Hudson CI

  1. Hudson BIRT Charts Plugin:This Plugin provides graphing support to Hudson using BIRT Chart Engine.
  2. JNA Native Support Plugin:Plugin provides support for Native Access using JNA library.
  3. XPath Provider Plugin:XPath Service Provider for Jelly.
  4. Hudson Subversion Plug-in:This plugin provides support to use Subversion as an SCM in a Hudson job.
  5. Subversion Tagging Plugin:This plugin automatically performs subversion tagging (technically speaking svn copy) on successful build. 
  6. Groovy Support Plugin
  7. Hudson REST Plugin:This plugin adds REST support to Hudson
  8. Windows Slaves Plugin:Provides support to create Windows service for Windows Slaves
  9. Static Analysis Collector Plug-in:This plug-in is an add-on for the plug-ins Checkstyle, Dry, FindBugs, PMD, Tasks, and Warnings: the plug-in collects the different analysis results and shows the results in a combined trend graph. Additionally, the plug-in provides health reporting and build stability based on these combined results.
  10. Static Analysis Utilities:This plug-in provides utilities for the static code analysis plug-ins.
  11. Backup plugin:Backups and restores Hudson files
  12. Batch Task Plugin:This plugin adds batch tasks that are not regularly executed to projects, such as releases, integration, archiving, etc.
  13. Checkstyle Plug-in:This plug-in generates the trend report for Checkstyle, an open source static code analysis program.
  14. Role-based Authorization Strategy:This plugin adds a new role-based strategy to ease and fasten users management. This strategy allows: Creating global roles, such as admin, job creator, anonymous, etc., allowing to set Overall, Slave, Job, Run, View and SCM permissions on a global basis. Creating project roles, allowing to set only Job and Run permissions on a project basis. Assigning these roles to users.
  15. Hudson Workspace Cleanup Plugin

posted on 2013-11-22 12:16  架构师师  阅读(392)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
