Dynamic maps that allow continuous map rotations, e.g., on mobile devices, encounter new issues unseen in static map labeling before. We study the following dynamic map labeling problem: The input is a static, labeled map, i.e., a set P of points in the plane with attached nonoverlapping horizontal rectangular labels. The goal is to find a consistent labeling of P under rotation that maximizes the number of visible labels for all rotation angles such that the labels remain horizontal while the map is rotated. A labeling is consistent if a single active interval of angles is selected for each label such that labels neither intersect each other nor occlude points in P at any rotation angle. We first introduce a general model for labeling rotating maps and derive basic geometric properties of consistent solutions. We show NP completeness of the active interval maximization problem even for unitsquare labels. We then present a constant-factor approximation for this problem based on line stabbing, and refine it further into an efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme (EPTAS). Finally, we extend the EPTAS to the more general setting of rectangular labels of bounded size and aspect ratio.
1 Introduction
Dynamic maps, in which the user can navigate continuously through space, are becoming increasingly important in scientific and commercial GIS applications as well as in personal mapping applications. In particular GPS-equipped mobile devices offer various new possibilities for interactive, location-aware maps. A common principle in dynamic maps is that users can pan, rotate, and zoom the map view. Despite the popularity of several commercial and free applications, relatively little attention has been paid to provably good labeling algorithms for dynamic maps.
Been et al. [2] identified a set of consistency desiderata for dynamic map labeling. Labels should neither "jump" (suddenly change position or size) nor "pop" (appear and disappear more than once) during monotonous map navigation; moreover, the labeling should be a function of the selected map viewport and not depend on the user's navigation history. Previous work on the topic has focused solely on supporting zooming and/or panning of the map [2,3,11],whereas consistent labeling under map rotations has not been considered prior to this paper.

Most maps come with a natural orientation (usually the northern direction facing upward), but applications such as car or pedestrian navigation often rotate the map view dynamically to be always forward facing [5]. Still, the labels must remain horizontally aligned for best readability regardless of the actual rotation angle of the map. A basic requirement in static and dynamic label placement is that labels are pairwise disjoint, i.e., in general not all labels can be placed simultaneously. For labeling point features, it is further required that each label, usually modeled as a rectangle, touches the labeled point on its boundary. It is often not allowed that labels occlude the input point of another label. Figure 1 shows an example of a map that is rotated and labeled. The objective in map labeling is usually to place as many labels as possible. Translating this into the context of rotating maps means that, integrated over one full rotation from 0 to 2π, we want to maximize the number of visible labels. The consistency requirements of Been et al. [2] can immediately be applied for rotating maps.
Our Results. Initially, we define a model for rotating maps and show some basic properties of the different types of conflicts that may arise during rotation. Next, we prove that consistently labeling rotating maps is NP-complete, for the maximization of the total number of visible labels in one full rotation and NP hard for the maximization of the visibility range of the least visible label. Finally, we present a new 1/4-approximation algorithm and an efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme (EPTAS) for unit-height rectangles. A PTAS is called efficient if its running time is O(f(ε)·poly(n)). Both algorithms can be extended to the case of rectangular labels with the property that the ratio of the smallest and largest width, the ratio of the smallest and largest height, as well as the aspect ratio of every label is bounded by a constant, even if we allow the anchor point of each label to be an arbitrary point of the label. This applies to most practical scenarios where labels typically consist of few and relatively short lines of text.
Related Work. Most previous algorithmic research efforts on automated label placement cover static labeling models for point, line, or area features. For static point labeling, fixed-position models and slider models have been introduced [4, 8], in which the label, represented by its bounding box, needs to touch the labeled point along its boundary. The label number maximization problem is NP-hard even for the simplest labeling models, whereas there are efficient algorithms for the decision problem that asks whether all points can be labeled in some of the simpler models (see the discussion by Klau and Mutzel [7] or the comprehensive map labeling bibliography [14]). Approximation results [1,8], heuristics [13], and exact approaches [7] are known for many variants of the static label number maximization problem.
In recent years, dynamic map labeling has emerged as a new research topic that gives rise to many unsolved algorithmic problems. Petzold et al. [12] used a preprocessing step to generate a reactive conflict graph that represents possible label overlaps for maps of all scales. For any fixed scale and map region, their method computes a conflict-free labeling using heuristics. Mote [10] presents another fast heuristic method for dynamic conflict resolution in label placement that does not require preprocessing. The consistency desiderata of Been et al. [2] for dynamic labeling (no popping and jumping effects when panning and zooming), however, are not satisfied by either of the methods. Been et al. [3] showed NP-hardness of the label number maximization problem in the consistent labeling model and presented several approximation algorithms for the problem. N¨ollenburg et al. [11] recently studied a dynamic version of the alternative boundary labeling model, in which labels are placed at the sides of the map and connected to their points by leaders. They presented an algorithm to precompute a data structure that represents an optimal one-sided labeling for all possible scales and thus allows continuous zooming and panning. None of the existing dynamic map labeling approaches supports map rotation.
2 Model
In this section we describe a general model for rotating maps with axis-aligned rectangular labels. Let M be a labeled input map, i.e., a set P = {p1,...,pn} of points in the plane together with a set L = {1,...,
n} of pairwise disjoint, closed, and axis-aligned rectangular labels, where each point pi is a point on the boundary ∂i of its label
i. We say i is anchored at pi. As M is rotated, each label
i in L remains horizontally aligned and anchored at pi. Thus, label intersections form and disappear during rotation of M. We take the following alternative perspective on the rotation of M. Rather than rotating the points, say clockwise, and keeping labels horizontal we may instead rotate each label around its anchor point counterclockwise and keep the set of points fixed. It is easy to see that both rotations are equivalent and yield exactly the same results.
A rotation of L is defined by a rotation angle α ∈ [0,2π); a rotation labeling of M is a function φ: L×[0,2π) →{0,1}such that φ(`,α) = 1 if label ` is visibleor active in the rotation of L by α, and φ(`,α) = 0 otherwise. We call a labeling φ valid if, for any rotation α, the set of labels L(α) = {` ∈ L | φ(`,α) = 1} consists of pairwise disjoint labels and no label in L(α) contains any point in P (other than its anchor point). We note that a valid labeling is not yet consistent in terms of the definition of Been et al. [2,3]: given fixed anchor points, labels clearly do not jump and the labeling is independent of the rotation history, but labels may still pop during a full rotation from 0 to 2π, i.e., appear and disappear more than once. In order to avoid popping effects, each label may be active only in a single contiguous range of [0,2π), where ranges are circular ranges modulo 2π so that they may span the input rotation α = 0. A valid labeling φ, in which for every label ` the set Aφ(`) = {α ∈ [0,2π) | φ(`,α) = 1} is a contiguous range modulo 2π, is called a consistent labeling. For a consistent labeling φ the set Aφ(`) is called the active range of `. The length |Aφ(`)| of an active range Aφ(`) is defined as the length of the circular arc {(cosα,sinα) | α ∈ Aφ(`)} on the unit circle.

L的旋转定义为旋转角α∈[0,2π);M的旋转标注是函数φ:l×[0,2π)→{0,1}使φ(l,α)=1,如果标签l在α的旋转中可见或活跃,否则的话φ(l,α)=0.。我们称一个标注函数φ为有效的,如果对于任何旋转α,标记集L(α)={l∈L | (φ(l,α)=1}由两两不相交的标记组成,且L(α)中的任何标记都不包含P中的任何点(除了它的锚点之外)。我们注意到,有效的标记在定义等方面与参考文献[2,3]还不一致:给定固定的锚点,标签明显不跳,标签独立于旋转历史,但标签仍然可能在0到2π的全旋转期间弹出,即出现和消失不止一次。为了避免弹出效果,每个标签只能在[0,2π)的单个连续范围内活动,其中范围是模2π的圆形范围,因此它们可以跨越输入旋转α=0。一个有效的标记函数φ称为持续性标注,其中对每一个标签 l 集合 Aφ(l)={α∈[0,2π)|φ(`,α)=1}是一个连续的模2π.。对于持续性标注函数φ,集合Aφ(l)称为标注l的活动范围。有效范围Aφ(l)的长度`length|Aφ(l)|`定义为单位圆上的圆弧{(cosα,sinα)|α∈Aφ(l)}的长度。


3 Properties of consistent labelings

这一部分展示持续性标注的基本属性。两个标注l和l'在旋转角度α下相交表示他们在α下有冲突,即在持续性标注下他们之中顶多有一个可以在α下展示集合 C(l,l') = {α ∈ [0,2π) | l and l' are in conflict at α}成为l和l'的冲突集合。

证明过程简单说就是标注都是保持水平对齐的,也就是说横轴与横轴平行,竖轴与竖轴平行,所以相交情况就只有四种: t∩b', b∩t', l ∩r', and r ∩l'。这四种情况随着旋转方向的变化可能出现两次,所以总共算下来是8种情况。每个冲突都定义了一个唯一的旋转角度,并且很明显,以这8个旋转角度作为端点最多可以定义4个不相交的冲突范围。下面八个图显示了八种相交方式,锚点使用黑点表示

在下面的文章中,我们将更仔细地研究边界交叉事件(也称为冲突事件)发生的条件,以及它们的旋转角度。设ht和hb分别是p到t和b到t的距离。类似地,设w和wb分别是p到l和r的距离(见图3)。通过H0 t,H0 b,W0 1和W0 r,我们表示相应的标号`0的值。最后,设d是两个锚点p和p0的距离。为了提高下面引理的可读性,我们定义了两个函数fd(X)=arcsin(x/d)和gd(X)=arccos(x/d)。


如果存在t和b0相交的旋转角,则有图4所示的情况,通过简单的三角推理,冲突事件发生的两个旋转角是2π−弧(ht+h0 b)/d)和π+arcsin(ht+h0 b)/d)。(都是逆时针旋转)



(never be active 不是很理解,引理2和3一个定义了可能的冲突范围,一个定义了硬冲突范围;硬冲突时l就包含了l'的锚点,所以包含l'锚点的这个旋转范围叫硬冲突范围)

证明过程就是假设了一个点,宽高都为零所以ht' hb' wl' wr' 都是零,也就满足了引理2.所以能得出引理3.
A simple way to visualize conflict ranges and hard conflict ranges is to mark, for each label anchored at p and each of its (hard) conflict ranges, the circular arcs on the circle centered at p and enclosing
. Figure 6 shows an example.
In the following we show that the MaxTotal problem can be discretized in the sense that there exists an optimal solution whose active ranges are defined as intervals whose borders are label events. An active range border of a label ` is an angle α that is characterized by the property that the labeling φ is not constant in any ε-neighborhood of α. We call an active range where both borders are label events a regular active range.
Lemma 4. Given a labeled map M there is an optimal rotation labeling of M consisting of only regular active ranges.
5 Approximation Algorithms
In the previous section we have established that MaxTotal is NP-complete. Unless P = NP we cannot hope for an efficient exact algorithm to solve the problem. In the following we devise a 1/4-approximation algorithm for MaxTotal and refine it to an EPTAS. For both algorithms we initially assume that labels are congruent unit-height rectangles with constant width w ≥ 1 and that the anchor points are the lower-left corners of the labels. Let d be the length of the label's diagonal, i.e., d = √w2 + 1.

Before we describe the algorithms we state four important properties that apply even to the more general labeling model, where anchor points are arbitrary points within the label or on its boundary, and where the ratio of the smallest and largest width and height, as well as the aspect ratio are bounded by constants:
(i) the number of anchor points contained in a rectangle is proportional to its area,
(ii) the number of conflicts a label can have with other labels is bounded by a constant,
(iii) any two conflicting labels produce only O(1) conflict regions, and finally,
(iv) there is an optimal MaxTotal solution where the borders of all active ranges are events
The basis for our algorithm is the line stabbing or shifting technique by Hochbaum and Maass [6], which has been applied before to static labeling problems for (non-rotating) unit-height labels [1,8]. Consider a grid G where each grid cell is a square with side length 2d. We can address every grid cell by its row and column index. Now we can partition G into four subsets by deleting every other row and every other column with either even or odd parity. Within each of these subsets we have the property that any two grid cells have a distance of at least 2d. Thus no two labels whose anchor points lie in different cells of the same subset can have a conflict. We say that a grid cell c covers a label l if the anchor point of l lies inside c. By Lemma 9 only O(1) labels are covered by a single grid cell. Combining this with Lemma 10 we see that the number of conflicts of the labels covered by a single grid cell is constant. This implies that the number of events in that cell is also constant.
可以这么理解,G中每个格子C的宽高都是2d(d=Math.sqrt(w*w + 1)),然后将C中的格子划成四个小格子c00,c10,c01,c11;将所有的c00拿出去成为一个G00,那么所有在G00中的格子中标签都不会有冲突,因为他们距离都是2d。
The four different subsets of grid cells divide a MaxTotal instance into four subinstances, each of which decomposes into independent grid cells. If we solve all subsets optimally, at least one of the solutions is a 1/4-approximation for the initial instance due to the pigeon-hole principle.
Determining an optimal solution for the labels covered by a grid cell c works as follows. We compute, for the set of labels Lc ⊆ L covered by c, the set Ec of label events. Due to Lemma 4 we know that there exists an optimal solution where all borders of active ranges are label events. Thus, to compute an optimal active range assignment for the labels in Lc we need to test all possible combinations of active ranges for all labels l ∈ Lc. For a single cell this requires only constant time.
We can precompute the non-empty grid cells by simple arithmetic operations on the coordinates of the anchor points and store those cells in a binary search tree. Since we have n anchor points there are at most n non-empty grid cells in the tree, and each of the cells holds a list of the covered anchor points. Building this data structure takes O(nlogn) time and then optimally solving the active range assignment problem in the non-empty cells takes O(n) time.

An Efficient Polynomial-Time Approximation Scheme for MaxTotal
We note that this EPTAS basically relies on properties (i)–(iv) and that there is nothing special about congruent rectangles anchored at their lower-left corners. Hence we can generalize the algorithm to the more general labeling model, in which the ratio of the label heights, the ratio of the label widths, and the aspect ratios of all labels are bounded by constants. Furthermore, the anchor points are not required to be label corners; rather they can be any point on the boundary or in the interior of the labels. Finally, we can even ignore the distinction between hard and soft conflicts, i.e., allow that anchor points of nonactive labels are occluded. Properties (i)–(iv) still hold in this general model. The only change in the EPTAS is to set the width and height of the grid cells to twice the maximum diameter of all labels in L.
我们注意到这个EPTAS基本上依赖于属性(I)-(Iv),并且在它们的左下角锚定的同余矩形没有什么特别之处。因此,我们可以将该算法推广到更一般的标号模型,其中标号高度比、标号宽度比和所有标号的纵横比都是有常数限制的。此外,锚点不需要是标签角;相反,它们可以是边界上或标签内部的任何一点。最后,我们甚至可以忽略硬冲突和软冲突之间的区别,即允许屏蔽非活动标签的锚点。性质(一)-(四)仍然保持在这个一般模式。EPTAS中唯一的变化是 将网格单元格的宽度和高度设置为L中所有标签的最大直径的两倍 。

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