To install the service, use
C:/> resin-3.2.x/resin.exe -install -conf conf/myconf.xml / -user MyResinUser -password mypasswordTo remove the service, use
C:/> resin-3.2.x/resin.exe -remove
2、Resin Logs目录里面有访问服务器访问日志在./logs子目录内。
3、Resin服务器本身提供一套类似spring Security的可配置权限控制解决方案.详见
<host id=""> <web-app id='/' document-directory="/usr/local/apache/htdocs"/> </host>
5、Resin本身提供依赖注入:Java Injection (CanDI, JSR-299) Injection : ,注意这句:CanDI provides a straightforward driver for integrating Resin capabilities with popular frameworks. Struts2, Spring, Mule, and Wicket have already been integrate。
6、在database configuration部分,注意现在的配置有Protecting the database password的方法。
7、关于Server Push (Comet):Resin's Comet support focuses on solving the concurrency issues around server push.
8、Resin内建Rewrite and Dispatch机制
9、Resin's remoting lets applications write services as plain java objects and export them with a choice of protocols, including Hessian, Burlap, CXF (SOAP), XFire. Because Resin activates the service as an IoC singleton, the service can use any of Resin's IoC capabilities, including dependency injection, AOP interception, EJB transactions, and event handling.
10、virtual host的设置样例:
<resin xmlns=""> <cluster id=""> <host host-name=""> <host-alias></host-alias> <host-alias></host-alias> <root-directory>/opt/www/</root-directory> <web-app id="/" document-directory="webapps/ROOT"> </web-app> ... </host> </cluster> </resin>
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