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    | 4A | American Association of Advertising Agencies | 美国广告代理协会 |
    | ADX | AD eXchange | 广告交易平台 |
    | | ad group | 广告组 |
    | ADN | AD Network | 广告网络 |
    | | ad placement | 广告放置 |
    | | ad safety | 广告安全 |
    | | affiliate | 联盟 |
    | | agreement-based advertisting | 合约广告 |
    | AUC | Area Under Curve | 曲线下面积 |
    | | auction-based advertising | 竞价广告 |
    | | audience targeting | 受众定向 |
    | ASN | Average Show Number | |
    | BoW | Bag of Words | 词袋 |
    | | banner ad | 横幅广告 |
    | | bayesian learning | 叶贝斯学习 |
    | BT | Behaviorial Targeting | 行为定向 |
    | | bid term | 竞价关键词 |
    | | brand awareness | 品牌广告 |
    | | call out optimization | 询价优化 |
    | | campaign | 广告计划 |
    | CoEC | Click on Expected Click | |
    | CoPC | Click on Predicted Click | |
    | CTR | Click Through Rate | 点击率 |
    | CF | Collaborative Filtering | 协同过滤 |
    | | compact allocation plan | 紧凑分配方案 |
    | | constrained optimization | 带约束优化 |
    | | content as ad | 内容即广告 |
    | CDN | Content Delivery Network | 内容分发网络 |
    | | contextual advertising | 上下文广告 |
    | | contextual targeting | 上下文定向 |
    | CVR | Conversion Rate | 转化率 |
    | CPA | Cost per Action | 转化率 |
    | CPC | Cost per Click | 按点击付费 |
    | CPM | Cost per Mille | 按千次展示付费 |
    | CPS | Cost per Sale | 按销售额付费 |
    | CPT | Cost per Time | 按时间付费 |
    | | creative | 广告创意 |
    | CRM | Customer Relation Management | 客户关系管理 |
    | | customized audience segmentation | 定制化用户标签 |
    | | data exchange | 数据交易平台 |
    | DMP | Data Management Platform | 数据管理平台 |
    | | deman | 需求方 |
    | | demand constraint |需求约束 |
    | DSP | Demand Side Platform | 需求方平台 |
    | | demographical targeting | 人口属性定向 |
    | | direct response | 直接效果广告 |
    | | display advertising | 展示广告 |
    | | downhill simplex method | 下降单纯形法 |
    | | dynamic allocation | 动态分配 |
    | EDM | E-mail Direct Marketing | 邮件定向营销广告 |
    | EM | Expectation-Maximization | 最大期望 |
    | EC | Expected Click | 期望点击 |
    | eCPM | Expected Cost per Mille | 千次展示期望收入 |
    | | experimentation framework | 实验框架 |
    | E&E | Explore and Exploit | 搜索与利用 |
    | | frequency capping | 频次控制 |
    | Gap | Gamma-Poisson | r泊松 |
    | GLM | Generalized Linear Model | 广义线性模型 |
    | GSP | Generalized Second Price | 广义第二高阶 |
    | | geo-targeting | 地域定向 |
    | | gradient descent | 梯度下降法 |
    | GD | Guaranteed Delivery | 担保式投送 |
    | HWM | High Water Mark | 高水位算法 |
    | | hyper-local targeting | 精确位置定向 |
    | IDFA | Identifier for Advertising | 广告专用用户标识符 |
    | IIS | Improved Iterative Scaling | 改进的迭代缩放 |
    | IR | Information Retrieval | 信息检索|
    | | integrated marketing | 整合营销 |
    | IMEI | International Mobile Equipment Identity | |
    | IAB | Interactive Advertising Bureau | 交互广告局 |
    | | inventory | 库存 |
    | IDF | Inverse Document Frequency | 倒数文档频率 |
    | | landing page | 落地页 |
    | LDA | Latent Dirichlet Allocation | 潜在迪利克雷分配 |
    | LSA | Latent Semantic Analysis | 潜在语义分析 |
    | L-BFGS | Limited-memory BFGS | 有限内存BFGS |
    | LR | Logistic Regression | 逻辑回归 |
    | | look-alike | 新客推荐 |
    | ML | Machine Learing | 机器学习 |
    | MRP | Market Reserve Price | 市场保留价 |
    | MRA | Maximal Representative Allocation | 最大代表性分配 |
    | MAP | Maximum a Posterior | 最大后验概率 |
    | ME | Maximum Entropy | 最大熵 |
    | | mechanism design | 机制设计 |
    | | media buying plaform | 媒介采买平台 |
    | ML | Mixture Model | 混合模型 |
    | MoG | Mixture of Gaussians | 高斯混合模型 |
    | | mobile ad | 移动广告 |
    | MAB | Multi-Arm Bandit | 多臂老-虎机 |
    | | native ad | 原生广告 |
    | | network optimization | 网络优化 |
    | NFP | North Foot Print | 北区广告平均条数 |
    | | off-site recommendation | 站外推荐 |
    | | online allocation | 在线分配 |
    | PII | Personal Identifiable Infomation | 个人可辨别信息 |
    | | personalized recommendation | 个性化推荐 |
    | | personalized retargeting | 个性化重定向 |
    | | position auction | 位置拍卖 |
    | PR | Precision/Recall | |
    | | preferred deals | 优选 |
    | | premium sales | 优先销售 |
    | | pricing | 定价 |
    | PMP | Private Marketplace | 私有交易市场 |
    | PLSI | Probabilistic Latent Semantci Indexing | |
    | | programmatic trade | 程序化交易 |
    | | query | 查询 |
    | | reach | 到达率 |
    | RTM | Real Time Bidding | 实时竞价 |
    | ROC | Receive Operating Characteristic | 接收机操作特性 |
    | | remnant inventory | 剩余流量 |
    | | retargeting | 重定向 |
    | ROI | Return on Investment | 投入产出比 |
    | RPM | Revenue per Mille | 千次展示收益 |
    | | rich media ad | 富媒体广告 |
    | | search ad | 搜索广告 |
    | SEM | Search engine marketing | 搜索引擎营销 |
    | | search retargeting | 搜索重定向 |
    | | second price | 第二高价 |
    | SVD | Singular Value Decompostion | 奇异值分解 |
    | | site retargeting | 网站重定向 |
    | | social ad | 社交广告 |
    | | sponsored search | 付费搜索 |
    | SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent | 随机梯度下降 |
    | | stream computing | 流计算 |
    | | sufficient statistics | 充分统计量 |
    | | supply | 供给方 |
    | | supply constraint | 供给约束 |
    | SSP | Supply Site Platform | 供给方平台 |
    | | targeted advertising | 定向广告 |
    | TD | Trading Desk | 交易终端 |
    | TF | Term Frequency | 词频 |
    | | textual ad | 文字链广告 |
    | | topic model | 文本主题模型 |
    | | traffic forecasting 流量预测 | |
    | TP | Traffic Protection | 流量保护 |
    | | traffic shaping | 流量塑性 |
    | UCB | Upper Confidence Bound | 置信上界 |
    | VSM | Vector Space Model | 向量空间模型 |
    | | vertical ad network | 垂直广告网络 |
    | VCG | Vickrey-Clarke-Groves | |
    | | video ad | 视频广告 |
    | WA | Web Analytics | 网站分析 |


posted @ 2019-03-19 15:02  这个人在加班  阅读(4188)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报