


  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 # install postgre
  3 # base_path=$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}); pwd )
  4 base_path="/opt"
  5 # Pg database installation package name
  6 pg_name="./postgresql-9.6.15-1-linux-x64-binaries.tar.gz"
  7 # Pg database installation path
  8 pg_deploy_path="$base_path/postgreSQL"
  9 # Directory of data stored in the pg database
 10 pg_data_path="${pg_deploy_path}/data"
 11 # Directory of data stored in the pg database
 12 user_name='pguser'
 15 # unzip pg 
 16 function pg_untar(){
 17     if [ -d ${pg_deploy_path} ];then
 18       echo "pg has been installed"
 19     else
 20       if [ ! -e ${pg_name} ];then
 21         echo "Missing pg installation package"
 22       else
 23          mkdir -p ${pg_deploy_path}
 24          tar -zxf ${pg_name} -C ${pg_deploy_path}
 25       fi
 26     fi
 27 }
 31 # Create a Linux user to log in to the PG database
 32 function pg_create_user(){
 33 #  user_exist=`cat /etc/passwd | grep '^${user_name}:' -c`
 34   egrep "^${user_name}" /etc/passwd >/dev/null
 35   if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
 36     pass=$(perl -e 'print crypt($ARGV[0], "password")' $user_name)
 37     useradd -m -p $pass ${user_name}
 38     #useradd -m -p 'postgres' ${user_name}
 39     [ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "user [${user_name}] has been added to system!" || echo "Failed to add user [${user_name}]"
 40   else
 41     echo "user [${user_name}] exists"
 42   fi
 43 }
 45 #init pg
 46 function pg_init(){
 47     #Create a data directory
 48     mkdir -p ${pg_data_path}
 49     touch ${pg_deploy_path}/logfile
 50     #Grant user access
 51     chown -R ${user_name} ${pg_data_path}
 52     chown ${user_name} ${pg_deploy_path}/logfile
 54     # init database 
 55     su - ${user_name} -c "${pg_deploy_path}/pgsql/bin/initdb -D ${pg_data_path}"
 56 }
 58 #Modify config of the pg database
 59 # 
 60 function pg_modify_config(){
 61     id_path=${pg_data_path}/postgresql.conf
 62     local_path=${pg_data_path}/pg_hba.conf
 63     localip=$(/sbin/ifconfig -a|grep inet|grep -v|grep -v inet6|awk '{print $2}'|tr -d "addr:")
 64     if [ -d ${pg_data_path} ];then
 65       chown -R 'root' ${pg_data_path}
 66       #Modify listening ip
 67       sed -i "s@#listen_addresses = 'localhost'@listen_addresses = \'${localip}\'@g" $id_path
 68       #Modify Trust client ip
 69       #sed -i "s@#listen_addresses = 'localhost'@listen_addresses = \'${localip}\'@g" $id_path
 70       sed '86 ahost   all   all   trust' -i $local_path
 71       chown -R ${user_name} ${pg_data_path}
 72     else
 73       echo "You need to initialize the database with the command:\n\t  ${pg_deploy_path}/pgsql/bin/initdb -D ${pg_data_path} "
 74     fi
 75 }
 77 # start pg database
 78 function pg_start(){
 79  su - ${user_name} -c "${pg_deploy_path}/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D ${pg_data_path} -l ${pg_deploy_path}/logfile start"
 80 }
 81 # create default database bms_ops
 82 function pg_createdb(){
 83  sleep 3s
 84  default_db="bms_ops"
 85  su - ${user_name} -c "${pg_deploy_path}/pgsql/bin/createdb -O ${user_name} ${default_db}"
 86 }
 87 #Open 5432 port
 88 function pg_open_port(){
 89   isopen=$(firewall-cmd --query-port=5432/tcp)
 90   if [ 'no' == $isopen ];then
 91    firewall-cmd --add-port=5432/tcp --permanent>/dev/null
 92    firewall-cmd --reload>/dev/null
 93   else
 94     echo "port 5432 already opened"
 95   fi
 97 }
 99 echo "============== start install pg =============="
100 if [ -d ${pg_deploy_path} ];then
101   echo "pg has been installed"
102 else
103   pg_untar
104   pg_create_user
105   pg_init
106   pg_modify_config
107   pg_start
108   pg_createdb
109   pg_open_port
110 fi
111 echo "============== finish installing pg =============="


posted @ 2019-08-14 14:13  donfaquir  阅读(461)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报