
hello earth



GANT PNG to ICON converter
(c) Andreas Verhoeven 2005, averhoev.2@hccnet.nl
GANT is copyright Mattahan 2005

Commandline options:
-? for help
-i <dir>, specifies the input folder that contain the PNG files to convert
-o <dir>, specifies the output folder for the new ICON files
-s <size,bpp>, specifies a size of the ICON files. Use multiple -s <size><bpp>bpp for multiple sizes and bits per pixels
-noconfirm, don't ask the user for confirmation
-silent, no progress output

Example: png2ico.exe -s 16 32bpp -s 32 32bpp -s 48 32bpp -i c:\pngs\ -o c:\icons\

This will convert all PNG files in c:\pngs\ to icons with 16x16, 32x32 and 48x48 (all in 32bits per pixel) icons and output them to c:\icons\


posted on 2011-03-22 08:38  狄烁STEC  阅读(413)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报