ex39 字典
#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- #create a mapping of state to abbreviation states = { 'Oregon': 'OR', 'Florida': 'FL', 'California': 'CA', 'New York': 'NY', 'Michigan': 'MI' } #creat a basic set of states and some cities in them." cities = { 'CA': 'San Francisco', 'MI': 'Detroit', 'FL': 'Jacksonville' } #add some more cities cities['NY'] = 'New York'#添加 cities['OR'] = 'Portland' #print out some cities print '-'*10 print "NY state has:",cities['NY']#查找 print "OR state has:",cities['OR'] #print some states print '-' * 10 print "Michigan's abbreviation is:",states['Michigan'] print "Florida's abbreviation is:",states['Florida'] #do it by using the state then cities dict print '-' * 10 print "Michigan has:",cities[states['Michigan']]#这种情况,如果states里边那个不存在,那么是会报错的。但是呢如果用states.get()这就是正经查找不会报错了 print "Florida has:",cities[states['Florida']] #print every state abbreviation print '-' * 10 for state,abbrev in states.items():#items函数的功能 print "%s is abbreviated %s" %(state,abbrev) #print every city in the state print '-' * 10 for abbrev, city in cities.items():#通过items来实现比较直观,但是实际上该方法的内部原理是现将字典转化为列表,然后进行循环(虽然我也不明白),数据量大的时候,运算量会更大, print "%s has city %s" %(abbrev, city) #另外一种实现该功能的方法 for i in cities: print "%s has city %s" %(i,cities[i]) #now do both at the same time print '-' * 10 for state,abbrev in states.items(): print "%s state is abbreviated %s has city %s" %(state,abbrev,cities[abbrev]) print '-' * 10 #safely get a abbrevation by state that is not there state = states.get("Texas", None)#这个none不写应该也没事 if not state: print "Sorry,no Texas." #get a city with a defult value city = cities.get('TX', 'Does not exist.') print "The city for the state 'TX' is : %s " % city