Precomputed Radiance Transfer(games202作业2)
Precomputed Radiance Transfer(games202)
物体在不同光照下的表现不同,PRT(Precomputed Radiance Transfer) 是一个计算物体在不同光照下表现的方法。光线在一个环境中,会经历反射,折射,散射,甚至还会物体的内部进行散射。为了模拟具有真实感的渲染结果,传统的Path Tracing 方法需要考虑来自各个方向的光线、所有可能的传播形式并且收敛速度极慢。PRT 通过一种预计算方法,该方法在离线渲染的 Path Tracing 工具链中预计算 lighting 以及 light transport 并将它们用球谐函数拟合后储存,这样就将时间开销转移到了离线中。最后通过使用这些预计算好的数据,我们可以轻松达到实时渲染严苛的时间要求,同时渲染结果可以呈现出全局光照的效果。
我们首先需要完成 prt\src\prt.cpp
文件的预计算的代码部分,然后编译完成项目后,运行 \prt\build\Debug\nori.exe
文件,参数指定为prt.xml文件。该文件可以修改内容来生产不同环境(indoor,skybox,Connell box以及GraceCathedral)的光照项的球谐系数以及传输项的球谐系数。生产的预计算文件必须要放在 homework2\assets\cubemap
球谐函数(Spherical Harmonics,SH)
关于球谐函数可以参考球谐函数介绍(Spherical Harmonics)以及球谐光照——球谐函数。
template <size_t SHOrder>
std::vector<Eigen::Array3f> PrecomputeCubemapSH(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<float[]>> &images,
const int &width, const int &height,
const int &channel)
constexpr int SHNum = (SHOrder + 1) * (SHOrder + 1); //n阶SH共有n^2个系数
std::vector<Eigen::Array3f> SHCoeffiecents(SHNum);
for (int i = 0; i < SHNum; i++)
SHCoeffiecents[i] = Eigen::Array3f(0);
float sumWeight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
// TODO: here you need to compute light sh of each face of cubemap of each pixel
// TODO: 此处你需要计算每个像素下cubemap某个面的球谐系数
Eigen::Vector3f dir = cubemapDirs[i * width * height + y * width + x];
int index = (y * width + x) * channel;
Eigen::Array3f Le(images[i][index + 0], images[i][index + 1],
images[i][index + 2]);//images是按照RGBRGBRGB排列
auto delta_wi = CalcArea(x, y, height, width);
Eigen::Vector3d _dir(Eigen::Vector3d(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]).normalized());//这里dir要变成Eigen::Vector3d类型
for(int l=0; l<=SHOrder; l++)
for(int m=-l; m<=l; m++)
SHCoeffiecents[sh::GetIndex(l, m)] += Le * sh::EvalSH(l, m, _dir) * delta_wi;
return SHCoeffiecents;
三层 for
这边的 index
的取值是考虑了RGB,从前面的函数 LoadCubemapImages
中可以看到 float*image = stbi_loadf(filename.c_str(),&w,&h,&c,3);
这里image返回的结果是RGBRGBRGBRGB格式排列,这也就是为什么 index
还要乘以一个channel值,并且取得贴图的RGB值需要的就是连续的三个值 Le(images[i][index + 0], images[i][index + 1], images[i][index + 2]);
的计算通过函数 CalcArea
,这个函数做的就是如下步骤,具体数学原理参考CUBEMAP TEXEL SOLID ANGLE
得到对应的基函数。需要注意第三个参数是方向向量,需要类型是 Eigen::Vector3d
而不是 Eigen::Vector3d
Diffuse Unshadowed
在这种Diffuse Unshadowed下,渲染方程简化成了
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getVertexCount(); i++)
const Point3f &v = mesh->getVertexPositions().col(i);
const Normal3f &n = mesh->getVertexNormals().col(i);
auto shFunc = [&](double phi, double theta) -> double {
Eigen::Array3d d = sh::ToVector(phi, theta);
const auto wi = Vector3f(d.x(), d.y(), d.z());
double H =;
if (m_Type == Type::Unshadowed)
// TODO: here you need to calculate unshadowed transport term of a given direction
// TODO: 此处你需要计算给定方向下的unshadowed传输项球谐函数值
return H > 0.0? H : 0;
auto shCoeff = sh::ProjectFunction(SHOrder, shFunc, m_SampleCount);
for (int j = 0; j < shCoeff->size(); j++)
m_TransportSHCoeffs.col(i).coeffRef(j) = (*shCoeff)[j];
和光照项不同,光照项系数只有一组*3(RGB),传输项系数是每个顶点都有一组。这里通过 sh::ProjectFunction
由于这些函数是在所有可能方向的空间上定义的(几何上,该空间可视为单位球体的表面),因此在该表面上出现任何样本(方向)的概率将是 1/该单位球体面积 (
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<double>> ProjectFunction(
int order, const SphericalFunction& func, int sample_count) {
CHECK(order >= 0, "Order must be at least zero.");
CHECK(sample_count > 0, "Sample count must be at least one.");
// This is the approach demonstrated in [1] and is useful for arbitrary
// functions on the sphere that are represented analytically.
const int sample_side = static_cast<int>(floor(sqrt(sample_count)));
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<double>> coeffs(new std::vector<double>());
coeffs->assign(GetCoefficientCount(order), 0.0);
// generate sample_side^2 uniformly and stratified samples over the sphere
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<> rng(0.0, 1.0);
for (int t = 0; t < sample_side; t++) {
for (int p = 0; p < sample_side; p++) {
double alpha = (t + rng(gen)) / sample_side;
double beta = (p + rng(gen)) / sample_side;
// See
double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * beta;
double theta = acos(2.0 * alpha - 1.0);
// evaluate the analytic function for the current spherical coords
double func_value = func(phi, theta);
// evaluate the SH basis functions up to band O, scale them by the
// function's value and accumulate them over all generated samples
for (int l = 0; l <= order; l++) {
for (int m = -l; m <= l; m++) {
double sh = EvalSH(l, m, phi, theta);
(*coeffs)[GetIndex(l, m)] += func_value * sh;
// scale by the probability of a particular sample, which is
// 4pi/sample_side^2. 4pi for the surface area of a unit sphere, and
// 1/sample_side^2 for the number of samples drawn uniformly.
double weight = 4.0 * M_PI / (sample_side * sample_side);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coeffs->size(); i++) {
(*coeffs)[i] *= weight;
return coeffs;
Diffuse Shadowed
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getVertexCount(); i++)
const Point3f &v = mesh->getVertexPositions().col(i);
const Normal3f &n = mesh->getVertexNormals().col(i);
auto shFunc = [&](double phi, double theta) -> double {
Eigen::Array3d d = sh::ToVector(phi, theta);
const auto wi = Vector3f(d.x(), d.y(), d.z());
double H =;
if (m_Type == Type::Unshadowed)
// TODO: here you need to calculate unshadowed transport term of a given direction
// TODO: 此处你需要计算给定方向下的unshadowed传输项球谐函数值
return H > 0.0? H : 0;
// TODO: here you need to calculate shadowed transport term of a given direction
// TODO: 此处你需要计算给定方向下的shadowed传输项球谐函数值
if(H > 0.0 && !scene->rayIntersect(Ray3f(v, wi.normalized())))
return H;
return 0;
auto shCoeff = sh::ProjectFunction(SHOrder, shFunc, m_SampleCount);
for (int j = 0; j < shCoeff->size(); j++)
m_TransportSHCoeffs.col(i).coeffRef(j) = (*shCoeff)[j];
Diffuse Inter-reflection(bonus)
按照上面的步骤,模仿 ProjectFunction()
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<double>> computeInterreflectionSH(Eigen::MatrixXf* directTSHCoeffs, const Point3f& pos, const Normal3f& normal, const Scene* scene, int bounces)
std::unique_ptr<std::vector<double>> coeffs(new std::vector<double>());
coeffs->assign(SHCoeffLength, 0.0);
if (bounces > m_Bounce)
return coeffs;
const int sample_side = static_cast<int>(floor(sqrt(m_SampleCount)));
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<> rng(0.0, 1.0);
for (int t = 0; t < sample_side; t++) {
for (int p = 0; p < sample_side; p++) {
double alpha = (t + rng(gen)) / sample_side;
double beta = (p + rng(gen)) / sample_side;
double phi = 2.0 * M_PI * beta;
double theta = acos(2.0 * alpha - 1.0);
Eigen::Array3d d = sh::ToVector(phi, theta);
const auto wi = Vector3f(d.x(), d.y(), d.z());
double H = wi.normalized().dot(normal);
Intersection its;
if (H > 0.0 && scene->rayIntersect(Ray3f(pos, wi.normalized()), its))
MatrixXf normals = its.mesh->getVertexNormals();
Point3f idx = its.tri_index;
Point3f hitPos = its.p;
Vector3f bary = its.bary;
Normal3f hitNormal =
Normal3f(normals.col(idx.x()).normalized() * bary.x() +
normals.col(idx.y()).normalized() * bary.y() +
normals.col(idx.z()).normalized() * bary.z())
auto nextBouncesCoeffs = computeInterreflectionSH(directTSHCoeffs, hitPos, hitNormal, scene, bounces + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < SHCoeffLength; i++)
auto interpolateSH = (directTSHCoeffs->col(idx.x()).coeffRef(i) * bary.x() +
directTSHCoeffs->col(idx.y()).coeffRef(i) * bary.y() +
directTSHCoeffs->col(idx.z()).coeffRef(i) * bary.z());
(*coeffs)[i] += (interpolateSH + (*nextBouncesCoeffs)[i]) * H;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < coeffs->size(); i++) {
(*coeffs)[i] /= sample_side * sample_side;
return coeffs;
然后补充 preprocess
if (m_Type == Type::Interreflection)
// TODO: leave for bonus
for (int i = 0; i < mesh->getVertexCount(); i++)
const Point3f& v = mesh->getVertexPositions().col(i);
const Normal3f& n = mesh->getVertexNormals().col(i).normalized();
auto indirectCoeffs = computeInterreflectionSH(&m_TransportSHCoeffs, v, n, scene, 1);
for (int j = 0; j < SHCoeffLength; j++)
m_TransportSHCoeffs.col(i).coeffRef(j) += (*indirectCoeffs)[j];
std::cout << "computing interreflection light sh coeffs, current vertex idx: " << i << " total vertex idx: " << mesh->getVertexCount() << std::endl;
我们已经完成了 prt
文件夹中预计算的部分,接下来完成 homework2
在 materials
文件夹下创建文件 PRTMaterial.js
class PRTMaterial extends Material {
constructor(vertexShader, fragmentShader) {
'uPrecomputeL[0]': { type: 'precomputeL', value: null}, //0,1,2 表示RGB
'uPrecomputeL[1]': { type: 'precomputeL', value: null},
'uPrecomputeL[2]': { type: 'precomputeL', value: null},
vertexShader, fragmentShader, null);
async function buildPRTMaterial(vertexPath, fragmentPath) {
let vertexShader = await getShaderString(vertexPath);
let fragmentShader = await getShaderString(fragmentPath);
return new PRTMaterial(vertexShader, fragmentShader);
这里的 uPrecomputeL[0], uPrecomputeL[1], uPrecomputeL[2]
然后在 loadOBJ.js
switch (objMaterial) {
case 'PhongMaterial':
material = buildPhongMaterial(colorMap, mat.specular.toArray(), light, Translation, Scale, "./src/shaders/phongShader/phongVertex.glsl", "./src/shaders/phongShader/phongFragment.glsl");
shadowMaterial = buildShadowMaterial(light, Translation, Scale, "./src/shaders/shadowShader/shadowVertex.glsl", "./src/shaders/shadowShader/shadowFragment.glsl");
// TODO: Add your PRTmaterial here
//Edit Start
case 'PRTMaterial':
material = buildPRTMaterial("./src/shaders/prtShader/prtVertex.glsl", "./src/shaders/prtShader/prtFragment.glsl");
//Edit End
case 'SkyBoxMaterial':
material = buildSkyBoxMaterial("./src/shaders/skyBoxShader/SkyBoxVertex.glsl", "./src/shaders/skyBoxShader/SkyBoxFragment.glsl");
预计算的光照系数和传输系数保存咋txt文件里面,在 engine.js
里面把数据储存在了两个全局变量 precomputeL
中。其中 precomputeL
将预计算环境光的 SH vector 保存为一个三维 Array,第一个维度表示属于哪组 cubemap 贴图,第二个维度表示 SH 系数,第三个维度表示 RGB;precomputeLT
将预计算 light transfer 的 SH vector保存为一个二维 Array,第一个维度表示属于哪组 cubemap 贴图,第二个维度是长度为 V ertexCount ∗ SHCoeff icientCount 的数组,这样可以方便后续绑定到attribute mat3 类型的变量中。
在 WebGlRenderer.js
中将 precomputeL
for (let k in this.meshes[i].material.uniforms) {
let Mat3Value = getMat3ValueFromRGB(precomputeL[guiParams.envmapId])
for(let j = 0; j < 3; j++){
if (k == 'uPrecomputeL['+j+']') { //+来连接' '
这里根据实际的场景贴图cubemap选择对应的SH系数,通过 getMat3ValueFromRGB
function getMat3ValueFromRGB(precomputeL){
let colorMat3 = [];
for(var i = 0; i<3; i++){
colorMat3[i] = mat3.fromValues( precomputeL[0][i], precomputeL[1][i], precomputeL[2][i],
precomputeL[3][i], precomputeL[4][i], precomputeL[5][i],
precomputeL[6][i], precomputeL[7][i], precomputeL[8][i] );
return colorMat3;
是在 MeshRender.js
在shader里面 aPrecomputeLT
的每个参数的含义可以看这篇文章WebGLRenderingContext.vertexAttribPointer(),阅读 shader.js
可以知道第一个参数实际上通过 gl.getAttribLocation()
函数得到的显卡提供的 aPrecomputeLT
draw(camera) {
// Bind attribute mat3 - LT
const buf = gl.createBuffer();
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buf);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(precomputeLT[guiParams.envmapId]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
for (var ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii) {
gl.enableVertexAttribArray(this.shader.program.attribs['aPrecomputeLT'] + ii);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(this.shader.program.attribs['aPrecomputeLT'] + ii, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 36, ii * 12);
attribute vec3 aVertexPosition;
attribute vec3 aNormalPosition;
attribute mat3 aPrecomputeLT;
uniform mat4 uModelMatrix;
uniform mat4 uViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 uProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat3 uPrecomputeL[3];
varying highp vec3 vNormal;
varying highp mat3 vPrecomputeLT;
varying highp vec3 vColor;
float L_dot_LT(mat3 PrecomputeL, mat3 PrecomputeLT) {
vec3 L_0 = PrecomputeL[0];
vec3 L_1 = PrecomputeL[1];
vec3 L_2 = PrecomputeL[2];
vec3 LT_0 = PrecomputeLT[0];
vec3 LT_1 = PrecomputeLT[1];
vec3 LT_2 = PrecomputeLT[2];
return dot(L_0, LT_0) + dot(L_1, LT_1) + dot(L_2, LT_2);
void main(void) {
// 无实际作用,避免aNormalPosition被优化后产生警告
vNormal = (uModelMatrix * vec4(aNormalPosition, 0.0)).xyz;
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
vColor[i] = L_dot_LT(aPrecomputeLT, uPrecomputeL[i]);
gl_Position = uProjectionMatrix * uViewMatrix * uModelMatrix * vec4(aVertexPosition, 1.0);
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
varying highp vec3 vColor;
void main(){
gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor, 1.0);
要记住在cubemap的所有场景文件夹下都要放入计算出的 light.txt
和 transport.txt
Diffuse Unshadowed
修改 ...\prt\scenes
文件夹下面的 prt.xml
<!-- Render the visible surface normals -->
<integrator type="prt">
<string name="type" value="unshadowed" />//修改成unshadowed
<integer name="bounce" value="1" />
<integer name="PRTSampleCount" value="100" />
<string name="cubemap" value="cubemap/Indoor" />//indoor,skybox,GraceCathedral,cornellbox都要计算
Diffuse Shadowed
<!-- Render the visible surface normals -->
<integrator type="prt">
<string name="type" value="shadowed" />//修改成shadowed
<integer name="bounce" value="1" />
<integer name="PRTSampleCount" value="100" />
<string name="cubemap" value="cubemap/Indoor" />//indoor,skybox,GraceCathedral,cornellbox都要计算
Diffuse Inter-reflection
<!-- Render the visible surface normals -->
<integrator type="prt">
<string name="type" value="interreflection" />//修改成interreflection
<integer name="bounce" value="1" />
<integer name="PRTSampleCount" value="100" />
<string name="cubemap" value="cubemap/Indoor" />//indoor,skybox,GraceCathedral,cornellbox都要计算
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