\begin{wrapfigure}{r}{.35\textwidth} %{r}表示图片位于文字的右方,{l}同理
\vspace{-15pt} %负的越多,图片越靠上方
\begin{flushright} %图片靠右对齐
\includegraphics[scale=.29]{cat.png} %scale描述图片的缩放程度
\vspace{-30pt} %负的越多,图片下方的空白越少
These are two very different frameworks for how to build a machine learning model.
Consider a visual metaphor: imagine we’re trying to distinguish dog images from
cat images. A generative model would have the goal of understanding what dogs look
like and what cats look like. You might literally ask such a model to ‘generate’,
i.e. draw, a dog. Given a test image, the system then asks whether it’s the cat
model or the dog model that better fits (is less surprised by) the image, and
chooses that as its label.