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 1 // firstLastList.java
 2 // demonstrates list with first and last references
 3 // to run this program: C>java FirstLastApp
 4 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 5 class Link
 6    {
 7    public long dData;                 // data item
 8    public Link next;                  // next link in list
 9 // -------------------------------------------------------------
10    public Link(long d)                // constructor
11       { dData = d; }
12 // -------------------------------------------------------------
13    public void displayLink()          // display this link
14       { System.out.print(dData + " "); }
15 // -------------------------------------------------------------
16    }  // end class Link
17 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 class FirstLastList
19    {
20    private Link first;               // ref to first link
21    private Link last;                // ref to last link
22 // -------------------------------------------------------------
23    public FirstLastList()            // constructor
24       {
25       first = null;                  // no links on list yet
26       last = null;
27       }
28 // -------------------------------------------------------------
29    public boolean isEmpty()          // true if no links
30       { return first==null; }
31 // -------------------------------------------------------------
32    public void insertFirst(long dd)  // insert at front of list
33       {
34       Link newLink = new Link(dd);   // make new link
36       if( isEmpty() )                // if empty list,
37          last = newLink;             // newLink <-- last
38       newLink.next = first;          // newLink --> old first
39       first = newLink;               // first --> newLink
40       }
41 // -------------------------------------------------------------
42    public void insertLast(long dd)   // insert at end of list
43       {
44       Link newLink = new Link(dd);   // make new link
45       if( isEmpty() )                // if empty list,
46          first = newLink;            // first --> newLink
47       else
48          last.next = newLink;        // old last --> newLink
49       last = newLink;                // newLink <-- last
50       }
51 // -------------------------------------------------------------
52    public long deleteFirst()         // delete first link
53       {                              // (assumes non-empty list)
54       long temp = first.dData;
55       if(first.next == null)         // if only one item
56          last = null;                // null <-- last
57       first = first.next;            // first --> old next
58       return temp;
59       }
60 // -------------------------------------------------------------
61    public void displayList()
62       {
63       System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");
64       Link current = first;          // start at beginning
65       while(current != null)         // until end of list,
66          {
67          current.displayLink();      // print data
68          current = current.next;     // move to next link
69          }
70       System.out.println("");
71       }
72 // -------------------------------------------------------------
73    }  // end class FirstLastList
74 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 class FirstLastApp
76    {
77    public static void main(String[] args)
78       {                              // make a new list
79       FirstLastList theList = new FirstLastList();
81       theList.insertFirst(22);       // insert at front
82       theList.insertFirst(44);
83       theList.insertFirst(66);
85       theList.insertLast(11);        // insert at rear
86       theList.insertLast(33);
87       theList.insertLast(55);
89       theList.displayList();         // display the list
91       theList.deleteFirst();         // delete first two items
92       theList.deleteFirst();
94       theList.displayList();         // display again
95       }  // end main()
96    }  // end class FirstLastApp
97 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


posted on 2012-05-05 20:46  孤独的猫  阅读(320)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报