名称: 观察者模式(Observer Pattern)-对象行为型模式 问题: Observer pattern defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all i 阅读全文
名称: 状态模式(State Pattern)-对象行为模式 问题: The State pattern allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object appears to cha 阅读全文
名称: 责任链模式 (Chain of Responsibility Pattern)-对象行为型模式 问题: The Chain of Responsibility pattern establishes a chain within a system, so that a message can 阅读全文
名称: 命令模式(Command Pattern)-对象行为型模式 问题: The Command pattern encapsulates a request in an object, which enables you to store the command, pass the comman 阅读全文
名称: 策略模式(Strategy Pattern)-对象行为模式 问题: The intent of the Strategy Pattern is to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each algorithm, and make the 阅读全文
名称: 模板方法模式(Template Method Pattern)-类行为型模式 问题: The Template Method pattern provides a method that allows subclasses to override parts of the method wi 阅读全文
名称: 组合模式(Composite Pattern)-对象结构型模式 问题: Compose Objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individ 阅读全文
名称: 享元模式(Flyweight Pattern)-对象结构型模式 问题: The flyweight design pattern enables use sharing of objects to support large numbers of fine-grained objects e 阅读全文
名称: 外观模式(Facade Pattern)-对象结构型模式 问题: The Facade pattern provides a unified interface to a group of interfaces in a subsystem. The Facade pattern defin 阅读全文
名称: 装饰模式(Decorator Pattern)-对象结构型模式 问题: Wikipedia: The decorator pattern can be used to extend (decorate) the functionality of a certain object static 阅读全文