[LeetCode] Length of Last Word

Given a string s consists of upper/lower-case alphabets and empty space characters ' ', return the length of last word in the string.

If the last word does not exist, return 0.

Note: A word is defined as a character sequence consists of non-space characters only.

For example, 
Given s = "Hello World",
return 5.


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思路:遇到空格并且下一个字符不是空格或者‘\0’ ,len 清零,否则++;


class Solution {
        int lengthOfLastWord(const char *s)
            const char *p = s;
            int len = 0;

            p = s;
            while(*p != '\0')
                if(*p == ' ')
                    if(*(p+1) != ' ' && *(p+1) != '\0')
                        len = 0;
                    len ++;

            return len;


posted @ 2015-03-06 13:23  穆穆兔兔  阅读(129)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报