WebDriver(Selenium2) 常见异常及处理方法
Exception NoSuchElementException
1. Check the locator of your target element.
2. If the locator is current. Try to wait for page load before find element.
3. If already wait for long time and always cannot find the element, try to use another type locator.
Exception NoSuchWindowException
1.Check the window’s locator.
2.Wait page load before find the window.
Exception NoAlertPresentException
1.Make sure the alert( javascript pop window not new window) will present.
2.Wait page load before deal the alert.
Exception NoSuchFrameException
1.Check the frame’s locator.
2.Check is the frame has some father frame.(if has father frame you should switch to the father frame first)
3.Make sure switch to the default content before switch to target frame( only for single frame)
4.Wait page load before switch to frame.
Exception UnhandledAlertException
1. Check if there is some alert dialog present. ( JavaScript pop window). And deal with them.
2. If no javascript pop window present but the exception still occurs. Make sure the developer tools is closed when running automation case. (Because since selenium 2.19. “UnhandledAlertException” added and they think the developer tool is an alert)
Exception UnexpectedTagNameException
1.Check the target element’s html tag name.
2.Try to wait for page load then initializing the selector.
Exception StaleElementReferenceException
1.Re-find the element again. (Because the element has been refresh.)
Exception TimeoutException
1. Check the expected conditions locator.
2..Increase the wait time.