数据库-select delete create

mysql> set names gbk;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> use gyshop
Database changed
mysql> #查看goods表的建表语句
mysql> show create table goods;
| Table | Create Table                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
| goods | CREATE TABLE `goods` (
  `goods_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `cat_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `goods_sn` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `goods_name` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `goods_name_style` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '+',
  `click_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `brand_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `provider_name` varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `goods_number` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `goods_weight` decimal(10,3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.000',
  `market_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
  `shop_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
  `promote_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
  `promote_start_date` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `promote_end_date` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `warn_number` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `keywords` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `goods_brief` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `goods_desc` text NOT NULL,
  `goods_thumb` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `goods_img` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `original_img` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `is_real` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `extension_code` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `is_on_sale` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `is_alone_sale` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `is_shipping` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `integral` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `add_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `sort_order` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '100',
  `is_delete` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `is_best` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `is_new` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `is_hot` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `is_promote` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `bonus_type_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `last_update` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `goods_type` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `seller_note` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `give_integral` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1',
  `rank_integral` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1',
  `suppliers_id` smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `is_check` tinyint(1) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`goods_id`),
  KEY `goods_sn` (`goods_sn`),
  KEY `cat_id` (`cat_id`),
  KEY `last_update` (`last_update`),
  KEY `brand_id` (`brand_id`),
  KEY `goods_weight` (`goods_weight`),
  KEY `promote_end_date` (`promote_end_date`),
  KEY `promote_start_date` (`promote_start_date`),
  KEY `goods_number` (`goods_number`),
  KEY `sort_order` (`sort_order`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use test
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_test |
| account        |
| class          |
| m1             |
| member         |
| salary         |
| stu            |
| test           |
| test2          |
| test3          |
| test4          |
| test5          |
| test6          |
| test7          |
13 rows in set (0.45 sec)

mysql> CREATE TABLE `goods` (
    ->   `goods_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    ->   `cat_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    ->   `goods_sn` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    ->   `goods_name` varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
    ->   `click_count` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    ->   `goods_number` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    ->   `market_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
    ->   `shop_price` decimal(10,2) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',
    ->   `add_time` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    ->   `is_best` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    ->   `is_new` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    ->   `is_hot` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    ->   PRIMARY KEY (`goods_id`)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)

mysql> desc goods;
| Field        | Type                   | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| goods_id     | mediumint(8) unsigned  | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| cat_id       | smallint(5) unsigned   | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| goods_sn     | varchar(60)            | NO   |     |         |                |
| goods_name   | varchar(120)           | NO   |     |         |                |
| click_count  | int(10) unsigned       | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| goods_number | smallint(5) unsigned   | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| market_price | decimal(10,2) unsigned | NO   |     | 0.00    |                |
| shop_price   | decimal(10,2) unsigned | NO   |     | 0.00    |                |
| add_time     | int(10) unsigned       | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| is_best      | tinyint(1) unsigned    | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| is_new       | tinyint(1) unsigned    | NO   |     | 0       |                |
| is_hot       | tinyint(1) unsigned    | NO   |     | 0       |                |
12 rows in set (0.09 sec)

mysql> # 接下来,把ec的商品表的内容导入到这张goods里,供练习用.
mysql> insert into test.goods 
    -> select goods_id,cat_id,goods_sn,goods_name,click_count,goods_numer,market_price,shop_price,add_time,is_best,is_new,is_hot from gyshop.goods;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'goods_numer' in 'field list'
mysql> insert into test.goods 
    -> select goods_id,cat_id,goods_sn,goods_name,click_count,goods_number,market_price,shop_price,add_time,is_best,is_new,is_hot from gyshop.goods;
Query OK, 32 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 32  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> #查询练习
mysql> #查询商品主键是32的商品
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods where goods_id=32;
| goods_id | goods_name | shop_price |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85       |    3010.00 |
1 row in set (0.06 sec)

mysql> #查出不属于第3个栏目的所有商品
mysql> #即cat_id不等于3
mysql> select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name from goods where cat_id!=3;
| goods_id | cat_id | goods_name                   |
|        1 |      4 | KD876                        |
|        4 |      8 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |
|        3 |      8 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |
|        5 |     11 | 索爱原装M2卡读卡器                         |
|        6 |     11 | 胜创KINGMAX内存卡                  |
|        7 |      8 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |
|       14 |      4 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |
|       16 |      2 | 恒基伟业G101                       |
|       18 |      4 | 夏新T5                           |
|       23 |      5 | 诺基亚N96                         |
|       25 |     13 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |
|       26 |     13 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |
|       27 |     15 | 联通100元充值卡                       |
|       28 |     15 | 联通50元充值卡                        |
|       29 |     14 | 移动100元充值卡                       |
|       30 |     14 | 移动20元充值卡                        |
|       33 |      4 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                         |
17 rows in set (0.05 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name from goods where cat_id <> 3;
| goods_id | cat_id | goods_name                   |
|        1 |      4 | KD876                        |
|        4 |      8 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |
|        3 |      8 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |
|        5 |     11 | 索爱原装M2卡读卡器                         |
|        6 |     11 | 胜创KINGMAX内存卡                  |
|        7 |      8 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |
|       14 |      4 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |
|       16 |      2 | 恒基伟业G101                       |
|       18 |      4 | 夏新T5                           |
|       23 |      5 | 诺基亚N96                         |
|       25 |     13 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |
|       26 |     13 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |
|       27 |     15 | 联通100元充值卡                       |
|       28 |     15 | 联通50元充值卡                        |
|       29 |     14 | 移动100元充值卡                       |
|       30 |     14 | 移动20元充值卡                        |
|       33 |      4 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                         |
17 rows in set (0.03 sec)

mysql> #本店价格高于3000元的商品
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price where shop_price>3000;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where shop_price>3000' at line 1
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods where shop_price>3000;
| goods_id | goods_name     | shop_price |
|       22 | 多普达Touch HD      |    5999.00 |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96           |    3700.00 |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85           |    3010.00 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #查询出本店价低于或等于100元的商品
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods where shop_price<=100;
| goods_id | goods_name                   | shop_price |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |      58.00 |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |      68.00 |
|        5 | 索爱原装M2卡读卡器                         |      20.00 |
|        6 | 胜创KINGMAX内存卡                  |      42.00 |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |     100.00 |
|       25 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |      48.00 |
|       26 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |      19.00 |
|       27 | 联通100元充值卡                       |      95.00 |
|       28 | 联通50元充值卡                        |      45.00 |
|       29 | 移动100元充值卡                       |      90.00 |
|       30 | 移动20元充值卡                        |      18.00 |
11 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> #取出第4栏目和第11栏目的商品,不能用or
mysql> select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name from goods
    -> where cat_id in (4,11); #cat_id 在4,11这个集合里都满足.
| goods_id | cat_id | goods_name          |
|        1 |      4 | KD876               |
|        5 |     11 | 索爱原装M2卡读卡器                |
|        6 |     11 | 胜创KINGMAX内存卡         |
|       14 |      4 | 诺基亚5800XM             |
|       18 |      4 | 夏新T5                  |
|       33 |      4 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #取出价格>=100元,且<=500元.不让用and
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price
    -> from goods
    -> where shop_price
    -> between 100 and 500;
| goods_id | goods_name                   | shop_price |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |     100.00 |
|        8 | 飞利浦9@9v                         |     399.00 |
|       20 | 三星BC01                         |     280.00 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #取出不在第3个栏目且不在第11个栏目的商品,用not in 和and 分别实现
mysql> #即栏目的id,是3的不要,是11的也不要.
mysql> select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name from goods 
    -> where cat_id not in (3,11);
| goods_id | cat_id | goods_name                   |
|        1 |      4 | KD876                        |
|        4 |      8 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |
|        3 |      8 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |
|        7 |      8 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |
|       14 |      4 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |
|       16 |      2 | 恒基伟业G101                       |
|       18 |      4 | 夏新T5                           |
|       23 |      5 | 诺基亚N96                         |
|       25 |     13 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |
|       26 |     13 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |
|       27 |     15 | 联通100元充值卡                       |
|       28 |     15 | 联通50元充值卡                        |
|       29 |     14 | 移动100元充值卡                       |
|       30 |     14 | 移动20元充值卡                        |
|       33 |      4 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                         |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> # 用and 来实现,$cat_id!=3&&$cat_id!=11
mysql> select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name 
    -> from goods
    -> where cat_id!=3 and cat_id!=11;
| goods_id | cat_id | goods_name                   |
|        1 |      4 | KD876                        |
|        4 |      8 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |
|        3 |      8 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |
|        7 |      8 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |
|       14 |      4 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |
|       16 |      2 | 恒基伟业G101                       |
|       18 |      4 | 夏新T5                           |
|       23 |      5 | 诺基亚N96                         |
|       25 |     13 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |
|       26 |     13 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |
|       27 |     15 | 联通100元充值卡                       |
|       28 |     15 | 联通50元充值卡                        |
|       29 |     14 | 移动100元充值卡                       |
|       30 |     14 | 移动20元充值卡                        |
|       33 |      4 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                         |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #极端人格分裂购物者
mysql> #第么找特便宜的在[100,300]之间的,要么买贵的,在[4000,5000]之间的.
mysql> #用php是这样 if(($price>=100&&$price<=300) ||($price>=4000&&$price<=5000))
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price
    -> from goods
    -> where shop_price>=100 and shop_price<=300 or shop_price>=4000 and shop_price<=5000;
| goods_id | goods_name                   | shop_price |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |     100.00 |
|       20 | 三星BC01                         |     280.00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price
    -> from goods
    -> where shop_price>=100 and shop_price<=300 or shop_price>=3000 and shop_price<=5000;
| goods_id | goods_name                   | shop_price |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |     100.00 |
|       20 | 三星BC01                         |     280.00 |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         |    3700.00 |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         |    3010.00 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #取出第3个栏目下,价格小于1000或者>3000,同时点击量大于等于5的商品
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,cat_id,shop_price,click_count
    -> from goods
    -> where cat_id=3 and shop_price<1000 or shop_price>3000 and click_count>=5;
| goods_id | goods_name     | cat_id | shop_price | click_count |
|        8 | 飞利浦9@9v           |      3 |     399.00 |           9 |
|       12 | 摩托罗拉A810          |      3 |     983.00 |          13 |
|       15 | 摩托罗拉A810          |      3 |     788.00 |           8 |
|       19 | 三星SGH-F258       |      3 |     858.00 |           7 |
|       20 | 三星BC01           |      3 |     280.00 |          14 |
|       22 | 多普达Touch HD      |      3 |    5999.00 |          15 |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96           |      5 |    3700.00 |          17 |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85           |      3 |    3010.00 |           9 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,cat_id,shop_price,click_count
    -> from goods
    -> where cat_id=3 and (shop_price<1000 or shop_price>3000) and click_count>=5;
| goods_id | goods_name     | cat_id | shop_price | click_count |
|        8 | 飞利浦9@9v           |      3 |     399.00 |           9 |
|       12 | 摩托罗拉A810          |      3 |     983.00 |          13 |
|       15 | 摩托罗拉A810          |      3 |     788.00 |           8 |
|       19 | 三星SGH-F258       |      3 |     858.00 |           7 |
|       20 | 三星BC01           |      3 |     280.00 |          14 |
|       22 | 多普达Touch HD      |      3 |    5999.00 |          15 |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85           |      3 |    3010.00 |           9 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #取出1号栏目下的商品
mysql> select goods_id,cat_id,goods_name from goods
    -> where cat_id=1;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #查出名称以诺基亚开头的商品
mysql> #例诺基亚N96 ,诺基亚原装充电器
mysql> #模糊查询可以做到
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods
    -> where goods_name like '诺基亚%';
| goods_id | goods_name                   |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                         |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic            |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         |
8 rows in set (0.02 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods
    -> where goods_name like '诺基亚N85%';
| goods_id | goods_name                   |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         |
3 rows in set (0.05 sec)

mysql> #我去逛商场时,看了一款手机,诺基亚Nxx系列.
mysql> #具体型号记不清了,但是N后面是2字.
mysql> #用"_"匹配任意单个字符
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods
    -> where goods_name like '诺基亚N__';
| goods_id | goods_name |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96       |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85       |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #重要:理解查询的模型
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods
    -> ;
| goods_id | goods_name                   | shop_price |
|        1 | KD876                        |    1388.00 |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |      58.00 |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |      68.00 |
|        5 | 索爱原装M2卡读卡器                         |      20.00 |
|        6 | 胜创KINGMAX内存卡                  |      42.00 |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |     100.00 |
|        8 | 飞利浦9@9v                         |     399.00 |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                         |    2298.00 |
|       10 | 索爱C702c                        |    1328.00 |
|       11 | 索爱C702c                        |    1300.00 |
|       12 | 摩托罗拉A810                        |     983.00 |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic            |    1311.00 |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |    2625.00 |
|       15 | 摩托罗拉A810                        |     788.00 |
|       16 | 恒基伟业G101                       |     823.33 |
|       17 | 夏新N7                           |    2300.00 |
|       18 | 夏新T5                           |    2878.00 |
|       19 | 三星SGH-F258                     |     858.00 |
|       20 | 三星BC01                         |     280.00 |
|       21 | 金立 A30                         |    2000.00 |
|       22 | 多普达Touch HD                    |    5999.00 |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         |    3700.00 |
|       24 | P806                         |    2000.00 |
|       25 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |      48.00 |
|       26 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |      19.00 |
|       27 | 联通100元充值卡                       |      95.00 |
|       28 | 联通50元充值卡                        |      45.00 |
|       29 | 移动100元充值卡                       |      90.00 |
|       30 | 移动20元充值卡                        |      18.00 |
|       31 | 摩托罗拉E8                          |    1337.00 |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         |    3010.00 |
|       33 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                         |    1233.00 |
32 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price where shop_price > 5000;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where shop_price > 5000' at line 1
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,shop_price from goods where shop_price > 5000;
| goods_id | goods_name     | shop_price |
|       22 | 多普达Touch HD      |    5999.00 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #把列看成变量, 把where后面看成PHP中if(exp)里的exp 表达式
mysql> #哪些行,被取出来? ---哪一行能让exp为真,哪一行就能取出来
mysql> #判断下一行取出什么?
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods
    -> where 1>2;  
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #where 1是什么意思?
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name from goods where 1;
| goods_id | goods_name                   |
|        1 | KD876                        |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |
|        5 | 索爱原装M2卡读卡器                         |
|        6 | 胜创KINGMAX内存卡                  |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |
|        8 | 飞利浦9@9v                         |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                         |
|       10 | 索爱C702c                        |
|       11 | 索爱C702c                        |
|       12 | 摩托罗拉A810                        |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic            |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |
|       15 | 摩托罗拉A810                        |
|       16 | 恒基伟业G101                       |
|       17 | 夏新N7                           |
|       18 | 夏新T5                           |
|       19 | 三星SGH-F258                     |
|       20 | 三星BC01                         |
|       21 | 金立 A30                         |
|       22 | 多普达Touch HD                    |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         |
|       24 | P806                         |
|       25 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |
|       26 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |
|       27 | 联通100元充值卡                       |
|       28 | 联通50元充值卡                        |
|       29 | 移动100元充值卡                       |
|       30 | 移动20元充值卡                        |
|       31 | 摩托罗拉E8                          |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         |
|       33 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                         |
32 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #第二点:把列看成变量
mysql> #既然是变量,变量之间就可以运算
mysql> #取出商品id,商品名,本店价比市场价省的钱.
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,market_price-shop_price 
    -> from goods
    -> where 1;
| goods_id | goods_name                   | market_price-shop_price |
|        1 | KD876                        |                  277.60 |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |                   11.60 |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |                   13.60 |
|        5 | 索爱原装M2卡读卡器                         |                    4.00 |
|        6 | 胜创KINGMAX内存卡                  |                    8.40 |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |                   20.00 |
|        8 | 飞利浦9@9v                         |                   79.79 |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                         |                  459.60 |
|       10 | 索爱C702c                        |                  265.60 |
|       11 | 索爱C702c                        |                -1300.00 |
|       12 | 摩托罗拉A810                        |                  196.60 |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic            |                  262.20 |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |                  525.00 |
|       15 | 摩托罗拉A810                        |                  157.60 |
|       16 | 恒基伟业G101                       |                  164.67 |
|       17 | 夏新N7                           |                  460.00 |
|       18 | 夏新T5                           |                  575.60 |
|       19 | 三星SGH-F258                     |                  171.60 |
|       20 | 三星BC01                         |                   56.00 |
|       21 | 金立 A30                         |                  400.00 |
|       22 | 多普达Touch HD                    |                 1199.80 |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         |                  740.00 |
|       24 | P806                         |                  400.00 |
|       25 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |                    9.59 |
|       26 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |                    3.80 |
|       27 | 联通100元充值卡                       |                    5.00 |
|       28 | 联通50元充值卡                        |                    5.00 |
|       29 | 移动100元充值卡                       |                  -90.00 |
|       30 | 移动20元充值卡                        |                    3.00 |
|       31 | 摩托罗拉E8                          |                  267.39 |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         |                  602.00 |
|       33 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                         |                  246.60 |
32 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #表里面原来没有"market_price-shop_price"的列
mysql> #这一列其实是一个运算结果,术语叫"广义投影",
mysql> #你就把列看成变量,来运算即可.
mysql> #列的运算结果,可以当成列看,还可以起个列别名
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,(market_price-shop_price) as discount
    -> from goods
    -> where cat_id!=3;
| goods_id | goods_name                   | discount |
|        1 | KD876                        |   277.60 |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       |    11.60 |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      |    13.60 |
|        5 | 索爱原装M2卡读卡器                         |     4.00 |
|        6 | 胜创KINGMAX内存卡                  |     8.40 |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  |    20.00 |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      |   525.00 |
|       16 | 恒基伟业G101                       |   164.67 |
|       18 | 夏新T5                           |   575.60 |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         |   740.00 |
|       25 | 小灵通/固话50元充值卡                     |     9.59 |
|       26 | 小灵通/固话20元充值卡                     |     3.80 |
|       27 | 联通100元充值卡                       |     5.00 |
|       28 | 联通50元充值卡                        |     5.00 |
|       29 | 移动100元充值卡                       |   -90.00 |
|       30 | 移动20元充值卡                        |     3.00 |
|       33 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                         |   246.60 |
17 rows in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> #顾客说,帮我查查你家的货
mysql> #查出本店价比市场省的钱,而且!!! ,而且省200以上的商品.
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,(market_price-shop_price) as discount
    -> from goods
    -> where (market_price-shop_price) > 200;
| goods_id | goods_name             | discount |
|        1 | KD876                  |   277.60 |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                   |   459.60 |
|       10 | 索爱C702c                  |   265.60 |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic      |   262.20 |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                |   525.00 |
|       17 | 夏新N7                     |   460.00 |
|       18 | 夏新T5                     |   575.60 |
|       21 | 金立 A30                   |   400.00 |
|       22 | 多普达Touch HD              |  1199.80 |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                   |   740.00 |
|       24 | P806                   |   400.00 |
|       31 | 摩托罗拉E8                    |   267.39 |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                   |   602.00 |
|       33 | 金立910浪漫镶钻手机                   |   246.60 |
14 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #有同学说,你这个似乎麻烦了,discount>200不就行了吗
mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,(market_price-shop_price) as discount
    -> from goods
    -> where discount>200;
ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'discount' in 'where clause'
mysql> # 一道面试题
mysql> create table mian (
    -> num int
    -> );
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.44 sec)

mysql> insert into mian
    -> values
    -> (3),(12),(15),(25),(23),(29),(34),(37),(32),(45),(48),(52);
Query OK, 12 rows affected (0.11 sec)
Records: 12  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from mian;
| num  |
|    3 |
|   12 |
|   15 |
|   25 |
|   23 |
|   29 |
|   34 |
|   37 |
|   32 |
|   45 |
|   48 |
|   52 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> #把num一定当成变量看,因此num/10取整,再乘以10
mysql> update mian set num=floor(num/10)*10
    -> where num>=20 and num<=39;
Query OK, 6 rows affected (0.08 sec)
Rows matched: 6  Changed: 6  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from mian;
| num  |
|    3 |
|   12 |
|   15 |
|   20 |
|   20 |
|   20 |
|   30 |
|   30 |
|   30 |
|   45 |
|   48 |
|   52 |
12 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,substring(goods_name,3) from goods 
    -> where goods_name like '诺基亚%';
| goods_id | goods_name                   | substring(goods_name,3)  |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       | 亚N85原装充电器                    |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      | 亚原装5800耳机                   |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  | 亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82               |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                         | 亚E66                      |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic            | 亚5320 XpressMusic         |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      | 亚5800XM                   |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         | 亚N96                      |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         | 亚N85                      |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,substring(goods_name,4) from goods 
    -> where goods_name like '诺基亚%';
| goods_id | goods_name                   | substring(goods_name,4) |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       | N85原装充电器                   |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      | 原装5800耳机                  |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  | N85原装立体声耳机HS-82              |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                         | E66                     |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic            | 5320 XpressMusic        |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      | 5800XM                  |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         | N96                     |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         | N85                     |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,concat('HTC',substring(goods_name,3)) from goods 
    -> where goods_name like '诺基亚%';
| goods_id | goods_name                   | concat('HTC',substring(goods_name,3)) |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       | HTC亚N85原装充电器                              |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      | HTC亚原装5800耳机                             |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  | HTC亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                         |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                         | HTC亚E66                                |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic            | HTC亚5320 XpressMusic                   |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      | HTC亚5800XM                             |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         | HTC亚N96                                |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         | HTC亚N85                                |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select goods_id,goods_name,concat('HTC',substring(goods_name,4)) from goods 
    -> where goods_name like '诺基亚%';
| goods_id | goods_name                   | concat('HTC',substring(goods_name,4)) |
|        4 | 诺基亚N85原装充电器                       | HTCN85原装充电器                              |
|        3 | 诺基亚原装5800耳机                      | HTC原装5800耳机                             |
|        7 | 诺基亚N85原装立体声耳机HS-82                  | HTCN85原装立体声耳机HS-82                         |
|        9 | 诺基亚E66                         | HTCE66                                |
|       13 | 诺基亚5320 XpressMusic            | HTC5320 XpressMusic                   |
|       14 | 诺基亚5800XM                      | HTC5800XM                             |
|       23 | 诺基亚N96                         | HTCN96                                |
|       32 | 诺基亚N85                         | HTCN85                                |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> exit


posted @ 2012-10-30 09:20  永不停歇  阅读(277)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报