CreateFontIndirect - 根据字体结构建立逻辑字体 //声明:CreateFontIndirect(const p1: TLogFont {字体结构}): HFONT; {返回新字体指针}//TLogFont 是 tagLOGFONTA 结构的重定义:tagLOGFONTA = packed recordlfHeight: Longint; {字体高度}lfWidth: Longint; {字体平均宽度}lfEscapement: Longint; {角度, 单位是 1/10 度}lfOrientation: Longint; {基线角度}lfWeight: Longint; 阅读全文
procedure SetPrinterPaper(APaperNo: Integer; APaperWidth,APaperHeight: Double);//设置当前打印机的纸张大小//纸张号 9 A4 13 B5//页宽和页高,单位mmvarDevice: array[0..255] of char;Driver: array[0..255] of char;Port: array[0..255] of char;hDMode: THandle;PDMode: PDEVMODE;beginPrinter.PrinterIndex := Printer.PrinterIndex;Print 阅读全文
TMyString = class(TObject)private FStrBeginTran: string; FStrEndTran: string;protected function GetData(myData: TMyField): string; virtual; function GetFields(myData: TData): string; virtual;public property StrBeginTran: string read FStrBeginTran; property StrEndTran: string read FStrEndTran; class 阅读全文
function GetIDInfoGetDInfo(const CardNo: string; var Sex,BirthDay: string; var Age: Integer; var Area: string): Integer;variCardNo: Int64;iYear, iSex: Integer;sBirth, fBirth: string;dBirth: TDateTime;beginResult := 0; //表示身份证输入正确if (Length(CardNo) <> 15) and (Length(CardNo) <> 18) thenbe 阅读全文
procedure CloseEDTIME(edt: TEdit);varKeyStates: TKeyboardState;beginGetKeyboardState(KeyStates);if (KeyStates[VK_CAPITAL] = 1) thenbegin SetCapsLockKey(VK_CAPITAL, TRUE); //关大写end;Closeime(edt.Handle);end;procedure OpenEDTIME(edt: TEdit);varKeyStates: TKeyboardState;beginGetKeyboardState(KeyStates); 阅读全文
//去除左边的全角function MyTrimLeft(const S: string): string;varci, sl: integer;c: char;beginci := 1; sl := length(S);while (ci <= sl) dobegin c := S[ci]; case c of ' ': inc(ci); #161: if (ci < sl) and (S[ci + 1] = c) then inc(ci, 2); else break; end;end;Result := Copy(S, ci, sl);end;//去除右边的全 阅读全文