IP4 %s\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "m=video %d RTP/AVP 96\r\n" "a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000\r\n" "a=sendonly\r\n", g_core.config_ua->user_id, g_core.config_ua->server_ip, get_ip(),rtp_port); ua_cmd_callanswer(&g_core, tmp); */ break; } case UA_CMD_CALL_KEEP:{ ua_cmd_callkeep(&g_core); } break; case UA_CMD_CALL_STOP:{ //test const char *user_id = "34020000001320000222"; const char *user_ip = ""; const int user_port = 5222; sprintf (g_core.from, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_id,"@", get_ip(),":", \ g_core.config_ua->server_port); sprintf (, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:", user_id, "@", user_ip, ":", user_port); sprintf (, "%s%s%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_id,"@", \ g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":",g_core.config_ua->server_port); //sprintf (g_core.outboundproxy, "%s%s%s%d", "sip:",g_core.config_ua->server_ip,":", \ g_core.config_ua->server_port); ua_cmd_callstop(&g_core); break; } case UA_CMD_UNREGISTER: g_core.cmd = c; ua_cmd_unregister(&g_core); break; case UA_CMD_HELP: ua_cmd_usage(); break; case UA_CMD_QUIT: g_core.running = 0; break; case '\n': printf(">"); break; default: ualog(LOG_ERR, "unknown '%c'", c); break; } eXosip_unlock(g_core.context); } /* stop */ if (osip_strcasecmp(g_core.role, "UAS") == 0){ printf("%s stop\n", UAS_VERSION); }else{ printf("%s stop\n", UA_VERSION); } quit(&g_core); return 0; }
4. demo测试
dong@dong-ubuntu:~/zhoudd/ua$ ./ua -c ./conf/gb28181.server.ini
>expiry: 0
>localport: 5060
>transport: UDP
>role: UAS
>calltimeout: 1800
>local address:
>firewall address: :5060
>username: 34020000002000000001
>password: ******
>realm: 3402000000
>nonce: 1234567890123456
>[2020-05-14 10:43:12.09] eXosip UAS Startup...
please select:
2: call start
5: call stop
h: help
q: quit
>[2020-05-14 10:43:32.19] register401_unauthorized
[2020-05-14 10:43:32.19] register_success
[2020-05-14 10:43:32.19] SIP Message : CmdType~Keepalive, SN~1,DeviceID~34020000001320000222
>[2020-05-14 10:43:34.96] proceeding!
call 1 ring
>[2020-05-14 10:43:35.08] connected!
recvonly : (null)
rtpmap : 96 PS/90000
rtpmap : 98 H264/90000
rtpmap : 97 MPEG4/90000
setup : passive
connection : new
[2020-05-14 10:43:35.08] created ps stream channel to recv device data (rtp port:17950)
[2020-05-14 10:44:08.02] SIP Message : CmdType~Keepalive, SN~2,DeviceID~34020000001320000222
[2020-05-14 10:44:44.45] SIP Message : CmdType~Keepalive, SN~3,DeviceID~34020000001320000222
[2020-05-14 10:45:20.76] SIP Message : CmdType~Keepalive, SN~4,DeviceID~34020000001320000222
[2020-05-14 10:45:57.20] SIP Message : CmdType~Keepalive, SN~5,DeviceID~34020000001320000222
[2020-05-14 10:46:33.51] SIP Message : CmdType~Keepalive, SN~6,DeviceID~34020000001320000222
[2020-05-14 10:47:09.95] SIP Message : CmdType~Keepalive, SN~7,DeviceID~34020000001320000222
dong@ubuntu:~/ua$ ./ua -c ./conf/gb28181.client.ini
proxy: sip:34020000002000000001@
>from: sip:34020000001320000222@
>contact: sip:34020000001320000222@
>expiry: 3600
>localport: 5222
>transport: UDP
>role: UAC
>calltimeout: 1800
>local address:
>firewall address: :5222
>username: 34020000001320000222
>password: ******
>eXosip UAC Startup...
>please select:
1: register
2: call start
3: call answer
4: call keep
5: call stop
6: unregister
h: help
q: quit
>register 1 failure
>register 1 sucess
>call 1 incoming,please answer...
recvonly : (null)
rtpmap : 96 PS/90000
rtpmap : 98 H264/90000
rtpmap : 97 MPEG4/90000
setup : passive
connection : new
call 1 ack
recvonly : (null)
rtpmap : 96 PS/90000
rtpmap : 98 H264/90000
rtpmap : 97 MPEG4/90000
setup : passive
connection : new
[2020-05-14 10:43:35.08] push ps stream to server rtp port:17950
[2020-05-14 10:44:07.96] eXosip stats: inmemory=(tr:2//reg:1) average=(tr:399.959991//reg:99.989998)
[2020-05-14 10:44:44.32] eXosip stats: inmemory=(tr:2//reg:1) average=(tr:249.987503//reg:49.997501)
[2020-05-14 10:45:20.71] eXosip stats: inmemory=(tr:2//reg:1) average=(tr:198.158600//reg:33.026432)
[2020-05-14 10:45:57.09] eXosip stats: inmemory=(tr:2//reg:1) average=(tr:173.788788//reg:24.826969)
[2020-05-14 10:46:33.47] eXosip stats: inmemory=(tr:2//reg:1) average=(tr:159.112869//reg:19.889109)
[2020-05-14 10:47:09.85] eXosip stats: inmemory=(tr:2//reg:1) average=(tr:148.621399//reg:16.513489)
5. 功能完善
REGISTER sip:34020000002000000001@3402000000:5060 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK486745920;received=
From: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000:5060>;tag=664773380
To: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000:5060>
Call-ID: 790171336
Contact: <sip:34020000001320000001@>
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Camera
Expires: 3600
Content-Length: 0
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
To: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000:5060>;tag=65990692_53173353_531c5a1e-2a55-4e70-8d7a-03ea484ba3ab
Call-ID: 790171336
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK486745920;received=
From: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000:5060>;tag=664773380
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="3402000000",nonce="c98f6d56cb2ab8e6"
Content-Length: 0
REGISTER sip:34020000002000000001@3402000000:5060 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK1887657866;received=
From: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000:5060>;tag=664773380
To: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000:5060>
Call-ID: 790171336
Contact: <sip:34020000001320000001@>
Authorization: Digest username="34020000001320000001",realm="3402000000",nonce="c98f6d56cb2ab8e6",uri="sip:34020000002000000001@3402000000:5060",response="79d8846430436131196c50746cd97fa5",algorithm=MD5
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Camera
Expires: 3600
Content-Length: 0
SIP/2.0 200 OK
To: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000:5060>;tag=91259330_53173353_e4ab511d-9718-4fdc-a1f7-4e466c4345b9
Call-ID: 790171336
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK1887657866;received=
From: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000:5060>;tag=664773380
Contact: <sip:34020000001320000001@>
Expires: 3600
Date: 2020-04-21T10:52:55.103
TimeRevise: 20200421105255
Content-Length: 0
MESSAGE sip:34020000002000000001@3402000000 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK219387606;received=
From: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000>;tag=1293913070
To: <sip:34020000002000000001@3402000000>
Call-ID: 1375843967
Content-Type: Application/MANSCDP+xml
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: IP Camera
Content-Length: 160
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
SIP/2.0 200 OK
To: <sip:34020000002000000001@3402000000>;tag=63521570_53173353_d383f4f9-7693-4a43-8dac-ef24aa3a0bcd
Call-ID: 1375843967
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bK219387606;received=
From: <sip:34020000001320000001@3402000000>;tag=1293913070
Content-Length: 0
#device catlog
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#device info
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#device status
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
o=34020000002000000001 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=video 6000 RTP/AVP 96 98 97
a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000
a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000
#tcp active invite
o=34020000002000000001 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=video 6000 TCP/RTP/AVP 96 98 97
a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000
a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000
#tcp passive invite
o=34020000002000000001 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=video 6000 TCP/RTP/AVP 96 98 97
a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000
a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#zoom in
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#zoom out
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#ptz stop
<?xml version="1.0"?>
o=34020000002000000001 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=1311904968 1311906769
m=video 6000 RTP/AVP 96 98 97
a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000
a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000
o=34020000002000000001 0 0 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=1311904968 1311906769
m=video 6000 RTP/AVP 96 98 97
a=rtpmap:96 PS/90000
a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
a=rtpmap:97 MPEG4/90000
CSeq: 2
Scale: 1.0
Range: npt=15-
CSeq: 1
PauseTime: 15
#play scale+
CSeq: 3
Scale: 2.0
Range: npt=0-
#play scale-
CSeq: 3
Scale: 0.5
Range: npt=0-
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#stop record
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#record info
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#set guard
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#reset guard
<?xml version="1.0"?>
#reset alarm
<?xml version="1.0"?>
设备端接入log(register - catlog -invite )
rtp over udp 参考
rtp over tcp 参考
6. 感谢
7. 折腾完了发现exosip官网的demo更好!
1 设备端
2 服务端
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