public String test2(){
PageInfo<User> info = PageHelper.startPage(
1, 2).doSelectPageInfo(() -> mapper.selectById(1)
List<User> list = info.getList();
return "success";
public String test3(){
List<Long> ids = Arrays.asList(1L, 2L);
PageInfo<User> info = PageHelper.startPage(1, 5)
.doSelectPageInfo(() -> mapper.selectList(Wrappers.<User>query().in("id", ids)));
List<User> list = info.getList();
return "success";
# 导入依赖
# 配置类
public PageInterceptor pageInterceptor() {
return new PageInterceptor();
List<UserBookRespDTO> findPage(UserBookReqDTO reqDTO);
<select id="findPage" resultType="com.ychen.mybatis.model.dto.UserBookRespDTO">
SELECT u.id, u.username, u.password, u.sex, u.birthday, b.bookname, b.author, b.price
FROM user AS u LEFT JOIN book AS b ON u.username = b.author
<if test="username !=null and username!=''">
or u.username like concat('%',#{username},'%')
<if test="sex !=null and sex!=''">
or u.sex like concat('%',#{sex},'%')
<if test="bookname != null and bookname!=''">
or b.bookname like concat('%',#{bookname}'%')
public String test2(@RequestBody UserBookReqDTO req){
int pageNo = 1;
int pageSize = 3;
try {
List<UserBookRespDTO> list = userMapper.findPage(req);
PageInfo pageinfo = new PageInfo(list);
}catch (Exception e){
return "aaa";
# 控制台
PageInfo{pageNum=1, pageSize=3, size=1, startRow=1, endRow=1, total=1, pages=1, list=Page{count=true, pageNum=1, pageSize=3, startRow=0, endRow=3, total=1, pages=1, reasonable=false, pageSizeZero=false}[UserBookRespDTO(id=1, username=chen1, password=12345, sex=0, birthday=Tue Dec 07 10:40:52 CST 2021, bookname=book1, author=chen1, price=3.99)], prePage=0, nextPage=0, isFirstPage=true, isLastPage=true, hasPreviousPage=false, hasNextPage=false, navigatePages=8, navigateFirstPage=1, navigateLastPage=1, navigatepageNums=[1]}