
ccl is the customizable configuration library, a collection of functions for application programmers wishing to interface with user-editable configuration files containing key/value pairs.

ccl is customizable because it allows the comment, key/value, and string literal delimiters to be programatically specified at runtime.

ccl is designed to be simple and portable; it has a small interface consisting of five functions and is written in ANSI/ISO C. ccl uses avl's implemenation of binary search trees for backend storage.

ccl is available via ftp from

You can browse the library's contents by using the navigation bar at the top of this page. A good starting point is the globals page.

An example is the best way to understand how ccl works. A configuration file named example.conf might contain:

## Sample configuration file
Desktop-Picture = /usr/images/earth.jpg
Position = Centered
"Background Color" = Black

The following code demonstrates how to parse and access this file using ccl:

#include "ccl/ccl.h"

struct ccl_t config;
const struct ccl_pair_t *iter;

/* Set configuration file details */
config.comment_char = '#';
config.sep_char = '=';
config.str_char = '"';

/* Parse the file */
ccl_parse(&config, "example.conf");

/* Iterate through all key/value pairs */
while((iter = ccl_iterate(&config)) != 0) {
printf("(%s,%s)n", iter->key, iter->value);

/* Clean up */


When compiled, the snippet above produces the output

(Background Color,Black)

posted on 2014-03-08 18:03  DieAngel  阅读(4081)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
