ISC tftp server 修改支持多目录
在linux开发发现平时用tftp传输文件比较频繁,正好赶上需要对tftp 服务端进行修改支持多目录操作,所以就下载了ISC tftp源码(tftp-hpa-5.2)最新的版本了,linux系统下可以通过wget hpa/tftp-hpa-5.2.tar.gz 来获取源码。关于tftp的协议原理方面我就不废话了,网上有很多解释,都比较详细生动,不知道的可 以先去了解下,不然看源码就很吃力!废话少说。把源码解压,里面有tftp client 和 tftp server 目录,编译后得到可执行文件 tftp 和 tftpd ,放到搭建的虚拟机里面运行
root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# ls test test1 tftp tftpd root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# ps -ef|grep tftpd root 2281 1 0 17:18 ? 00:00:00 ./tftpd -l -c -s /root/tftpserver/test/ root 2400 2176 0 17:36 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto tftpd root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# cat test/mytest this is a simple test! root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# dgq@t468 tftpclient $ tftp tftp> get mytest tftp> quit dgq@t468 tftpclient $ cat mytest this is a simple test! dgq@t468 tftpclient $
root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# ./tftpd -l -c /root/tftpserver/test /root/tftpserver/test1 root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# ps -ef|grep tftpd root 2418 1 0 17:41 ? 00:00:00 ./tftpd -l -c /root/tftpserver/test /root/tftpserver/test1 root 2420 2176 0 17:41 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto tftpd dgq@t468 tftpclient $ tftp tftp> get mytest tftp: error received from server <Only absolute filenames allowed> tftp: aborting tftp> get /root/tftpserver/test/mytest tftp> quit root@t468 tftpclient # ls mytest root@t468 tftpclient # cat mytest this is a simple test!
struct tftphdr { USHORT tu_opcode; // 操作码 union { USHORT tu_block; // 块号 USHORT tu_code; // 错误码 char tu_stuff[1]; // 请求包填充物 }th_u; char th_data[1]; // 数据或错误字符串 //mode (binary和ASCII和text)and data };
这个就是根据协议定义的tftp结构体了,ok进入tftpd 这个目录下,vim tftpd.c打开代码 直接定位到main函数,首先有个while循环来解析输入的选项信息,用了getopt_long()这个函数来解析命令行选项参数。就不用自己写东东来出来argv了,首先看看-s这个选项
case 's': secure = 1; break;
如果有-s 选项,则secure赋值为1.有什么作用呢,看下面就知道了
dirs = xmalloc((argc - optind + 1) * sizeof(char *)); for (ndirs = 0; optind != argc; optind++) dirs[ndirs++] = argv[optind]; dirs[ndirs] = NULL; if (secure) { if (ndirs == 0) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "no -s directory"); exit(EX_USAGE); } if (ndirs > 1) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "too many -s directories"); exit(EX_USAGE); } if (chdir(dirs[0])) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: %m", dirs[0]); exit(EX_NOINPUT); } }
secure=1 则会执行if判断语句,代码一看就知道如果是多目录就不能加-s这个选项,如果不加,那么如何来修改才能让客户端跟之前的一样只输入文件就可以得到文件呢,关键点就是下面的函数里面
static int validate_access(char *filename, int mode, const struct formats *pf, const char **errmsg) { struct stat stbuf; int i, len; int fd, wmode, rmode; char *cp; const char **dirp; char stdio_mode[3]; tsize_ok = 0; *errmsg = NULL; if (!secure) { if (*filename != '/') { *errmsg = "Only absolute filenames allowed"; return (EACCESS); } /* * prevent tricksters from getting around the directory * restrictions */ len = strlen(filename); for (i = 1; i < len - 3; i++) { cp = filename + i; if (*cp == '.' && memcmp(cp - 1, "/../", 4) == 0) { *errmsg = "Reverse path not allowed"; return (EACCESS); } } for (dirp = dirs; *dirp; dirp++) if (strncmp(filename, *dirp, strlen(*dirp)) == 0) break; if (*dirp == 0 && dirp != dirs) { *errmsg = "Forbidden directory"; return (EACCESS); } }
* Note also, full path name must be * given as we have no login directory. */ static int quit_func_flag; static int search_file(const char *path, const char *filename) { char *tmp_filename; DIR *dir; struct dirent *tmp_file; struct stat tmp_file_stat; char fullpath[256] = {0}; char tmp_fullpath[256] = {0}; if ((dir = opendir(path)) == NULL) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot open coresppending directory: %s: %m", path); return; } sprintf(fullpath, "%s/", path); strcpy(tmp_fullpath, fullpath); while ( (tmp_file = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { strcat(fullpath, tmp_file->d_name); if (strncmp(tmp_file->d_name, ".", 1) == 0) { strcpy(fullpath, tmp_fullpath); continue; } if (strcmp(tmp_file->d_name, filename) == 0) { chdir(path); quit_func_flag = 1; break; } if (stat(fullpath, &tmp_file_stat) == 0 && S_ISDIR(tmp_file_stat.st_mode)) { search_file(fullpath, filename); } if (quit_func_flag) { break; } strcpy(fullpath, tmp_fullpath); } closedir(dir); return ; } static int validate_access(char *filename, int mode, const struct formats *pf, const char **errmsg) { struct stat stbuf; int i, len; int fd, wmode, rmode; char *cp; const char **dirp; char stdio_mode[3]; tsize_ok = 0; *errmsg = NULL; if (!secure) { #if 0 if (*filename != '/') { *errmsg = "Only absolute filenames allowed"; return (EACCESS); } #endif /* * prevent tricksters from getting around the directory * restrictions */ len = strlen(filename); for (i = 1; i < len - 3; i++) { cp = filename + i; if (*cp == '.' && memcmp(cp - 1, "/../", 4) == 0) { *errmsg = "Reverse path not allowed"; return (EACCESS); } } for (dirp = dirs; *dirp; dirp++) { search_file(*dirp, filename); if (quit_func_flag) { break; } } // if (strncmp(filename, *dirp, strlen(*dirp)) == 0) // break; if (*dirp == 0 && dirp != dirs) { *errmsg = "Forbidden directory"; return (EACCESS); } }
root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# cat test/mytest this is a simple test! root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# cat test1/yourtest his is your sipmle test! root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# ps -ef|grep tftpd root 2457 1 0 19:10 ? 00:00:00 ./tftpd -l -c /root/tftpserver/test /root/tftpserver/test1 root 2493 2176 0 19:40 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto tftpd root@ubuntu:~/tftpserver# root@t468 tftpd # tftp tftp> get mytest tftp> get yourtest tftp> quit root@t468 tftpd # cat mytest this is a simple test! root@t468 tftpd # cat yourtest his is your sipmle test! root@t468 tftpd #
1)里面用到的strcpy ,sprintf, strcat,等函数都没有检查溢出状况的,为了安全,最好都改了strncpy, strncat, snprintf等等
3)有个全局的标示符quit_func_flag。它的目的就是找到对应的文件就设置为1,后面会根据它的值做对应的处理,其实这样定义是很麻烦的,因为当第一次客户端来请求文件时,如果有,那么quit_func_flag就赋值为1,当后面的客户端再来请求的时候,不管文件存在不存在,它的值都是为1了。好在tftp server 是这样的,先在while循环里面利用select来监听请求,如果有,则会fork一个子进程来处理,那么父进程的quit_func_flag的值永远都是0,所以这里不会出现什么问题。不过为了养成好习惯,还是利用参数传递好点
4)get 操作没有问题,假如put 操作呢?这里就不知道往哪里放了,其实也是可以进行处理的,看以后有时间再说了。