25. K 个一组翻转链表 Reverse Nodes in k-Group
Given a linked list, reverse the nodes of a linked list k at a time and return its modified list.
k is a positive integer and is less than or equal to the length of the linked list. If the number of nodes is not a multiple of k then left-out nodes, in the end, should remain as it is.
Follow up:
- Could you solve the problem in
extra memory space? - You may not alter the values in the list's nodes, only nodes itself may be changed.
Input: head = [1,2,3,4,5], k = 3
Output: [3,2,1,4,5]
每次翻转前,确定翻转链表的范围,通过 k 此循环来确定
初始需要两个变量 pre 和 end,pre 代表待翻转链表的前驱,end 代表待翻转链表的末尾
经过k此循环,end 到达末尾,记录待翻转链表的后继 next = end.next
翻转链表,然后将三部分链表连接起来,然后重置 pre 和 end 指针,然后进入下一次循环
特殊情况,当翻转部分长度不足 k 时,在定位 end 完成后,end==null,已经到达末尾,说明题目已完成,直接返回即可
public ListNode reverseKGroup(ListNode head, int k) { ListNode dummy = new ListNode(0); dummy.next = head; ListNode pre = dummy; ListNode end = dummy; while (end.next != null) { for (int i = 0; i < k && end != null; i++)
end = end.next; if (end == null) break; ListNode start = pre.next; ListNode next = end.next; end.next = null; pre.next = reverse(start); start.next = next; pre = start; end = pre; } return dummy.next; } private ListNode reverse(ListNode head) { ListNode pre = null; ListNode curr = head; while (curr != null) { ListNode next = curr.next; curr.next = pre; pre = curr; curr = next; }