名称: 解释器模式(Interpreter Pattern)-类行为模式 问题: The Interpreter pattern interprets a language to define a representation for its grammar along with an interp 阅读全文
名称: 备忘录模式(Memento Pattern)-对象行为模式 问题: The Memento pattern contains a snapshot of the state of an object, so that the object can return to its original 阅读全文
名称: 访问者模式(Visitor Pattern)-对象行为模式 问题: The Visitor pattern provides a maintainable, easy way to represent an operation to be performed on the elements 阅读全文
名称: 迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern)-对象行为模式 问题: The iterator pattern provides a consistent way to sequentially access items in a collection that is independent 阅读全文