
其实我一开始是冲着这个去了,一个神秘的CORE组织不知道为何物,好像很厉害的样子促就我想把他弄出来。软件是加壳的,这个没什么好讲的,开始就是pushad,于是在栈上下访问断点立马就能拿到magic jmp




  1 // TEXme01Keygen.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
  2 //
  4 #include "stdafx.h"
  5 #include <iostream>
  6 #include "windows.h"
  7 int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  8 {
  9     char upstr[150] = "mystrupggg";
 10     char *downstr="mystrdown";
 11     char *symupstr = upstr;
 12     symupstr = symupstr + strlen(upstr) + 1;
 13     unsigned int m1 = 0xffffffff;
 14     m1 = m1 - strlen(upstr)-1;
 15     m1 = ~m1;
 16     symupstr = symupstr - m1;
 17     int m2 = m1 >> 2;
 18     char sth[125];
 19     char *symsth = sth;
 20     memcpy(sth, symupstr, m2*4);
 21     symupstr += m2 * 4;
 22     symsth += m2 * 4;
 23     int m3 = m1 & 3;
 24     memcpy(sth, symupstr, m3 * 4);
 25     symupstr += m3 * 4;
 26     symsth += m3 * 4;
 28     char *c1 = sth;
 29     char *c2 = sth + strlen(sth) - 1;
 30     for (; c1 >= c2; c1++, c2--)
 31     {
 32         char cc1 = *c1;
 33         char cc2 = *c2;
 34         *c1 = cc2;
 35         *c2 = cc1;
 36     }
 39     symsth = sth;
 40     symsth = symsth + strlen(sth) + 1;
 41     unsigned int n1 = 0xffffffff;
 42     n1 = n1 - strlen(upstr) - 1;
 43     n1 = ~n1;
 44     symsth =symsth- n1;
 45     symupstr = upstr+strlen(upstr);
 46     int n2 = n1 >> 2;
 47     memcpy(symupstr, symsth, n2*4);
 48     symupstr += n2 * 4;
 49     symsth += n2 * 4;
 50     int n3 = n1 & 3;
 51     memcpy(symupstr, symsth, n3 * 4);
 53     char key[] = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion";
 54     PHKEY hKey;
 55     RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key,hKey);
 56     char key2[] = "ProductID";
 57     DWORD dwType = REG_SZ;
 58     DWORD dwSize;
 59     RegQueryValueExA(*hKey, key2, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)sth, &dwSize);
 60     symupstr = upstr;
 61     symsth = sth;
 62     unsigned int x1 = 0xffffffff;
 63     x1 = x1 - strlen(upstr) - 1;
 64     x1 = ~x1;
 65     symsth = symsth + strlen(symsth) + 1;
 66     symsth = symsth - x1;
 67     int x2 = x1 >> 2;
 68     symupstr = symupstr + strlen(upstr);
 69     memcpy(symupstr, symsth, x2);
 70     symupstr += x2 * 4;
 71     symsth += x2 * 4;
 72     int x3 = x1 & 3;
 73     memcpy(symupstr, symsth, x3);
 76     char key3[] = "RegisteredOwner";        
 77     RegQueryValueExA(*hKey, key3, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)sth, &dwSize);
 78     symupstr = upstr;
 79     symsth = sth;
 80     unsigned int y1 = 0xffffffff;
 81     y1 = y1 - strlen(upstr) - 1;
 82     y1 = ~y1;
 83     symsth = upstr + strlen(upstr) + 1;
 84     symsth = symsth - y1;
 85     int y2 = y1 >> 2;
 86     symupstr = symupstr + strlen(upstr);
 87     memcpy(symupstr, symsth, y2);
 88     symupstr += y2 * 4;
 89     symsth += y2 * 4;
 90     int y3 = y1 & 3;
 91     memcpy(symupstr, symsth, y3);
 93     unsigned int i1 = 0xffffffff;
 94     i1 = i1 - strlen(upstr) - 1;
 95     i1 = ~i1;
 96     int i2 = i1 - 1;
 97     DWORD dw1 = 0x67452301, dw2 = 0xefcdab89, dw3 = 0x98badcfe, dw4 = 0x10325476;
 98     int i3 = i2 & 0x3f;
 99     int i4 = 0x40;
100     i4 = i4 - i3;
101     *(upstr + strlen(upstr)) = 0x80;
102     if (i4 <= 7)
103         i4 += 0x40;
104     i2 += i4;
106     unsigned int j1 = 0xffffffff;
107     j1 = j1 - strlen(upstr) - 1;
108     j1 = ~j1;
109     int j2 = j1 - 1;
110     int j3 = j2 >> 3;
111     if (i2 == 0)
112     {
114     }
115     else
116     {
118     }
119 }















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