# 实验一 嵌入式开发基础



openssl version

openssl cmd

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl version
OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.13 30 Jan 2024)

openssl list -help

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl -help

Standard commands
asn1parse         ca                ciphers           cmp               
cms               crl               crl2pkcs7         dgst              
dhparam           dsa               dsaparam          ec                
ecparam           enc               engine            errstr            
fipsinstall       gendsa            genpkey           genrsa            
help              info              kdf               list              
mac               nseq              ocsp              passwd            
pkcs12            pkcs7             pkcs8             pkey              
pkeyparam         pkeyutl           prime             rand              
rehash            req               rsa               rsautl            
s_client          s_server          s_time            sess_id           
smime             speed             spkac             srp               
storeutl          ts                verify            version           

Message Digest commands (see the `dgst' command for more details)
blake2b512        blake2s256        md4               md5               
rmd160            sha1              sha224            sha256            
sha3-224          sha3-256          sha3-384          sha3-512          
sha384            sha512            sha512-224        sha512-256        
shake128          shake256          sm3               

Cipher commands (see the `enc' command for more details)
aes-128-cbc       aes-128-ecb       aes-192-cbc       aes-192-ecb       
aes-256-cbc       aes-256-ecb       aria-128-cbc      aria-128-cfb      
aria-128-cfb1     aria-128-cfb8     aria-128-ctr      aria-128-ecb      
aria-128-ofb      aria-192-cbc      aria-192-cfb      aria-192-cfb1     
aria-192-cfb8     aria-192-ctr      aria-192-ecb      aria-192-ofb      
aria-256-cbc      aria-256-cfb      aria-256-cfb1     aria-256-cfb8     
aria-256-ctr      aria-256-ecb      aria-256-ofb      base64            
bf                bf-cbc            bf-cfb            bf-ecb            
bf-ofb            camellia-128-cbc  camellia-128-ecb  camellia-192-cbc  
camellia-192-ecb  camellia-256-cbc  camellia-256-ecb  cast              
cast-cbc          cast5-cbc         cast5-cfb         cast5-ecb         
cast5-ofb         des               des-cbc           des-cfb           
des-ecb           des-ede           des-ede-cbc       des-ede-cfb       
des-ede-ofb       des-ede3          des-ede3-cbc      des-ede3-cfb      
des-ede3-ofb      des-ofb           des3              desx              
rc2               rc2-40-cbc        rc2-64-cbc        rc2-cbc           
rc2-cfb           rc2-ecb           rc2-ofb           rc4               
rc4-40            seed              seed-cbc          seed-cfb          
seed-ecb          seed-ofb          sm4-cbc           sm4-cfb           
sm4-ctr           sm4-ecb           sm4-ofb   

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl list -help
Usage: list [options]

General options:
 -help                     Display this summary

Output options:
 -1                        List in one column
 -verbose                  Verbose listing
 -select val               Select a single algorithm
 -commands                 List of standard commands
 -standard-commands        List of standard commands
 -digest-commands          List of message digest commands (deprecated)
 -digest-algorithms        List of message digest algorithms
 -kdf-algorithms           List of key derivation and pseudo random function algorithms
 -random-instances         List the primary, public and private random number generator details
 -random-generators        List of random number generators
 -mac-algorithms           List of message authentication code algorithms
 -cipher-commands          List of cipher commands (deprecated)
 -cipher-algorithms        List of symmetric cipher algorithms
 -encoders                 List of encoding methods
 -decoders                 List of decoding methods
 -key-managers             List of key managers
 -key-exchange-algorithms  List of key exchange algorithms
 -kem-algorithms           List of key encapsulation mechanism algorithms
 -signature-algorithms     List of signature algorithms
 -asymcipher-algorithms    List of asymmetric cipher algorithms
 -public-key-algorithms    List of public key algorithms
 -public-key-methods       List of public key methods
 -store-loaders            List of store loaders
 -providers                List of provider information
 -engines                  List of loaded engines
 -disabled                 List of disabled features
 -options val              List options for specified command
 -objects                  List built in objects (OID<->name mappings)

Provider options:
 -provider-path val        Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)
 -provider val             Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)
 -propquery val            Property query used when fetching algorithms


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo 123 | openssl sm3
SM3(stdin)= e95001aed4b6f7de59169913997dace404f05091ed49c37133a9950a69405a9c
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo "123" | openssl sm3
SM3(stdin)= e95001aed4b6f7de59169913997dace404f05091ed49c37133a9950a69405a9c

二进制 -file 通用选项

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo "obase=16;123" | bc
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n -e "\x7B" > 123.bin
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# od -tx1 123.bin
0000000 7b
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl sm3 -file 123.bin
SM3(123.bin)= 2ed59fea0dbe4e4f02de67ee657eb6be8e22a7db425103402d8a36d7b6f6d344
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -ne "\x7B" | openssl sm3
SM3(stdin)= 2ed59fea0dbe4e4f02de67ee657eb6be8e22a7db425103402d8a36d7b6f6d344


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime -help
Usage: prime [options] [number...]

General options:
 -help               Display this summary
 -bits +int          Size of number in bits
 -checks +int        Number of checks

Output options:
 -hex                Hex output
 -generate           Generate a prime
 -safe               When used with -generate, generate a safe prime

Provider options:
 -provider-path val  Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)
 -provider val       Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)
 -propquery val      Property query used when fetching algorithms

 number              Number(s) to check for primality if not generating


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime 3
3 (3) is prime
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime 33
21 (33) is not prime
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime -checks 10 33
21 (33) is not prime
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  openssl prime -hex 4F
4F (4F) is prime


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  openssl prime -generate -bits 10
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime 907
38B (907) is prime
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime -generate -bits 10
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime 929
3A1 (929) is prime
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime -generate -bits 10 -hex
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl prime -hex 038B
38B (038B) is prime


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl rand -help
Usage: rand [options] num

General options:
 -help               Display this summary
 -engine val         Use engine, possibly a hardware device

Output options:
 -out outfile        Output file
 -base64             Base64 encode output
 -hex                Hex encode output

Random state options:
 -rand val           Load the given file(s) into the random number generator
 -writerand outfile  Write random data to the specified file

Provider options:
 -provider-path val  Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)
 -provider val       Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)
 -propquery val      Property query used when fetching algorithms

 num                 Number of bytes to generate


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  openssl rand 10
�����A��etroot@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl rand 10 | od -tx1
0000000 fd 72 f9 94 5f 73 79 33 d5 d5
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl rand 10 | xxd -p
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl rand -hex 10
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl rand -base64 10


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl rand -out r1.bin 10
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# od -tx1 r1.bin
0000000 f9 e5 80 af 32 7a 18 ea 3c f2
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl rand 10 > r2.bin
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  cat r2.bin | xxd -p


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl base64 -help
Usage: base64 [options]

General options:
 -help               Display this summary
 -list               List ciphers
 -ciphers            Alias for -list
 -e                  Encrypt
 -d                  Decrypt
 -p                  Print the iv/key
 -P                  Print the iv/key and exit
 -engine val         Use engine, possibly a hardware device

Input options:
 -in infile          Input file
 -k val              Passphrase
 -kfile infile       Read passphrase from file

Output options:
 -out outfile        Output file
 -pass val           Passphrase source
 -v                  Verbose output
 -a                  Base64 encode/decode, depending on encryption flag
 -base64             Same as option -a
 -A                  Used with -[base64|a] to specify base64 buffer as a single line

Encryption options:
 -nopad              Disable standard block padding
 -salt               Use salt in the KDF (default)
 -nosalt             Do not use salt in the KDF
 -debug              Print debug info
 -bufsize val        Buffer size
 -K val              Raw key, in hex
 -S val              Salt, in hex
 -iv val             IV in hex
 -md val             Use specified digest to create a key from the passphrase
 -iter +int          Specify the iteration count and force the use of PBKDF2
                     Default: 10000
 -pbkdf2             Use password-based key derivation function 2 (PBKDF2)
                     Use -iter to change the iteration count from 10000
 -none               Don't encrypt
 -*                  Any supported cipher

Random state options:
 -rand val           Load the given file(s) into the random number generator
 -writerand outfile  Write random data to the specified file

Provider options:
 -provider-path val  Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)
 -provider val       Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)
 -propquery val      Property query used when fetching algorithms


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | openssl base64
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | openssl base64 -e
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo eHpsCg==  | openssl base64 -d
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -ne "\x11\x22\x33" | openssl base64
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo ESIz | openssl base64 -d | xxd -p
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -ne "\x11\x22\x33\x44" | openssl base64
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo ESIzRA== | openssl base64 -d | xxd -p


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl > xzl.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl base64 -in xzl.txt -out xzl.b64
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# cat xzl.b64
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl base64 -d -in xzl.b64 -out xzl2.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# diff xzl.txt xzl2.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# cat xzl2.txt


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl asn1parse -help
Usage: asn1parse [options]

General options:
 -help            Display this summary
 -oid infile      file of extra oid definitions

I/O options:
 -inform PEM|DER  input format - one of DER PEM
 -in infile       input file
 -out outfile     output file (output format is always DER)
 -noout           do not produce any output
 -offset +int     offset into file
 -length +int     length of section in file
 -strparse +int   offset; a series of these can be used to 'dig'
 -genstr val      string to generate ASN1 structure from
                  into multiple ASN1 blob wrappings
 -genconf val     file to generate ASN1 structure from
 -strictpem       do not attempt base64 decode outside PEM markers
 -item val        item to parse and print
                  (-inform  will be ignored)

Formatting options:
 -i               indents the output
 -dump            unknown data in hex form
 -dlimit +int     dump the first arg bytes of unknown data in hex form


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -ne "\x03\x02\x04\x90" > bitstring.der
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl asn1parse -inform der -i -in bitstring.der
    0:d=0  hl=2 l=   2 prim: BIT STRING        
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl base64 -in bitstring.der -out bitstring.pem
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# ls bitstring.pem 
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  openssl asn1parse -inform PEM -in bitstring.pem
    0:d=0  hl=2 l=   2 prim: BIT STRING  


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl dgst -help
Usage: dgst [options] [file...]

General options:
 -help               Display this summary
 -list               List digests
 -engine val         Use engine e, possibly a hardware device
 -engine_impl        Also use engine given by -engine for digest operations
 -passin val         Input file pass phrase source

Output options:
 -c                  Print the digest with separating colons
 -r                  Print the digest in coreutils format
 -out outfile        Output to filename rather than stdout
 -keyform format     Key file format (ENGINE, other values ignored)
 -hex                Print as hex dump
 -binary             Print in binary form
 -xoflen +int        Output length for XOF algorithms. To obtain the maximum security strength set this to 32 (or greater) for SHAKE128, and 64 (or greater) for SHAKE256
 -d                  Print debug info
 -debug              Print debug info

Signing options:
 -sign val           Sign digest using private key
 -verify val         Verify a signature using public key
 -prverify val       Verify a signature using private key
 -sigopt val         Signature parameter in n:v form
 -signature infile   File with signature to verify
 -hmac val           Create hashed MAC with key
 -mac val            Create MAC (not necessarily HMAC)
 -macopt val         MAC algorithm parameters in n:v form or key
 -*                  Any supported digest
 -fips-fingerprint   Compute HMAC with the key used in OpenSSL-FIPS fingerprint

Random state options:
 -rand val           Load the given file(s) into the random number generator
 -writerand outfile  Write random data to the specified file

Provider options:
 -provider-path val  Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)
 -provider val       Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)
 -propquery val      Property query used when fetching algorithms

 file                Files to digest (optional; default is stdin)


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | openssl dgst -sm3
SM3(stdin)= 715c2e0b8b3008e3caa70da6daf02a470b4026ff84dccd5723086fd85b34328c
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | openssl sm3
SM3(stdin)= 715c2e0b8b3008e3caa70da6daf02a470b4026ff84dccd5723086fd85b34328c
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | openssl sm3 -hex
SM3(stdin)= 715c2e0b8b3008e3caa70da6daf02a470b4026ff84dccd5723086fd85b34328c
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | openssl sm3 -binary
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | openssl sm3 -binary | xxd -p


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# cat xzl.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl sm3 xzl.txt
SM3(xzl.txt)= 715c2e0b8b3008e3caa70da6daf02a470b4026ff84dccd5723086fd85b34328c
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | openssl sm3
SM3(stdin)= 715c2e0b8b3008e3caa70da6daf02a470b4026ff84dccd5723086fd85b34328c


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl enc -help
Usage: enc [options]

General options:
 -help               Display this summary
 -list               List ciphers
 -ciphers            Alias for -list
 -e                  Encrypt
 -d                  Decrypt
 -p                  Print the iv/key
 -P                  Print the iv/key and exit
 -engine val         Use engine, possibly a hardware device

Input options:
 -in infile          Input file
 -k val              Passphrase
 -kfile infile       Read passphrase from file

Output options:
 -out outfile        Output file
 -pass val           Passphrase source
 -v                  Verbose output
 -a                  Base64 encode/decode, depending on encryption flag
 -base64             Same as option -a
 -A                  Used with -[base64|a] to specify base64 buffer as a single line

Encryption options:
 -nopad              Disable standard block padding
 -salt               Use salt in the KDF (default)
 -nosalt             Do not use salt in the KDF
 -debug              Print debug info
 -bufsize val        Buffer size
 -K val              Raw key, in hex
 -S val              Salt, in hex
 -iv val             IV in hex
 -md val             Use specified digest to create a key from the passphrase
 -iter +int          Specify the iteration count and force the use of PBKDF2
                     Default: 10000
 -pbkdf2             Use password-based key derivation function 2 (PBKDF2)
                     Use -iter to change the iteration count from 10000
 -none               Don't encrypt
 -*                  Any supported cipher

Random state options:
 -rand val           Load the given file(s) into the random number generator
 -writerand outfile  Write random data to the specified file

Provider options:
 -provider-path val  Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)
 -provider val       Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)
 -propquery val      Property query used when fetching algorithms


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  openssl sm4-cbc -K "2851fa25211a48023794ae9515909603" -iv "da80e405a4998c351b0717093cbe86ab" -in xzl.txt -out xzl.enc
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  openssl sm4-cbc -d -K "2851fa25211a48023794ae9515909603" -iv "da80e405a4998c351b0717093cbe86ab" -in xzl.enc -out xzl3.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# diff xzl.txt xzl3.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# ls


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out private_key.pem
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl asn1parse -inform PEM -in private_key.pem
    0:d=0  hl=4 l=1213 cons: SEQUENCE          
    4:d=1  hl=2 l=   1 prim: INTEGER           :00
    7:d=1  hl=2 l=  13 cons: SEQUENCE          
    9:d=2  hl=2 l=   9 prim: OBJECT            :rsaEncryption
   20:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim: NULL              
   22:d=1  hl=4 l=1191 prim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
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl genpkey -help
Usage: genpkey [options]

General options:
 -help               Display this summary
 -engine val         Use engine, possibly a hardware device
 -paramfile infile   Parameters file
 -algorithm val      The public key algorithm
 -quiet              Do not output status while generating keys
 -pkeyopt val        Set the public key algorithm option as opt:value
 -config infile      Load a configuration file (this may load modules)

Output options:
 -out outfile        Output file
 -outform PEM|DER    output format (DER or PEM)
 -pass val           Output file pass phrase source
 -genparam           Generate parameters, not key
 -text               Print the in text
 -*                  Cipher to use to encrypt the key

Provider options:
 -provider-path val  Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)
 -provider val       Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)
 -propquery val      Property query used when fetching algorithms
Order of options may be important!  See the documentation.


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem
writing RSA key
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# cat public_key.pem 
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl asn1parse -inform PEM -in public_key.pem
    0:d=0  hl=4 l= 290 cons: SEQUENCE          
    4:d=1  hl=2 l=  13 cons: SEQUENCE          
    6:d=2  hl=2 l=   9 prim: OBJECT            :rsaEncryption
   17:d=2  hl=2 l=   0 prim: NULL              
   19:d=1  hl=4 l= 271 prim: BIT STRING


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl pkeyutl -help
Usage: pkeyutl [options]

General options:
 -help                     Display this summary
 -engine val               Use engine, possibly a hardware device
 -engine_impl              Also use engine given by -engine for crypto operations
 -sign                     Sign input data with private key
 -verify                   Verify with public key
 -encrypt                  Encrypt input data with public key
 -decrypt                  Decrypt input data with private key
 -derive                   Derive shared secret
 -config infile            Load a configuration file (this may load modules)

Input options:
 -in infile                Input file - default stdin
 -rawin                    Indicate the input data is in raw form
 -pubin                    Input is a public key
 -inkey val                Input private key file
 -passin val               Input file pass phrase source
 -peerkey val              Peer key file used in key derivation
 -peerform PEM|DER|ENGINE  Peer key format (DER/PEM/P12/ENGINE)
 -certin                   Input is a cert with a public key
 -rev                      Reverse the order of the input buffer
 -sigfile infile           Signature file (verify operation only)
 -keyform PEM|DER|ENGINE   Private key format (ENGINE, other values ignored)

Output options:
 -out outfile              Output file - default stdout
 -asn1parse                asn1parse the output data
 -hexdump                  Hex dump output
 -verifyrecover            Verify with public key, recover original data

Signing/Derivation options:
 -digest val               Specify the digest algorithm when signing the raw input data
 -pkeyopt val              Public key options as opt:value
 -pkeyopt_passin val       Public key option that is read as a passphrase argument opt:passphrase
 -kdf val                  Use KDF algorithm
 -kdflen +int              KDF algorithm output length

Random state options:
 -rand val                 Load the given file(s) into the random number generator
 -writerand outfile        Write random data to the specified file

Provider options:
 -provider-path val        Provider load path (must be before 'provider' argument if required)
 -provider val             Provider to load (can be specified multiple times)
 -propquery val            Property query used when fetching algorithms
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -inkey public_key.pem -pubin -in xzl.txt -out xzlrsaenc.bin
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -inkey private_key.pem -in xzlrsaenc.bin -out xzlrsadec.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# ls
123.bin        name.der         r2.bin     sm2.pem     xzl2.txt  xzlrsadec.txt
20221416.der   private_key.pem  score.der  sm2pub.pem  xzl3.txt  xzlrsaenc.bin
bitstring.der  public_key.pem   SM2        sm2.sig     xzl.b64   xzl.txt
bitstring.pem  r1.bin           sm2.der    stuid.der   xzl.enc


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private_key.pem -out xzl.sig xzl.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl dgst -sha256 -verify public_key.pem -signature xzl.sig xzl.txt
Verified OK
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl pkeyutl -sign -inkey private_key.pem -in xzl.txt -out xzlrsa.sig
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl pkeyutl -verify -in xzl.txt -sigfile xzlrsa.sig -inkey private_key.pem
Signature Verified Successfully


DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm)

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl dsaparam -genkey -out private_dsa.pem 2048
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl dsa -pubout -in private_dsa.pem -out public_dsa.pem
read DSA key
writing DSA key
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private_dsa.pem -out xzldsasign.dss xzl.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl dgst -sha256 -verify public_dsa.pem -signature xzldsasign.dss xzl.txt
Verified OK

ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256r1 -out private_ecdsa.pem
using curve name prime256v1 instead of secp256r1
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl ec -pubout -in private_ecdsa.pem -out public_ecdsa.pem
read EC key
writing EC key
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl dgst -sha256 -sign private_ecdsa.pem -out xzlecdsasign.ecdsa xzl.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl dgst -sha256 -verify public_ecdsa.pem -signature xzlecdsasign.ecdsa xzl.txt
Verified OK

EdDSA (Edwards-curve Digital Signature Algorithm)

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl genpkey -algorithm ed25519 -out private_eddsa.pem
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl pkey -pubout -in private_eddsa.pem -out public_eddsa.pem
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl pkeyutl -sign -inkey private_eddsa.pem -out xzleddsasign.eddsa -rawin -in xzl.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl pkeyutl -verify -pubin -inkey public_eddsa.pem -sigfile xzleddsasign.eddsa -rawin -in xzl.txt
Signature Verified Successfully


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# openssl list -commands
asn1parse         ca                ciphers           cmp               
cms               crl               crl2pkcs7         dgst              
dhparam           dsa               dsaparam          ec                
ecparam           enc               engine            errstr            
fipsinstall       gendsa            genpkey           genrsa            
help              info              kdf               list              
mac               nseq              ocsp              passwd            
pkcs12            pkcs7             pkcs8             pkey              
pkeyparam         pkeyutl           prime             rand              
rehash            req               rsa               rsautl            
s_client          s_server          s_time            sess_id           
smime             speed             spkac             srp               
storeutl          ts                verify            version           

参考云班课相关教学视频,在 Ubuntu或openEuler中(推荐 openEuler)中实践课程课程思维导图中GmSSL相关内容,使用Markdown记录详细记录实践过程,每完成一项git commit 一次。(5‘)


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl version
GmSSL 3.1.2 Dev
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl help
usage: gmssl command [options]
command -help

  help              Print this help message
  version           Print version
  rand              Generate random bytes
  sm2keygen         Generate SM2 keypair
  sm2sign           Generate SM2 signature
  sm2verify         Verify SM2 signature
  sm2encrypt        Encrypt with SM2 public key
  sm2decrypt        Decrypt with SM2 private key
  sm3               Generate SM3 hash
  sm3hmac           Generate SM3 HMAC tag
  sm3_pbkdf2        Hash password into key using PBKDF2 algoritm
  sm3xmss_keygen    Generate SM3-XMSS keypair
  sm4_ecb           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 ECB
  sm4_cbc           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CBC
  sm4_ctr           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CTR
  sm4_cfb           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CFB
  sm4_ofb           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 OFB
  sm4_ccm           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CCM
  sm4_gcm           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 GCM
  sm4_xts           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 XTS
  sm4_cbc_sm3_hmac  Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CBC with SM3-HMAC
  sm4_ctr_sm3_hmac  Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CTR with SM3-HMAC
  sm4_cbc_mac       Generate SM4 CBC-MAC
  ghash             Generate GHASH
  zuc               Encrypt or decrypt with ZUC
  sm9setup          Generate SM9 master secret
  sm9keygen         Generate SM9 private key
  sm9sign           Generate SM9 signature
  sm9verify         Verify SM9 signature
  sm9encrypt        SM9 public key encryption
  sm9decrypt        SM9 decryption
  reqgen            Generate certificate signing request (CSR)
  reqsign           Generate certificate from CSR
  reqparse          Parse and print a CSR
  crlget            Download the CRL of given certificate
  crlgen            Sign a CRL with CA certificate and private key
  crlverify         Verify a CRL with issuer's certificate
  crlparse          Parse and print CRL
  certgen           Generate a self-signed certificate
  certparse         Parse and print certificates
  certverify        Verify certificate chain
  certrevoke        Revoke certificate and output RevokedCertificate record
  cmsparse          Parse CMS (cryptographic message syntax) file
  cmsencrypt        Generate CMS EnvelopedData
  cmsdecrypt        Decrypt CMS EnvelopedData
  cmssign           Generate CMS SignedData
  cmsverify         Verify CMS SignedData
  sdfinfo           Print SDF device info
  sdfdigest         Generate SM3 hash with SDF device
  sdfexport         Export SM2 signing public key from SDF device
  sdfsign           Generate SM2 signature with SDF internal private key
  sdfencrypt        SM2/SM4-CBC hybrid encryption with SDF device
  sdfdecrypt        SM2/SM4-CBC hybrid decryption with SDF device
  sdftest           Test vendor's SDF library and device
  tlcp_client       TLCP client
  tlcp_server       TLCP server
  tls12_client      TLS 1.2 client
  tls12_server      TLS 1.2 server
  tls13_client      TLS 1.3 client
  tls13_server      TLS 1.3 server

run `gmssl <command> -help` to print help of the given command


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm3 -help
usage: sm3 [-hex|-bin] [-pubkey pem [-id str]] [-in file|-in_str str] [-out file]

    -hex                   Output hash value as hex string (by default)
    -bin                   Output hash value as binary
    -pubkey pem            Signer's SM2 public key
                           When `-pubkey` is specified, hash with SM2 Z value
    -id str                SM2 Signer's ID string
    -id_hex hex            SM2 Signer's ID in hex format
                           `-id` and `-id_hex` should be used with `-pubkey`
                           `-id` and `-id_hex` should not be used together
                           If `-pubkey` is specified without `-id` or `id_hex`,
                           the default ID string '1234567812345678' is used
    -in_str str            To be hashed string
    -in file | stdin       To be hashed file path
                           `-in_str` and `-in` should not be used together
                           If neither `-in` nor `-in_str` specified, read from stdin
    -out file | stdout     Output file path. If not specified, output to stdout


    gmssl sm3 -in_str abc

    gmssl sm3 -in_str abc -bin

    gmssl sm3 -in /path/to/file

    gmssl sm3 -pubkey sm2pubkey.pem -id alice -in /path/to/file -bin

  When reading from stdin, make sure the trailing newline character is removed

    echo -n abc | gmssl sm3

    C:\> echo |set/p="abc" | gmssl sm3

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n "xzl" |gmssl sm3
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n "xzl" |gmssl sm3 -hex
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n "xzl" |gmssl sm3 -bin
                      �{�root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n "cjs" | echo -n "xzl" | gmssl sm3 -bin | od -tx1
0000000 b2 71 80 5b 6f ad 42 7f 68 af 67 d6 97 39 6a 12
0000020 32 54 c9 d4 39 f0 ed 37 87 a3 0b 19 9b 7b 05 f7


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm3hmac -help
usage: sm3hmac -key hex [-in file | -in_str str] [-bin|-hex] [-out file]

    -key hex               Hex string of the MAC key
    -in_str str            Input as text string
    -in file | stdin       Input file path
                           `-in_str` and `-in` should not be used together
                           If neither `-in` nor `-in_str` specified, read from stdin
    -hex                   Output MAC-tag as hex string (by default)
    -bin                   Output MAC-tag as binary
                           `-hex` and `-bin` should not be used together
    -out file | stdout     Output file path. If not specified, output to stdout


    KEY_HEX=`gmssl rand -outlen 16 -hex`
    gmssl sm3hmac -key $KEY_HEX -in_str abc

    gmssl sm3hmac -key $KEY_HEX -in_str abc -bin

    gmssl sm3hmac -key $KEY_HEX -in /path/to/file

  When reading from stdin, make sure the trailing newline character is removed

    echo -n abc | gmssl sm3hmac -key $KEY_HEX

    C:\> echo |set/p="abc" | gmssl sm3hmac -key 11223344556677881122334455667788

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl rand -hex -outlen 16
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n "xzl" | gmssl sm3hmac -key 4E175D52FC472CB2F7A3FC15D64EB9FC


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm4 -help
gmssl: illegal option 'sm4'
usage: gmssl command [options]
command -help

  help              Print this help message
  version           Print version
  rand              Generate random bytes
  sm2keygen         Generate SM2 keypair
  sm2sign           Generate SM2 signature
  sm2verify         Verify SM2 signature
  sm2encrypt        Encrypt with SM2 public key
  sm2decrypt        Decrypt with SM2 private key
  sm3               Generate SM3 hash
  sm3hmac           Generate SM3 HMAC tag
  sm3_pbkdf2        Hash password into key using PBKDF2 algoritm
  sm3xmss_keygen    Generate SM3-XMSS keypair
  sm4_ecb           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 ECB
  sm4_cbc           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CBC
  sm4_ctr           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CTR
  sm4_cfb           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CFB
  sm4_ofb           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 OFB
  sm4_ccm           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CCM
  sm4_gcm           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 GCM
  sm4_xts           Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 XTS
  sm4_cbc_sm3_hmac  Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CBC with SM3-HMAC
  sm4_ctr_sm3_hmac  Encrypt or decrypt with SM4 CTR with SM3-HMAC
  sm4_cbc_mac       Generate SM4 CBC-MAC
  ghash             Generate GHASH
  zuc               Encrypt or decrypt with ZUC
  sm9setup          Generate SM9 master secret
  sm9keygen         Generate SM9 private key
  sm9sign           Generate SM9 signature
  sm9verify         Verify SM9 signature
  sm9encrypt        SM9 public key encryption
  sm9decrypt        SM9 decryption
  reqgen            Generate certificate signing request (CSR)
  reqsign           Generate certificate from CSR
  reqparse          Parse and print a CSR
  crlget            Download the CRL of given certificate
  crlgen            Sign a CRL with CA certificate and private key
  crlverify         Verify a CRL with issuer's certificate
  crlparse          Parse and print CRL
  certgen           Generate a self-signed certificate
  certparse         Parse and print certificates
  certverify        Verify certificate chain
  certrevoke        Revoke certificate and output RevokedCertificate record
  cmsparse          Parse CMS (cryptographic message syntax) file
  cmsencrypt        Generate CMS EnvelopedData
  cmsdecrypt        Decrypt CMS EnvelopedData
  cmssign           Generate CMS SignedData
  cmsverify         Verify CMS SignedData
  sdfinfo           Print SDF device info
  sdfdigest         Generate SM3 hash with SDF device
  sdfexport         Export SM2 signing public key from SDF device
  sdfsign           Generate SM2 signature with SDF internal private key
  sdfencrypt        SM2/SM4-CBC hybrid encryption with SDF device
  sdfdecrypt        SM2/SM4-CBC hybrid decryption with SDF device
  sdftest           Test vendor's SDF library and device
  tlcp_client       TLCP client
  tlcp_server       TLCP server
  tls12_client      TLS 1.2 client
  tls12_server      TLS 1.2 server
  tls13_client      TLS 1.3 client
  tls13_server      TLS 1.3 server

run `gmssl <command> -help` to print help of the given command

root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl rand -outlen 16 -out key.bin
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl rand -outlen 16 -out iv.bin
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# od -tx1 key.bin
0000000 79 ec 8f 48 50 2f 95 65 fb 58 16 14 0a d3 36 7a
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# od -tx1 iv.bin 
0000000 b4 6c 76 36 93 d3 8c 92 be f0 63 13 3c a0 47 4e
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n "xzl" | gmssl sm4_cbc -encrypt -key $(xxd -p -c 32 key.bin) -iv $(xxd -p -c 32 iv.bin) -out xzlsm4.cbc
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n "xzl" | gmssl sm4_cbc -encrypt -key $(xxd -p -c 32 key.bin) -iv $(xxd -p -c 32 iv.bin) -out xzlsm4.cbc
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm4_cbc -decrypt -key $(xxd -p -c 32 key.bin) -iv $(xxd -p -c 32 iv.bin) -in xzlsm4.cbc
xzlroot@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work#  KEY=$(xxd -p -c 32 key.bin)
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo $KEY
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# IV=$(xxd -p -c 32 iv.bin)
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo $IV
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo -n "xzl" | gmssl sm4_cbc -encrypt -key $KEY -iv $IV -out xzlsm4.cbc2
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm4_cbc -decrypt -key $KEY -iv $IV -in xzlsm4.cbc2
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# diff xzlsm4.cbc xzlsm4.cbc2
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm4_cbc -encrypt -key $(xxd -p -c 32 key.bin) -iv $(xxd -p -c 32 iv.bin) -in xzl.txt -out xzlsm4.cbc3
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm4_cbc -decrypt -key $(xxd -p -c 32 key.bin) -iv $(xxd -p -c 32 iv.bin) -in xzlsm4.cbc3
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# diff xzlsm4.cbc xzlsm4.cbc3
二进制文件 xzlsm4.cbc 和 xzlsm4.cbc3 不同


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm2keygen -pass 1416 -out sm2.pem -pubout sm2pub.pem
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# cat sm2.pem 
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# cat sm2pub.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | gmssl sm2sign -key sm2.pem -pass 1416 -out sm2.sig
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | gmssl sm2verify -pubkey sm2pub.pem -sig sm2.sig -id 1234567812345678
verify : success
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# echo xzl | gmssl sm2encrypt -pubkey sm2pub.pem -out sm2.der
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# od -tx1 sm2.der
0000000 30 6c 02 20 0c 0f b9 e6 d1 ef ad 64 8f 86 1a dc
0000020 c0 23 d4 b5 a0 e3 d5 32 0b ca 6d 73 44 be a5 57
0000040 82 6b ca a9 02 20 2c 3a b0 65 4d 7a 97 2a 26 85
0000060 f5 fb 55 9c 6d 91 9e e4 24 9f 3e 03 bd 6a 57 a7
0000100 c4 ba 12 44 fa ac 04 20 46 4a 7a 16 62 4b e0 91
0000120 a1 31 c6 d8 e3 45 a2 5a 3a d8 20 2b 92 4e f4 c8
0000140 94 66 ce 67 b5 37 64 d3 04 04 35 a4 4f a6
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work# gmssl sm2decrypt -key sm2.pem -pass 1416 -in sm2.der

两人一组,在 Ubuntu或openEuler中(推荐 openEuler)中使用OpenSSL命令实现带签名的数字信封协议。使用OpenSSL时Alice发送,Bob接收。Ailice,Bob在实验中要替换为自己的8位学号+姓名。 使用Markdown记录详细记录实践过程,每完成一项git commit 一次。(10分)

  • Alice,Bob生成自己的公私钥匙对,记作:(PKa,SKa),(PKb,SKb),Alice,Bob分别拥有:(PKa,SKa,PKb),(PKb,SKb,PKa),实验中把公钥文件拷贝给对方
  • Alice发给Bob的明文plain.txt,内容为自己的姓名学号
  • Alice:sm4 key使用gmssl rand 产生,16字节,记作k
  • Alice:Sm4Enc(k,P) = C
  • Alice:Sm2Enc(PKb,k) = KC
  • Alice:Sm2Sign(SKa,C)= S1
  • Alice: 数字信封 C||KC||S1 发给Bob
  • Bob:Sm2Very(PKa,S1)
  • Bob:Sm2Dec(SKb,KC)= k
  • Bob:Sm4Dec(k,C)= P
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/#vim plain.txt
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/#openssl rand -out k.bin 16
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/#openssl sm4-cbc -kfile k.bin -iv "da80e405a4998c351b0717093cbe86ab" -in plain.txt -out 1416_c
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/#openssl pkeyutl -encrypt -pubin -inkey 1415/openssl_1415_pub.pem -in k.bin -out kc.bin
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/#openssl pkeyutl -sign -inkey sm2private_key.pem -in 1416_c -out 1416_c.sig


$ openssl pkeyutl -verify -inkey openssl_1416_pub.pem -pubin -in 1416_c -sigfile 1416_c.sig
Signature Verified Successfully
$ openssl pkeyutl -decrypt -inkey openssl_1415_pri.pem -in kc.bin -out k.bin
$ ls k.bin
$ openssl sm4-cbc -d -kfile k.bin -iv "da80e405a4
998c351b0717093cbe86ab" -in 1416_c -out plain.txt
*** WARNING : deprecated key derivation used.
Using -iter or -pbkdf2 would be better.
$ cat plain.txt

4. 两人一组,在 Ubuntu或openEuler中(推荐 openEuler)中使用GmSSL命令实现带签名的数字信封协议。使用GmSSL,Bob发送,Alice接收。Ailice,Bob在实验中要替换为自己的8位学号+姓名。 使用Markdown记录详细记录实践过程,每完成一项git commit 一次。(10分)


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/# ls
1415sm2.der  1415_c.sig  xzlsm4.cbc   xzlsm4.cbc3  gmssl_1415_pub.pem  key.bin  sm2.pem     sm2.sig
1415_c.cbc3  xzl.sm3     xzlsm4.cbc2  xzl.txt      iv.bin              sm2.der  sm2pub.pem
三个文件:1416sm2.der  1415_c.sig 1415_c.cbc3


root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/# gmssl sm2verify -pubkey gmssl_1415_pub.pem -sig 1415_c.sig -in 1415_c.cbc3 
verify : success
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/# gmssl sm2decrypt -key sm2.pem -pass 1416 -in 1416sm2.der  -out gm_k.bin
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/# gmssl sm4_cbc -decrypt -key $(xxd -p -c 32 gm_k.bin) -iv $(xxd -p -c 32 iv.bin) -in 1415_c.cbc3 -out
root@20221416:/home/xzl/20221416/work/# cat plain.txt 
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