


账户密码记录文件 data,



锁定账户密码文件 data1,



 1 import os,sys,getpass
 2 from pathlib import Path
 3 f = open(Path(__file__).parent / "data","r")    #指定账户文件
 4 d = open(Path(__file__).parent / "data1","r+")    #读取黑名单
 6 #看是否锁定
 7 name_in = input("Pleae input your name:").strip()
 8 for black in d:
 9     if name_in == black.strip():
10         print("\033[31m Your count has locked \033[0m")
11         sys.exit()
12     #    sys.exit("Your count has locked,Please contect the manager!")
13 #判断是否为有效账户
14 if name_in not in f.read():
15     sys.exit("Please check your name,invalid name")
16 f.close()
19 for i in range(3):    
20     f = open(Path(__file__).parent / "data","r")
21     pass_in = getpass.getpass("Please input your password:")  #用户输入密码
22     ##开始验证用户密码
23     for line in f:    #读取账户
24         f_name = line.split("|")[0]  #获取用户名
25         f_pass = line.split("|")[1].strip()    #获取密码
26         if name_in == f_name and pass_in == f_pass:
27             sys.exit("Wellcome")
28         else:
29             cout_t = 2 - i
30             print("password error,please try again,you have %s times" % cout_t)                
31             break
32     f.close()
33 else:
34     d.write(name_in + "\n") #失败3次加入黑名单
35     sys.exit("your count has locked")
36 d.close()
 1 import os,sys,getpass    #导入模块
 2 from pathlib import Path
 3 os.system('clear')
 4 #u_f = open(Path(__file__).parent / "data","r")    #打开文件
 5 d_f = open(Path(__file__).parent / "data1","r+")
 7 for i in range(3):
 8     name_in = input("Please input your name:")    #用户输入用户名
 9     with open(Path(__file__).parent / "data","r") as u_f:    #读取用户名
10         for u_list in u_f:
11             u_name = u_list.split("|")[0].strip()    #获取用户名
12             u_pass = u_list.split("|")[1].strip()    #获取用户密码
13             if name_in == u_name:    #如果有效
14                 for d_u in d_f:        #验证是否在黑名单
15                     if name_in == d_u.strip():
16                         print("\33[31m Your count has been locked! \33[0m")
17                         sys.exit()
18                 else:
19                     for j in range(3):
20                         pass_in = getpass.getpass("Please input your password:")    #输入用户名
21                         if pass_in == u_pass:
22                             print("\33[32m Wellcome to system ! \33[0m")
23                             sys.exit()
24                         else:
25                             cout_t = 2 - j
26                             print("password error,please try again,you have %s times" % cout_t)
27                             continue
28                     else:
29                         d_f.write(name_in + "\n") #失败3次加入黑名单
30                         sys.exit("your count has locked")
31                         d_f.close()
32         else:
33             print("Please input valid acount!")    #无效用户名重试
34             pass
35 else:
36     sys.exit("Sorry, the name is invalid")    #无效用户名,退出


posted @ 2018-03-09 14:11  DingHongbin  阅读(257)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报