剑指 Offer 03. 重建二叉树
剑指 Offer 03. 重建二叉树
前序遍历的顺序为:根左右 中序遍历的顺序为:左根右
- 我们先根据前序遍历序列的第一个确定根,然后在中序遍历的序列中找到根的位置,根左边的就是其左子树,右边就是其右子树
- 构建根和左右子树
- 递归的进行1和2
func reConstructBinaryTree(pre []int, in []int) *TreeNode { if len(pre) != len(in) || len(pre) == 0 { return nil } // find root and root Index in inOrder rootVal := pre[0] rootIndex := 0 for i := 0; i < len(in); i++ { if in[i] == rootVal { rootIndex = i } } // pre and in for left and right inL, inR := in[:rootIndex], in[rootIndex+1:] preL, preR := pre[1:rootIndex+1], pre[rootIndex+1:] // revursive left := reConstructBinaryTree(preL, inL) right := reConstructBinaryTree(preR, inR) return &TreeNode{Val: rootVal, Left: left, Right: right} }
class Solution { public: TreeNode* buildTree(vector<int>& preorder, vector<int>& inorder) { if (!preorder.size()) { return nullptr; } TreeNode* root = new TreeNode(preorder[0]); stack<TreeNode*> stk; stk.push(root); int inorderIndex = 0; for (int i = 1; i < preorder.size(); ++i) { int preorderVal = preorder[i]; TreeNode* node = stk.top(); if (node->val != inorder[inorderIndex]) { node->left = new TreeNode(preorderVal); stk.push(node->left); } else { while (!stk.empty() && stk.top()->val == inorder[inorderIndex]) { node = stk.top(); stk.pop(); ++inorderIndex; } node->right = new TreeNode(preorderVal); stk.push(node->right); } } return root; } };