C#: 修改app.config 来自MSDN

using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;

// IMPORTANT: To compile this example, you must add to the project
// a reference to the System.Configuration assembly.

class UsingAppSettingsSection
    #region UsingAppSettingsSection

    // This function shows how to use the File property of the
    // appSettings section.
    // The File property is used to specify an auxiliary
    // configuration file.
    // Usually you create an auxiliary file off-line to store
    // additional settings that you can modify as needed without
    // causing an application restart,as in the case of a Web
    // application.
    // These settings are then added to the ones defined in the
    // application configuration file.
    static void  IntializeConfigurationFile()
        // Create a set of unique key/value pairs to store in
        // the appSettings section of an auxiliary configuration
        // file.
        string time1 = String.Concat(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(),
                               " ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

        string time2 = String.Concat(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(),
                               " ", new DateTime(2009, 06, 30).ToLongTimeString());

        string[] buffer = {"<appSettings>",
        "<add key='AuxAppStg0' value='" + time1 + "'/>",
        "<add key='AuxAppStg1' value='" + time2 + "'/>",

        // Create an auxiliary configuration file and store the
        // appSettings defined before.
        // Note creating a file at run-time is just for demo
        // purposes to run this example.
        File.WriteAllLines("auxiliaryFile.config", buffer);

        // Get the current configuration associated
        // with the application.
        System.Configuration.Configuration config =

        // Associate the auxiliary with the default
        // configuration file.
        System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection appSettings = config.AppSettings;
        appSettings.File = "auxiliaryFile.config";

        // Save the configuration file.

        // Force a reload in memory of the
        // changed section.


    // This function shows how to write a key/value
    // pair to the appSettings section.
    static void WriteAppSettings()
            // Get the application configuration file.
            System.Configuration.Configuration config =

            // Create a unique key/value pair to add to
            // the appSettings section.
            string keyName = "AppStg" + config.AppSettings.Settings.Count;
            string value = string.Concat(DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString(),
                           " ", DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString());

            // Add the key/value pair to the appSettings
            // section.
            // config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(keyName, value);
            System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection appSettings = config.AppSettings;
            appSettings.Settings.Add(keyName, value);

            // Save the configuration file.

            // Force a reload in memory of the changed section.
            // This to to read the section with the
            // updated values.

                "Added the following Key: {0} Value: {1} .", keyName, value);
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}",

    // This function shows how to read the key/value
    // pairs (settings collection)contained in the
    // appSettings section.
    static void ReadAppSettings()

            // Get the configuration file. System.Configuration.Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None); // Get the appSettings section.
            System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection appSettings =

            // Get the auxiliary file name.
            Console.WriteLine("Auxiliary file: {0}", config.AppSettings.File);

            // Get the settings collection (key/value pairs).
            if (appSettings.Settings.Count != 0)
                foreach (string key in appSettings.Settings.AllKeys)
                    string value = appSettings.Settings[key].Value;
                    Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", key, value);
                Console.WriteLine("The appSettings section is empty. Write first.");
        catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine("Exception raised: {0}",

    #endregion UsingAppSettingsSection

    #region ApplicationMain

    // This class obtains user's input and provide feedback.
    // It contains the application Main.
    class ApplicationMain
        // Display user's menu.
        public static void UserMenu()
            StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();

            buffer.AppendLine("Please, make your selection.");
            buffer.AppendLine("1    -- Write appSettings section.");
            buffer.AppendLine("2    -- Read  appSettings section.");
            buffer.AppendLine("?    -- Display help.");
            buffer.AppendLine("Q,q  -- Exit the application.");


        // Obtain user's input and provide
        // feedback.
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Define user selection string.
            string selection;

            // Get the name of the application.
            string appName =


            // Get user selection.
            while (true)

                Console.Write("> ");
                selection = Console.ReadLine();
                if (selection != string.Empty)

            while (selection.ToLower() != "q")
                // Process user's input.
                switch (selection)
                    case "1":

                    case "2":

                Console.Write("> ");
                selection = Console.ReadLine();
    #endregion ApplicationMain

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