1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | # 分析 前端携带的数据:{username:用户名 或手机号 或邮箱,password:md5(密码)} 注册的时候:密码也是md5加密后带过来的 我们登录的时候,带的密码是md5加密的 - - - 》后端校验通不过 # 后端: - request.data中取出来 - 校验用户名密码是否正确 - - - 》逻辑写到 序列类中 - 配合序列化类 - - - 》全局钩子中写逻辑,签发token - 返回给前端 # 总结: 1 序列化类实例化得到对象时要ser = UserLoginSerializer(data = request.data) data = request.data 不能传给第一个位置 2 被 APIResponse 序列化的数据类型,必须是 数字,字符串,列表,字典,不能是其他对象类型 3 配置文件中写了个 后台项目地址 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 | from .models import User from rest_framework import serializers import re from rest_framework.exceptions import ValidationError from rest_framework_jwt.serializers import jwt_payload_handler, jwt_encode_handler from django.conf import settings # 只用来做校验 class UserLoginSerializer(serializers.Serializer): # 字段自己的校验规则会限制,不通过,因为是unique的 username = serializers.CharField() password = serializers.CharField() def validate( self , attrs): # 1 校验用户名密码是否正确 user = self ._get_user(attrs) # 2 签发token token = self ._get_token(user) # 3 把签发的token和username放到context中 self .context[ 'username' ] = user.username self .context[ 'token' ] = token self .context[ 'icon' ] = settings.BACKEND_URL + '/media/' + str (user.icon) # 4 返回attrs return attrs def _get_user( self , attrs): username = attrs.get( 'username' ) password = attrs.get( 'password' ) # 手机号码 if re.match(r '^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$' , username): # 因为这个password是明文---》在数据库中存了密文,必须要使用 user.check_password校验用户秘钥 # user=User.objects.filter(mobile=username,password=password) user = User.objects. filter (mobile = username).first() # 邮箱 elif re.match(r '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+$' , username): user = User.objects. filter (email = username).first() # 用户名 else : user = User.objects. filter (username = username).first() if user and user.check_password(password): return user else : raise ValidationError( '用户名或密码错误' ) def _get_token( self , user): payload = jwt_payload_handler(user) token = jwt_encode_handler(payload) return token |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | class UserLoginView(GenericViewSet): serializer_class = UserLoginSerializer # 没有用,就不需要写 # queryset = None @action (methods = [ 'POST' ], detail = False ) def mul_login( self , request, * args, * * kwargs): ser = self .get_serializer(data = request.data) # ser=UserLoginSerializer(data=request.data) ser.is_valid(raise_exception = True ) username = ser.context.get( 'username' ) token = ser.context.get( 'token' ) icon = ser.context.get( 'icon' ) # icon 必须是字符串形式,不能是对象相似 # {code:100,msg:成功,token:asdfasf,icon:asdfasdf,username:asdfasd} return APIResponse(username = username, token = token, icon = icon) # {code:100,msg:成功,token:asdfasf,user:{id:1,username:xxx,icon:ssss}} # return APIResponse(token=token, user=ser.data) # 如果执行ser.data,就会走序列化 |
1 2 | # ---post 请求 router.register( 'login' , UserLoginView, 'login' ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | # 发送短信功能 - 网上会有第三方短信平台,为我们提供api,花钱,向它的某个地址发送请求,携带手机号,内容 - - - 》它替我们发送短信 - 腾讯云短信 - - - 》以这个为例 - 阿里 大于短信 - 容联云通信 #1 申请一个公众号---》自行百度---》个人账号 #2 如何申请腾讯云短信 - 1 地址:https: / / cloud.tencent.com / act / pro / csms - 2 登录后,进入控制台,搜短信https: / / console.cloud.tencent.com / smsv2 - 3 创建签名:使用公众号 - 身份证,照片 - 4 模板创建 - 5 发送短信 - 使用腾讯提供的sdk发送 - https: / / cloud.tencent.com / document / product / 382 / 43196 |
短信 Python SDK-SDK 文档-文档中心-腾讯云 (tencent.com)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | - API: 网络地址,有请求方式,向这个地址按照规则发送请求,就能完成某些操作 - - - 》以后只要使用第三方服务,大概率会提供给你api - sdk:集成开发工具包,第三方平台,用不同语言对api接口进行封装 - - - 》只要按照它的使用规则 - - - 》直接导入使用接口 - 可能没提供所有语言的sdk,不同语言要单独写 - python的形式就是一个包,把包下载下来 - 以后使用第三方,如果有sdk,优先用sdk,如果没有,只能用api # 下载sdk pip install - - upgrade tencentcloud - sdk - python |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from tencentcloud.common import credential from tencentcloud.common.exception.tencent_cloud_sdk_exception import TencentCloudSDKException # 导入对应产品模块的client models。 from tencentcloud.sms.v20210111 import sms_client, models # 导入可选配置类 from tencentcloud.common.profile.client_profile import ClientProfile from tencentcloud.common.profile.http_profile import HttpProfile try : # 必要步骤: # 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对secretId,secretKey。 # 这里采用的是从环境变量读取的方式,需要在环境变量中先设置这两个值。 # 您也可以直接在代码中写死密钥对,但是小心不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人, # 以免泄露密钥对危及您的财产安全。 # SecretId、SecretKey 查询: https://console.cloud.tencent.com/cam/capi cred = credential.Credential( "secretId" , "secretKey" ) # cred = credential.Credential( # os.environ.get(""), # os.environ.get("") # ) # 实例化一个http选项,可选的,没有特殊需求可以跳过。 httpProfile = HttpProfile() # 如果需要指定proxy访问接口,可以按照如下方式初始化hp(无需要直接忽略) # httpProfile = HttpProfile(proxy="http://用户名:密码@代理IP:代理端口") httpProfile.reqMethod = "POST" # post请求(默认为post请求) httpProfile.reqTimeout = 30 # 请求超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒) httpProfile.endpoint = "sms.tencentcloudapi.com" # 指定接入地域域名(默认就近接入) # 非必要步骤: # 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置 clientProfile = ClientProfile() clientProfile.signMethod = "TC3-HMAC-SHA256" # 指定签名算法 clientProfile.language = "en-US" clientProfile.httpProfile = httpProfile # 实例化要请求产品(以sms为例)的client对象 # 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串ap-guangzhou,支持的地域列表参考 https://cloud.tencent.com/document/api/382/52071#.E5.9C.B0.E5.9F.9F.E5.88.97.E8.A1.A8 client = sms_client.SmsClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou" , clientProfile) # 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数 # 您可以直接查询SDK源码确定SendSmsRequest有哪些属性可以设置 # 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构 # 推荐使用IDE进行开发,可以方便的跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明 req = models.SendSmsRequest() # 基本类型的设置: # SDK采用的是指针风格指定参数,即使对于基本类型您也需要用指针来对参数赋值。 # SDK提供对基本类型的指针引用封装函数 # 帮助链接: # 短信控制台: https://console.cloud.tencent.com/smsv2 # 腾讯云短信小助手: https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/3773#.E6.8A.80.E6.9C.AF.E4.BA.A4.E6.B5.81 # 短信应用ID: 短信SdkAppId在 [短信控制台] 添加应用后生成的实际SdkAppId,示例如1400006666 # 应用 ID 可前往 [短信控制台](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/smsv2/app-manage) 查看 req.SmsSdkAppId = "1400787878" # 短信签名内容: 使用 UTF-8 编码,必须填写已审核通过的签名 # 签名信息可前往 [国内短信](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/smsv2/csms-sign) 或 [国际/港澳台短信](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/smsv2/isms-sign) 的签名管理查看 req.SignName = "腾讯云" # 模板 ID: 必须填写已审核通过的模板 ID # 模板 ID 可前往 [国内短信](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/smsv2/csms-template) 或 [国际/港澳台短信](https://console.cloud.tencent.com/smsv2/isms-template) 的正文模板管理查看 req.TemplateId = "449739" # 模板参数: 模板参数的个数需要与 TemplateId 对应模板的变量个数保持一致,,若无模板参数,则设置为空 req.TemplateParamSet = [ "1234" ] # 下发手机号码,采用 E.164 标准,+[国家或地区码][手机号] # 示例如:+8613711112222, 其中前面有一个+号 ,86为国家码,13711112222为手机号,最多不要超过200个手机号 req.PhoneNumberSet = [ "+8613711112222" ] # 用户的 session 内容(无需要可忽略): 可以携带用户侧 ID 等上下文信息,server 会原样返回 req.SessionContext = "" # 短信码号扩展号(无需要可忽略): 默认未开通,如需开通请联系 [腾讯云短信小助手] req.ExtendCode = "" # 国内短信无需填写该项;国际/港澳台短信已申请独立 SenderId 需要填写该字段,默认使用公共 SenderId,无需填写该字段。注:月度使用量达到指定量级可申请独立 SenderId 使用,详情请联系 [腾讯云短信小助手](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/3773#.E6.8A.80.E6.9C.AF.E4.BA.A4.E6.B5.81)。 req.SenderId = "" resp = client.SendSms(req) # 输出json格式的字符串回包 print (resp.to_json_string(indent = 2 )) # 当出现以下错误码时,快速解决方案参考 # - [FailedOperation.SignatureIncorrectOrUnapproved](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/9558#.E7.9F.AD.E4.BF.A1.E5.8F.91.E9.80.81.E6.8F.90.E7.A4.BA.EF.BC.9Afailedoperation.signatureincorrectorunapproved-.E5.A6.82.E4.BD.95.E5.A4.84.E7.90.86.EF.BC.9F) # - [FailedOperation.TemplateIncorrectOrUnapproved](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/9558#.E7.9F.AD.E4.BF.A1.E5.8F.91.E9.80.81.E6.8F.90.E7.A4.BA.EF.BC.9Afailedoperation.templateincorrectorunapproved-.E5.A6.82.E4.BD.95.E5.A4.84.E7.90.86.EF.BC.9F) # - [UnauthorizedOperation.SmsSdkAppIdVerifyFail](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/9558#.E7.9F.AD.E4.BF.A1.E5.8F.91.E9.80.81.E6.8F.90.E7.A4.BA.EF.BC.9Aunauthorizedoperation.smssdkappidverifyfail-.E5.A6.82.E4.BD.95.E5.A4.84.E7.90.86.EF.BC.9F) # - [UnsupportedOperation.ContainDomesticAndInternationalPhoneNumber](https://cloud.tencent.com/document/product/382/9558#.E7.9F.AD.E4.BF.A1.E5.8F.91.E9.80.81.E6.8F.90.E7.A4.BA.EF.BC.9Aunsupportedoperation.containdomesticandinternationalphonenumber-.E5.A6.82.E4.BD.95.E5.A4.84.E7.90.86.EF.BC.9F) # - 更多错误,可咨询[腾讯云助手](https://tccc.qcloud.com/web/im/index.html#/chat?webAppId=8fa15978f85cb41f7e2ea36920cb3ae1&title=Sms) except TencentCloudSDKException as err: print (err) |
3.1 目录结构
1 2 3 4 5 6 | SECRET_ID = 'xxxFF6rRr8Qd' SECRET_KEY = 'xxxG3kHcjnfbQ' APPID = 'xxx1075' SIGN_NAME = '爱瞌睡的老头公众号' TEMPLATE_ID = 'xxx36' |
3.2 sms.py
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | import random from tencentcloud.common import credential from tencentcloud.common.exception.tencent_cloud_sdk_exception import TencentCloudSDKException from tencentcloud.sms.v20210111 import sms_client, models from tencentcloud.common.profile.client_profile import ClientProfile from tencentcloud.common.profile.http_profile import HttpProfile from . import settings import json # 1 生成一个 固定长度的随机验证码(数字) def get_code(number = 4 ): code = '' for i in range (number): r = random.randint( 0 , 9 ) code + = str (r) return code # 2 传入手机号和验证,发送短信功能函数 def send_sms(code, mobile): try : cred = credential.Credential(settings.SECRET_ID, settings.SECRET_KEY) httpProfile = HttpProfile() httpProfile.reqMethod = "POST" # post请求(默认为post请求) httpProfile.reqTimeout = 30 # 请求超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒) httpProfile.endpoint = "sms.tencentcloudapi.com" # 指定接入地域域名(默认就近接入) clientProfile = ClientProfile() client = sms_client.SmsClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou" , clientProfile) req = models.SendSmsRequest() req.SmsSdkAppId = settings.APPID req.SignName = settings.SIGN_NAME req.TemplateId = settings.TEMPLATE_ID req.TemplateParamSet = [code, '1' ] req.PhoneNumberSet = [ "+86" + mobile] resp = client.SendSms(req) print (resp.to_json_string(indent = 2 )) response_data_dict = json.loads(resp.to_json_string(indent = 2 )) if response_data_dict.get( 'SendStatusSet' )[ 0 ].get( 'Code' ) = = 'Ok' : return True else : # 失败了,可以拿出message---》正常发送失败 return False except Exception as err: # 发送过程中出了错误,失败 return False |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | class MobileView(ViewSet): @action (methods = [ 'POST' ], detail = False ) def send_sms( self , request, * args, * * kwargs): # 1 给谁发,手机号是从前端传入的,{mobile:18923434,code:'验证码'} ---》我们的:{mobile:18923434} mobile = request.data.get( 'mobile' ) # 2 生成数字验证码 code = get_code() # 3 数字验证码保存---》保存到哪?后续还能拿到---》放到缓存中---》默认放在内存中 cache. set ( 'cache_mobile_%s' % mobile, code) # key 一定要唯一,后续还能取出来,就用手机号 # 4 同步 发送短信---》同步发送--》可能前端会一直等待,耗时 # res = send_sms_mobile(code, mobile) # if res: # return APIResponse(msg='发送成功') # else: # return APIResponse(code=101, msg='发送失败,请稍后再试') # # 5 发送短信--》异步操作,使用多线程,无法知道短信是否成功了,不需要关注是否成功 t = Thread(target = send_sms_mobile,args = [code,mobile]) t.start() return APIResponse(msg = '发送已发送' ) |
4.1 分析
1 2 3 4 5 6 | # 分析: 前端携带的数据 - - - 》{mobile: 11111 ,code: 8888 } 后端: - 取出手机号验证码,验证验证码是否正确,如果正确 - 签发token - 返回给前端 |
4.2 视图类
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | class UserLoginView(GenericViewSet): serializer_class = UserLoginSerializer # 没有用,就不需要写 # queryset = None @action (methods = [ 'POST' ], detail = False ) def mul_login( self , request, * args, * * kwargs): return self ._login(request, * args, * * kwargs) @action (methods = [ 'POST' ], detail = False ) def sms_login( self , request, * args, * * kwargs): return self ._login(request, * args, * * kwargs) def get_serializer_class( self ): # 判断,如果是sms_login,返回 短信登录的序列化类,其他情况就返回UserLoginSerializer if self .action = = 'sms_login' : return SMSLoginSerializer elif self .action = = 'mul_login' : return UserLoginSerializer else : return super ().get_serializer_class() def _login( self , request, * args, * * kwargs): ser = self .get_serializer(data = request.data) # 序列化类不一样,重写某个方法,实现,不同的请求action,返回的序列化类不一样 ser.is_valid(raise_exception = True ) username = ser.context.get( 'username' ) token = ser.context.get( 'token' ) icon = ser.context.get( 'icon' ) return APIResponse(username = username, token = token, icon = icon) |
4.3 序列化类
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 | class LoginSerializer(serializers.Serializer): def validate( self , attrs): # 1 校验用户名密码是否正确 user = self ._get_user(attrs) # 2 签发token token = self ._get_token(user) # 3 把签发的token和username放到context中 self .context[ 'username' ] = user.username self .context[ 'token' ] = token self .context[ 'icon' ] = settings.BACKEND_URL + '/media/' + str (user.icon) # 4 返回attrs return attrs def _get_user( self , attrs): pass def _get_token( self , user): payload = jwt_payload_handler(user) token = jwt_encode_handler(payload) return token # 只用来做校验 class UserLoginSerializer(LoginSerializer): # 字段自己的校验规则会限制,不通过,因为是unique的 username = serializers.CharField() password = serializers.CharField() def _get_user( self , attrs): username = attrs.get( 'username' ) password = attrs.get( 'password' ) if re.match(r '^1[3-9][0-9]{9}$' , username): # 因为这个password是明文---》在数据库中存了密文,必须要使用 user.check_password校验用户秘钥 # user=User.objects.filter(mobile=username,password=password) user = User.objects. filter (mobile = username).first() elif re.match(r '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+(.[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)+$' , username): user = User.objects. filter (email = username).first() else : user = User.objects. filter (username = username).first() if user and user.check_password(password): return user else : raise ValidationError( '用户名或密码错误' ) class SMSLoginSerializer(LoginSerializer): mobile = serializers.CharField() code = serializers.CharField() def _get_user( self , attrs): mobile = attrs.get( 'mobile' ) code = attrs.get( 'code' ) # 1 校验code是否正确 old_code = cache.get( 'cache_mobile_%s' % mobile) if old_code = = code: # 2 根据手机号,取到用户 user = User.objects. filter (mobile = mobile).first() if user: return user else : raise ValidationError( '手机号不存在' ) else : raise ValidationError( '验证码错误' ) |
libs/lqz_jwt · liuqingzheng/rbac_manager - 码云 - 开源中国 (gitee.com)
1 2 3 4 | 前端:携带数据格式 {mobile:,code:,password} 后端: - 1 视图类 - - - 》注册方法 - 2 序列化类 - - - 》校验,保存(表中字段多,传的少 - - - 》随机,按某种格式生成 - - - 》后期修改) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | class UserRegisterView(GenericViewSet, CreateModelMixin): serializer_class = UserRegisterSerializer # @action(methods=['POST'], detail=False) # def register(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # ser = self.get_serializer(data=request.data) # ser.is_valid(raise_exception=True) # ser.save() # return APIResponse(msg='恭喜您注册成功') @action (methods = [ 'POST' ], detail = False ) def register( self , request, * args, * * kwargs): # 内部执行了它:serializer.data---》走序列化---》基于create返回的user做序列化---》按照'mobile', 'code', 'password' 做序列化---》code不是表中字段,就报错了 res = super ().create(request, * args, * * kwargs) return APIResponse(msg = '注册成功' ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 | class UserRegisterSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): # code 不是表中字段 code = serializers.CharField(max_length = 4 , min_length = 4 , write_only = True ) class Meta: model = User fields = [ 'mobile' , 'code' , 'password' ] def validate( self , attrs): # 1 校验验证码是否正确 mobile = attrs.get( 'mobile' ) code = attrs.get( 'code' ) old_code = cache.get( 'cache_mobile_%s' % mobile) if code = = old_code or code = = '8888' : # 测试阶段,万能验证码 # 2 组装数据 :username必填,但是没有,code不是表的字段 attrs[ 'username' ] = mobile attrs.pop( 'code' ) # 3 返回 return attrs def create( self , validated_data): # 密码是加密的,如果重写,密码是明文的 validated_data=mobile,password,username user = User.objects.create_user( * * validated_data) return user |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | #1 为什么要写这个media才能访问 - django 默认是不允许前端直接访问项目某个文件夹的 - 有个static文件夹例外,需要额外配置 - 如果想让用户访问,必须配置路由,使用serve函数放开 path( 'media/<path:path>' , serve, { 'document_root' : settings.MEDIA_ROOT}) - 浏览器中访问 meida / icon / 1.png - - - >能把settings.MEDIA_ROOT对应的文件夹下的icon / 1.png 返回给前端 path( 'lqz/<path:path>' , serve, { 'document_root' :os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'lqz' )}) 浏览器中访问 lqz / a.txt - - - - - >能把项目根路径下lqz对应的文件夹下的a.txt返回给前端 # 2 配置文件中 debug作用 - 开发阶段,都是debug为 True ,信息显示更丰富 - 你访问的路由如果不存在,会把所有能访问到的路由都显示出来 - 程序出了异常,错误信息直接显示在浏览器上 - 自动重启,只要改了代码,会自动重启 - 上线阶段,肯定要改成 False #3 ALLOWED_HOSTS 的作用 - 只有debug 为Flase时,这个必须填 - 限制后端项目(django项目 )能够部署在哪个ip的机器上,写个 * 表示所有地址都可以 #4 咱们的项目中,为了知道是在调试模式还是在上线模式,所以才用的debug这个字段 - 判断,如果是开发阶段,可以有个万能验证码 # 5 短信登录或注册接口 - app 只需要输入手机号和验证码,如果账号不存在,直接注册成功,并且登录成功,如果账号存在,就是登录 - 前端传入:{mobiel,code} - - - >验证验证码是否正确 - - - 》拿着mobile去数据库查询,如果能查到,说明它注册过了,直接签发token返回 - - - - 》如果查不到,没有注册过 - - - 》走注册逻辑完成注册 - - - 》再签发token,返回给前端 - 这个接口,随机生成一个 6 位密码,以短信形式通知用户 - 这个接口,密码为空,下次他用账号密码登录,不允许登录 - 后续改密码:user.set_password(new_password) |
1 2 3 4 | # 登录,注册,都写成组件----》在任意页面中,都能点击显示登录模态框 <br> # 写好的组件,应该放在那个组件中----》不是页面组件(小组件) <br> # 点击登录按钮,把Login.vue 通过定位,占满全屏,透明度设为 0.5 ,纯黑色悲剧,覆盖在组件上 <br> # 在Login.vue点关闭,要把Login.vue隐藏起来,父子通信之子传父,自定义事件 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 | <template> <div class = "header" > <div class = "slogan" > <p>老男孩IT教育 | 帮助有志向的年轻人通过努力学习获得体面的工作和生活< / p> < / div> <div class = "nav" > <ul class = "left-part" > <li class = "logo" > <router - link to = "/" > <img src = "../assets/img/head-logo.svg" alt = ""> < / router - link> < / li> <li class = "ele" > <span @click = "goPage('/free-course')" : class = "{active: url_path === '/free-course'}" >免费课< / span> < / li> <li class = "ele" > <span @click = "goPage('/actual-course')" : class = "{active: url_path === '/actual-course'}" >实战课< / span> < / li> <li class = "ele" > <span @click = "goPage('/light-course')" : class = "{active: url_path === '/light-course'}" >轻课< / span> < / li> < / ul> <div class = "right-part" > <div v - if = "!username" > <span @click = "handleLogin" >登录< / span> <span class = "line" >|< / span> <span @click = "handleRegister" >注册< / span> < / div> <div v - else > <span>{{ username }}< / span> <span class = "line" >|< / span> <span @click = "logOut" >注销< / span> < / div> < / div> <Login v - if = "loginShow" @close = "handleClose" @success = "success_login" @go = "go_register" >< / Login> <Register v - if = "registerShow" @close = "handleRegisterClose" @success = "success_register" @go = "success_register" >< / Register> < / div> < / div> < / template> <script> import Login from "@/components/Login.vue" ; import Register from "@/components/Register.vue" ; export default { name: "Header" , data() { return { url_path: sessionStorage.url_path || '/' , loginShow: false, registerShow: false, username: '', token: '' } }, methods: { handleRegister() { this.registerShow = true }, handleRegisterClose() { this.registerShow = false }, success_register() { this.registerShow = false this.loginShow = true }, go_register() { this.registerShow = true this.loginShow = false }, logOut() { this.username = '' this.token = '' this.$cookies.remove( 'username' ) this.$cookies.remove( 'token' ) }, goPage(url_path) { / / 已经是当前路由就没有必要重新跳转 if (this.url_path ! = = url_path) { this.$router.push(url_path); } sessionStorage.url_path = url_path; }, handleLogin() { this.loginShow = true }, handleClose() { this.loginShow = false }, success_login(data) { this.loginShow = false; / / 模态框消耗 this.username = data.username; this.token = data.token; } }, created() { sessionStorage.url_path = this.$route.path; this.url_path = this.$route.path; this.username = this.$cookies.get( 'username' ) }, components: { Register, Login } } < / script> <style scoped> .header { background - color: white; box - shadow: 0 0 5px 0 #aaa; } .header:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .slogan { background - color: #eee; height: 40px ; } .slogan p { width: 1200px ; margin: 0 auto; color: #aaa; font - size: 13px ; line - height: 40px ; } .nav { background - color: white; user - select: none; width: 1200px ; margin: 0 auto; } .nav ul { padding: 15px 0 ; float : left; } .nav ul:after { clear: both; content: ''; display: block; } .nav ul li { float : left; } .logo { margin - right: 20px ; } .ele { margin: 0 20px ; } .ele span { display: block; font: 15px / 36px '微软雅黑' ; border - bottom: 2px solid transparent; cursor: pointer; } .ele span:hover { border - bottom - color: orange; } .ele span.active { color: orange; border - bottom - color: orange; } .right - part { float : right; } .right - part .line { margin: 0 10px ; } .right - part span { line - height: 68px ; cursor: pointer; } < / style> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 | <template> <div class = "login" > <div class = "box" > <i class = "el-icon-close" @click = "close_login" >< / i> <div class = "content" > <div class = "nav" > <span : class = "{active: login_method === 'is_pwd'}" @click = "change_login_method('is_pwd')" >密码登录< / span> <span : class = "{active: login_method === 'is_sms'}" @click = "change_login_method('is_sms')" >短信登录< / span> < / div> <el - form v - if = "login_method === 'is_pwd'" > <el - input placeholder = "用户名/手机号/邮箱" prefix - icon = "el-icon-user" v - model = "username" clearable> < / el - input > <el - input placeholder = "密码" prefix - icon = "el-icon-key" v - model = "password" clearable show - password> < / el - input > <el - button type = "primary" @click = "login" >登录< / el - button> < / el - form> <el - form v - if = "login_method === 'is_sms'" > <el - input placeholder = "手机号" prefix - icon = "el-icon-phone-outline" v - model = "mobile" clearable @blur = "check_mobile" > < / el - input > <el - input placeholder = "验证码" prefix - icon = "el-icon-chat-line-round" v - model = "sms" clearable> <template slot = "append" > <span class = "sms" @click = "send_sms" >{{ sms_interval }}< / span> < / template> < / el - input > <el - button @click = "mobile_login" type = "primary" >登录< / el - button> < / el - form> <div class = "foot" > <span @click = "go_register" >立即注册< / span> < / div> < / div> < / div> < / div> < / template> <script> export default { name: "Login" , data() { return { username: '', password: '', mobile: '', sms: '', / / 验证码 login_method: 'is_pwd' , sms_interval: '获取验证码' , is_send: false, } }, methods: { close_login() { this.$emit( 'close' ) }, go_register() { this.$emit( 'go' ) }, change_login_method(method) { this.login_method = method; }, check_mobile() { if (!this.mobile) return ; / / js正则: / 正则语法 / / / '字符串' .match( / 正则语法 / ) if (!this.mobile.match( / ^ 1 [ 3 - 9 ][ 0 - 9 ]{ 9 }$ / )) { this.$message({ message: '手机号有误' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1000 , onClose: () = > { this.mobile = ''; } }); return false; } / / 后台校验手机号是否已存在 this.$axios({ url: this.$settings.BASE_URL + 'user/mobile/check_mobile/?mobile=' + this.mobile, method: 'get' , }).then(response = > { if (response.data.code = = 100 ) { this.$message({ message: '账号正常,可以发送短信' , type : 'success' , duration: 1000 , }); / / 发生验证码按钮才可以被点击 this.is_send = true; } else { this.$message({ message: '账号不存在' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1000 , onClose: () = > { this.mobile = ''; } }) } }).catch(() = > { }); }, send_sms() { / / this.is_send必须允许发生验证码,才可以往下执行逻辑 if (!this.is_send) return ; / / 按钮点一次立即禁用 this.is_send = false; let sms_interval_time = 60 ; this.sms_interval = "发送中..." ; / / 定时器: setInterval(fn, time, args) / / 往后台发送验证码 this.$axios({ url: this.$settings.BASE_URL + 'user/mobile/send_sms/' , method: 'post' , data: { mobile: this.mobile } }).then(response = > { if (response.data.code = = 100 ) { / / 发送成功 let timer = setInterval(() = > { if (sms_interval_time < = 1 ) { clearInterval(timer); this.sms_interval = "获取验证码" ; this.is_send = true; / / 重新回复点击发送功能的条件 } else { sms_interval_time - = 1 ; this.sms_interval = `${sms_interval_time}秒后再发`; } }, 1000 ); } else { / / 发送失败 this.sms_interval = "重新获取" ; this.is_send = true; this.$message({ message: '短信发送失败' , type : 'warning' , duration: 3000 }); } }).catch(() = > { this.sms_interval = "频率过快" ; this.is_send = true; }) }, login() { if (!(this.username && this.password)) { this.$message({ message: '请填好账号密码' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1500 }); return false / / 直接结束逻辑 } this.$axios({ url: this.$settings.BASE_URL + 'user/login/mul_login/' , method: 'post' , data: { username: this.username, password: this.password, } }).then(response = > { let username = response.data.username; let token = response.data.token; this.$cookies. set ( 'username' , username, '7d' ); this.$cookies. set ( 'token' , token, '7d' ); this.$emit( 'success' , response.data); }).catch(error = > { console.log(error.response.data) }) }, mobile_login() { if (!(this.mobile && this.sms)) { this.$message({ message: '请填好手机与验证码' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1500 }); return false / / 直接结束逻辑 } this.$axios({ url: this.$settings.BASE_URL + 'user/login/sms_login/' , method: 'post' , data: { mobile: this.mobile, code: this.sms, } }).then(response = > { if (response.data.code = = 100 ) { let username = response.data.username; let token = response.data.token; this.$cookies. set ( 'username' , username, '7d' ); this.$cookies. set ( 'token' , token, '7d' ); this.$emit( 'success' , response.data); } else { this.$message({ message: '登录失败' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1500 }); } }).catch(error = > { console.log(error.response.data) }) } } } < / script> <style scoped> .login { width: 100vw ; height: 100vh ; position: fixed; top: 0 ; left: 0 ; z - index: 10 ; background - color: rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.5 ); } .box { width: 400px ; height: 420px ; background - color: white; border - radius: 10px ; position: relative; top: calc( 50vh - 210px ); left: calc( 50vw - 200px ); } .el - icon - close { position: absolute; font - weight: bold; font - size: 20px ; top: 10px ; right: 10px ; cursor: pointer; } .el - icon - close:hover { color: darkred; } .content { position: absolute; top: 40px ; width: 280px ; left: 60px ; } .nav { font - size: 20px ; height: 38px ; border - bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span { margin: 0 20px 0 35px ; color: darkgrey; user - select: none; cursor: pointer; padding - bottom: 10px ; border - bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span.active { color: black; border - bottom: 3px solid black; padding - bottom: 9px ; } .el - input , .el - button { margin - top: 40px ; } .el - button { width: 100 % ; font - size: 18px ; } .foot > span { float : right; margin - top: 20px ; color: orange; cursor: pointer; } .sms { color: orange; cursor: pointer; display: inline - block; width: 70px ; text - align: center; user - select: none; } < / style> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 | <template> <div class = "register" > <div class = "box" > <i class = "el-icon-close" @click = "close_register" >< / i> <div class = "content" > <div class = "nav" > <span class = "active" >新用户注册< / span> < / div> <el - form> <el - input placeholder = "手机号" prefix - icon = "el-icon-phone-outline" v - model = "mobile" clearable @blur = "check_mobile" > < / el - input > <el - input placeholder = "密码" prefix - icon = "el-icon-key" v - model = "password" clearable show - password> < / el - input > <el - input placeholder = "验证码" prefix - icon = "el-icon-chat-line-round" v - model = "sms" clearable> <template slot = "append" > <span class = "sms" @click = "send_sms" >{{ sms_interval }}< / span> < / template> < / el - input > <el - button @click = "register" type = "primary" >注册< / el - button> < / el - form> <div class = "foot" > <span @click = "go_login" >立即登录< / span> < / div> < / div> < / div> < / div> < / template> <script> export default { name: "Register" , data() { return { mobile: '', password: '', sms: '', sms_interval: '获取验证码' , is_send: false, } }, methods: { close_register() { this.$emit( 'close' , false) }, go_login() { this.$emit( 'go' ) }, check_mobile() { if (!this.mobile) return ; / / js正则: / 正则语法 / / / '字符串' .match( / 正则语法 / ) if (!this.mobile.match( / ^ 1 [ 3 - 9 ][ 0 - 9 ]{ 9 }$ / )) { this.$message({ message: '手机号有误' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1000 , onClose: () = > { this.mobile = ''; } }); return false; } / / 后台校验手机号是否已存在 this.$axios({ url: this.$settings.BASE_URL + 'user/mobile/check_mobile/?mobile=' + this.mobile, method: 'get' , }).then(response = > { if (response.data.code! = = 100 ) { this.$message({ message: '欢迎注册我们的平台' , type : 'success' , duration: 1500 , }); / / 发生验证码按钮才可以被点击 this.is_send = true; } else { this.$message({ message: '账号已存在,请直接登录' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1500 , }) } }).catch(() = > { }); }, send_sms() { / / this.is_send必须允许发生验证码,才可以往下执行逻辑 if (!this.is_send) return ; / / 按钮点一次立即禁用 this.is_send = false; let sms_interval_time = 60 ; this.sms_interval = "发送中..." ; / / 定时器: setInterval(fn, time, args) / / 往后台发送验证码 this.$axios({ url: this.$settings.BASE_URL + 'user/mobile/send_sms/' , method: 'post' , data: { mobile: this.mobile } }).then(response = > { if (response.data.code = = 100 ) { / / 发送成功 let timer = setInterval(() = > { if (sms_interval_time < = 1 ) { clearInterval(timer); this.sms_interval = "获取验证码" ; this.is_send = true; / / 重新回复点击发送功能的条件 } else { sms_interval_time - = 1 ; this.sms_interval = `${sms_interval_time}秒后再发`; } }, 1000 ); } else { / / 发送失败 this.sms_interval = "重新获取" ; this.is_send = true; this.$message({ message: '短信发送失败' , type : 'warning' , duration: 3000 }); } }).catch(() = > { this.sms_interval = "频率过快" ; this.is_send = true; }) }, register() { if (!(this.mobile && this.sms && this.password)) { this.$message({ message: '请填好手机、密码与验证码' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1500 }); return false / / 直接结束逻辑 } this.$axios({ url: this.$settings.BASE_URL + 'user/register/register/' , method: 'post' , data: { mobile: this.mobile, code: this.sms, password: this.password } }).then(response = > { this.$message({ message: '注册成功,3秒跳转登录页面' , type : 'success' , duration: 3000 , showClose: true, onClose: () = > { / / 去向成功页面 this.$emit( 'success' ) } }); }).catch(error = > { this.$message({ message: '注册失败,请重新注册' , type : 'warning' , duration: 1500 , showClose: true, onClose: () = > { / / 清空所有输入框 this.mobile = ''; this.password = ''; this.sms = ''; } }); }) } } } < / script> <style scoped> .register { width: 100vw ; height: 100vh ; position: fixed; top: 0 ; left: 0 ; z - index: 10 ; background - color: rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.3 ); } .box { width: 400px ; height: 480px ; background - color: white; border - radius: 10px ; position: relative; top: calc( 50vh - 240px ); left: calc( 50vw - 200px ); } .el - icon - close { position: absolute; font - weight: bold; font - size: 20px ; top: 10px ; right: 10px ; cursor: pointer; } .el - icon - close:hover { color: darkred; } .content { position: absolute; top: 40px ; width: 280px ; left: 60px ; } .nav { font - size: 20px ; height: 38px ; border - bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span { margin - left: 90px ; color: darkgrey; user - select: none; cursor: pointer; padding - bottom: 10px ; border - bottom: 2px solid darkgrey; } .nav > span.active { color: black; border - bottom: 3px solid black; padding - bottom: 9px ; } .el - input , .el - button { margin - top: 40px ; } .el - button { width: 100 % ; font - size: 18px ; } .foot > span { float : right; margin - top: 20px ; color: orange; cursor: pointer; } .sms { color: orange; cursor: pointer; display: inline - block; width: 70px ; text - align: center; user - select: none; } < / style> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | class MobileView(ViewSet): # ViewSet = ViewSetMixin + APIView @action (methods = [ 'GET' ], detail = False ) def check_mobile( self , request, * args, * * kwargs): try : # 取出前端传入手机号 mobile = request.query_params[ 'mobile' ] User.objects.get(mobile = mobile) # 有且只有一个才不报错,否则报错 except MultiValueDictKeyError as e: return APIResponse(code = 101 , msg = 'xxx' ) except Exception as e: return APIResponse(code = 102 , msg = 'yyy' ) return APIResponse(msg = '手机号存在' ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | #1 前端 新建三个组件 LightCourse.vue FreeCourse.vue ActualCourse.vue # 2 配置路由 import FreeCourse from "@/views/FreeCourse" ; import ActualCourse from "@/views/ActualCourse" ; import LightCourse from "@/views/LightCourse" ; { path: '/free-course' , name: 'free-course' , component: FreeCourse }, { path: '/actual-course' , name: 'actual-course' , component: ActualCourse }, { path: '/light-course' , name: 'light-course' , component: LightCourse }, |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 | <template> <div class = "course" > <Header>< / Header> <div class = "main" > <! - - 筛选条件 - - > <div class = "condition" > <ul class = "cate-list" > <li class = "title" >课程分类:< / li> <li class = "this" >全部< / li> <li>Python< / li> <li>Linux运维< / li> <li>Python进阶< / li> <li>开发工具< / li> <li>Go语言< / li> <li>机器学习< / li> <li>技术生涯< / li> < / ul> <div class = "ordering" > <ul> <li class = "title" >筛 选:< / li> <li class = "default this" >默认< / li> <li class = "hot" >人气< / li> <li class = "price" >价格< / li> < / ul> <p class = "condition-result" >共 21 个课程< / p> < / div> < / div> <! - - 课程列表 - - > <div class = "course-list" > <div class = "course-item" > <div class = "course-image" > <img src = "@/assets/img/course-cover.jpeg" alt = ""> < / div> <div class = "course-info" > <h3>Python开发 21 天入门 <span><img src = "@/assets/img/avatar1.svg" alt = ""> 100 人已加入学习< / span>< / h3> <p class = "teather-info" >Alex 金角大王 老男孩Python教学总监 <span>共 154 课时 / 更新完成< / span>< / p> <ul class = "lesson-list" > <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码< / span> <span class = "free" >免费< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码初识编码< / span> <span class = "free" >免费< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码初识编码< / span>< / li> < / ul> <div class = "pay-box" > <span class = "discount-type" >限时免费< / span> <span class = "discount-price" >¥ 0.00 元< / span> <span class = "original-price" >原价: 9.00 元< / span> <span class = "buy-now" >立即购买< / span> < / div> < / div> < / div> <div class = "course-item" > <div class = "course-image" > <img src = "@/assets/img/course-cover.jpeg" alt = ""> < / div> <div class = "course-info" > <h3>Python开发 21 天入门 <span><img src = "@/assets/img/avatar1.svg" alt = ""> 100 人已加入学习< / span>< / h3> <p class = "teather-info" >Alex 金角大王 老男孩Python教学总监 <span>共 154 课时 / 更新完成< / span>< / p> <ul class = "lesson-list" > <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码< / span> <span class = "free" >免费< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码初识编码< / span> <span class = "free" >免费< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码初识编码< / span>< / li> < / ul> <div class = "pay-box" > <span class = "discount-type" >限时免费< / span> <span class = "discount-price" >¥ 0.00 元< / span> <span class = "original-price" >原价: 9.00 元< / span> <span class = "buy-now" >立即购买< / span> < / div> < / div> < / div> <div class = "course-item" > <div class = "course-image" > <img src = "@/assets/img/course-cover.jpeg" alt = ""> < / div> <div class = "course-info" > <h3>Python开发 21 天入门 <span><img src = "@/assets/img/avatar1.svg" alt = ""> 100 人已加入学习< / span>< / h3> <p class = "teather-info" >Alex 金角大王 老男孩Python教学总监 <span>共 154 课时 / 更新完成< / span>< / p> <ul class = "lesson-list" > <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码< / span> <span class = "free" >免费< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码初识编码< / span> <span class = "free" >免费< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码初识编码< / span>< / li> < / ul> <div class = "pay-box" > <span class = "discount-type" >限时免费< / span> <span class = "discount-price" >¥ 0.00 元< / span> <span class = "original-price" >原价: 9.00 元< / span> <span class = "buy-now" >立即购买< / span> < / div> < / div> < / div> <div class = "course-item" > <div class = "course-image" > <img src = "@/assets/img/course-cover.jpeg" alt = ""> < / div> <div class = "course-info" > <h3>Python开发 21 天入门 <span><img src = "@/assets/img/avatar1.svg" alt = ""> 100 人已加入学习< / span>< / h3> <p class = "teather-info" >Alex 金角大王 老男孩Python教学总监 <span>共 154 课时 / 更新完成< / span>< / p> <ul class = "lesson-list" > <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码< / span> <span class = "free" >免费< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码初识编码< / span> <span class = "free" >免费< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码< / span>< / li> <li><span class = "lesson-title" > 01 | 第 1 节:初识编码初识编码< / span>< / li> < / ul> <div class = "pay-box" > <span class = "discount-type" >限时免费< / span> <span class = "discount-price" >¥ 0.00 元< / span> <span class = "original-price" >原价: 9.00 元< / span> <span class = "buy-now" >立即购买< / span> < / div> < / div> < / div> < / div> < / div> <! - - <Footer>< / Footer> - - > < / div> < / template> <script> import Header from "@/components/Header" / / import Footer from "@/components/Footer" export default { name: "Course" , data() { return { category: 0 , } }, components: { Header, / / Footer, } } < / script> <style scoped> .course { background: #f6f6f6; } .course .main { width: 1100px ; margin: 35px auto 0 ; } .course .condition { margin - bottom: 35px ; padding: 25px 30px 25px 20px ; background: #fff; border - radius: 4px ; box - shadow: 0 2px 4px 0 #f0f0f0; } .course .cate - list { border - bottom: 1px solid #333; border - bottom - color: rgba( 51 , 51 , 51 , . 05 ); padding - bottom: 18px ; margin - bottom: 17px ; } .course .cate - list ::after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .course .cate - list li { float : left; font - size: 16px ; padding: 6px 15px ; line - height: 16px ; margin - left: 14px ; position: relative; transition: all . 3s ease; cursor: pointer; color: #4a4a4a; border: 1px solid transparent; / * transparent 透明 * / } .course .cate - list .title { color: #888; margin - left: 0 ; letter - spacing: . 36px ; padding: 0 ; line - height: 28px ; } .course .cate - list .this { color: #ffc210; border: 1px solid #ffc210 !important; border - radius: 30px ; } .course .ordering::after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .course .ordering ul { float : left; } .course .ordering ul::after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .course .ordering .condition - result { float : right; font - size: 14px ; color: #9b9b9b; line - height: 28px ; } .course .ordering ul li { float : left; padding: 6px 15px ; line - height: 16px ; margin - left: 14px ; position: relative; transition: all . 3s ease; cursor: pointer; color: #4a4a4a; } .course .ordering .title { font - size: 16px ; color: #888; letter - spacing: . 36px ; margin - left: 0 ; padding: 0 ; line - height: 28px ; } .course .ordering .this { color: #ffc210; } .course .ordering .price { position: relative; } .course .ordering .price::before, .course .ordering .price::after { cursor: pointer; content: ""; display: block; width: 0px ; height: 0px ; border: 5px solid transparent; position: absolute; right: 0 ; } .course .ordering .price::before { border - bottom: 5px solid #aaa; margin - bottom: 2px ; top: 2px ; } .course .ordering .price::after { border - top: 5px solid #aaa; bottom: 2px ; } .course .course - item:hover { box - shadow: 4px 6px 16px rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 5 ); } .course .course - item { width: 1100px ; background: #fff; padding: 20px 30px 20px 20px ; margin - bottom: 35px ; border - radius: 2px ; cursor: pointer; box - shadow: 2px 3px 16px rgba( 0 , 0 , 0 , . 1 ); / * css3. 0 过渡动画 hover 事件操作 * / transition: all . 2s ease; } .course .course - item::after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } / * 顶级元素 父级元素 当前元素{} * / .course .course - item .course - image { float : left; width: 423px ; height: 210px ; margin - right: 30px ; } .course .course - item .course - image img { width: 100 % ; } .course .course - item .course - info { float : left; width: 596px ; } .course - item .course - info h3 { font - size: 26px ; color: #333; font - weight: normal; margin - bottom: 8px ; } .course - item .course - info h3 span { font - size: 14px ; color: #9b9b9b; float : right; margin - top: 14px ; } .course - item .course - info h3 span img { width: 11px ; height: auto; margin - right: 7px ; } .course - item .course - info .teather - info { font - size: 14px ; color: #9b9b9b; margin - bottom: 14px ; padding - bottom: 14px ; border - bottom: 1px solid #333; border - bottom - color: rgba( 51 , 51 , 51 , . 05 ); } .course - item .course - info .teather - info span { float : right; } .course - item .lesson - list ::after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .course - item .lesson - list li { float : left; width: 44 % ; font - size: 14px ; color: #666; padding - left: 22px ; / * background: url( "路径" ) 是否平铺 x轴位置 y轴位置 * / background: url( "/src/assets/img/play-icon-gray.svg" ) no - repeat left 4px ; margin - bottom: 15px ; } .course - item .lesson - list li .lesson - title { / * 以下 3 句,文本内容过多,会自动隐藏,并显示省略符号 * / text - overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white - space: nowrap; display: inline - block; max - width: 200px ; } .course - item .lesson - list li:hover { background - image: url( "/src/assets/img/play-icon-yellow.svg" ); color: #ffc210; } .course - item .lesson - list li .free { width: 34px ; height: 20px ; color: #fd7b4d; vertical - align: super ; margin - left: 10px ; border: 1px solid #fd7b4d; border - radius: 2px ; text - align: center; font - size: 13px ; white - space: nowrap; } .course - item .lesson - list li:hover .free { color: #ffc210; border - color: #ffc210; } .course - item .pay - box::after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } .course - item .pay - box .discount - type { padding: 6px 10px ; font - size: 16px ; color: #fff; text - align: center; margin - right: 8px ; background: #fa6240; border: 1px solid #fa6240; border - radius: 10px 0 10px 0 ; float : left; } .course - item .pay - box .discount - price { font - size: 24px ; color: #fa6240; float : left; } .course - item .pay - box .original - price { text - decoration: line - through; font - size: 14px ; color: #9b9b9b; margin - left: 10px ; float : left; margin - top: 10px ; } .course - item .pay - box .buy - now { width: 120px ; height: 38px ; background: transparent; color: #fa6240; font - size: 16px ; border: 1px solid #fd7b4d; border - radius: 3px ; transition: all . 2s ease - in - out; float : right; text - align: center; line - height: 38px ; } .course - item .pay - box .buy - now:hover { color: #fff; background: #ffc210; border: 1px solid #ffc210; } < / style> |
新建一个course app 并注册到配置中
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | #1 课程分类表:跟课程一对多:一个课程分类,有多个课程 #2 课程表(实战课课表) - 多种课程:免费,实战,轻课 - - - 》使用同一个表?使用三个表 - 多种课程,字段可能有一样的,也有不一样的 - 我们的设计是:多个课程,多个表,以后再加别的课程,再加表即可 # 3 章节表:一个课程,有多个章节 # 4 课时表:一个章节,有多个课时 # 5 老师表:实战课,一门课,就是一个老师讲, 一对多,一个老师可以讲多门课 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 | # 创建表 from django.db import models from utils.common_model import BaseModel # Create your models here. ## 课程分类 class CourseCategory(BaseModel): """分类""" name = models.CharField(max_length = 64 , unique = True , verbose_name = "分类名称" ) class Meta: db_table = "luffy_course_category" verbose_name = "分类" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name def __str__( self ): return "%s" % self .name ### 课程表 class Course(BaseModel): """课程""" course_type = ( ( 0 , '付费' ), ( 1 , 'VIP专享' ), ( 2 , '学位课程' ) ) level_choices = ( ( 0 , '初级' ), ( 1 , '中级' ), ( 2 , '高级' ), ) status_choices = ( ( 0 , '上线' ), ( 1 , '下线' ), ( 2 , '预上线' ), ) name = models.CharField(max_length = 128 , verbose_name = "课程名称" ) course_img = models.ImageField(upload_to = "courses" , max_length = 255 , verbose_name = "封面图片" , blank = True , null = True ) course_type = models.SmallIntegerField(choices = course_type, default = 0 , verbose_name = "付费类型" ) brief = models.TextField(max_length = 2048 , verbose_name = "详情介绍" , null = True , blank = True ) level = models.SmallIntegerField(choices = level_choices, default = 0 , verbose_name = "难度等级" ) pub_date = models.DateField(verbose_name = "发布日期" , auto_now_add = True ) period = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = "建议学习周期(day)" , default = 7 ) attachment_path = models.FileField(upload_to = "attachment" , max_length = 128 , verbose_name = "课件路径" , blank = True ,null = True ) status = models.SmallIntegerField(choices = status_choices, default = 0 , verbose_name = "课程状态" ) students = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = "学习人数" , default = 0 ) sections = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = "总课时数量" , default = 0 ) pub_sections = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = "课时更新数量" , default = 0 ) price = models.DecimalField(max_digits = 6 , decimal_places = 2 , verbose_name = "课程原价" , default = 0 ) # 删除某个课程分类,如果使用models.CASCADE,所有课程都删除,很危险 # 删除某个课程分类models.SET_NULL,跟它相关联的课程,置为空 # db_constraint=False 逻辑外键,不建立物理外键 没有外键约束 course_category = models.ForeignKey( "CourseCategory" , on_delete = models.SET_NULL, db_constraint = False , null = True , blank = True ,verbose_name = "课程分类" ) teacher = models.ForeignKey( "Teacher" , on_delete = models.DO_NOTHING, null = True , blank = True , verbose_name = "授课老师" ) class Meta: db_table = "luffy_course" verbose_name = "课程" verbose_name_plural = "课程" def __str__( self ): return "%s" % self .name ### 章节表 class CourseChapter(BaseModel): """章节""" course = models.ForeignKey( "Course" , related_name = 'coursechapters' , on_delete = models.CASCADE, verbose_name = "课程名称" ) chapter = models.SmallIntegerField(verbose_name = "第几章" , default = 1 ) name = models.CharField(max_length = 128 , verbose_name = "章节标题" ) summary = models.TextField(verbose_name = "章节介绍" , blank = True , null = True ) pub_date = models.DateField(verbose_name = "发布日期" , auto_now_add = True ) class Meta: db_table = "luffy_course_chapter" verbose_name = "章节" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name def __str__( self ): return "%s:(第%s章)%s" % ( self .course, self .chapter, self .name) #课时表 class CourseSection(BaseModel): """课时""" section_type_choices = ( ( 0 , '文档' ), ( 1 , '练习' ), ( 2 , '视频' ) ) chapter = models.ForeignKey( "CourseChapter" , related_name = 'coursesections' , on_delete = models.CASCADE,verbose_name = "课程章节" ) name = models.CharField(max_length = 128 , verbose_name = "课时标题" ) orders = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(verbose_name = "课时排序" ) section_type = models.SmallIntegerField(default = 2 , choices = section_type_choices, verbose_name = "课时种类" ) section_link = models.CharField(max_length = 255 , blank = True , null = True , verbose_name = "课时链接" ,help_text = "若是video,填vid,若是文档,填link" ) duration = models.CharField(verbose_name = "视频时长" , blank = True , null = True , max_length = 32 ) # 仅在前端展示使用 pub_date = models.DateTimeField(verbose_name = "发布时间" , auto_now_add = True ) free_trail = models.BooleanField(verbose_name = "是否可试看" , default = False ) class Meta: db_table = "luffy_course_section" verbose_name = "课时" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name def __str__( self ): return "%s-%s" % ( self .chapter, self .name) #老师表 class Teacher(BaseModel): """导师""" role_choices = ( ( 0 , '讲师' ), ( 1 , '导师' ), ( 2 , '班主任' ), ) name = models.CharField(max_length = 32 , verbose_name = "导师名" ) role = models.SmallIntegerField(choices = role_choices, default = 0 , verbose_name = "导师身份" ) title = models.CharField(max_length = 64 , verbose_name = "职位、职称" ) signature = models.CharField(max_length = 255 , verbose_name = "导师签名" , help_text = "导师签名" , blank = True , null = True ) image = models.ImageField(upload_to = "teacher" , null = True , verbose_name = "导师封面" ) brief = models.TextField(max_length = 1024 , verbose_name = "导师描述" ) class Meta: db_table = "luffy_teacher" verbose_name = "导师" verbose_name_plural = verbose_name def __str__( self ): return "%s" % self .name |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | #1 ForeignKey 的on_delete 参数 '''on_delete 可以选择的参数 models.CASCADE # 级联删除,注意使用时机,用户和用户详情 课程和课程章节 models.SET_NULL # 删除分类,课程这个字段设置为空,要有null=True参数的配合 models.SET_DEFAULT # 删除分类,课程这个字段设置为默认值,要有 defalut=xx参数的配合 models.DO_NOTHING # 删除分类,课程这个字段什么都不做 models.SET(值,函数内存地址) # 删除分类,课程这个字段设置为写的值,或者执行内部传入的函数,函数返回值放在这 ''' # 2 ForeignKey 的db_constraint=False 如果 db_constraint = False 只有逻辑外键,不建立物理外键 没有外键约束,如果这样设置,修改,新增速度快,可能会出现脏数据(程序层面控制) 连表查询没有任何区别,其他操作完全一致 # 3 ForeignKey 的 related_name='coursechapters' # 基于对象的跨表查: 正向: 对象.字段 course.course_category 根据课程拿到了课程分类对象, course_category在表内部,就是正向 反向: 对象.表名小写 对象.表名小写_set. all () 字段在表中没有,但是有关联关系 related_name: 为了替换原来基于对象的跨表查反向查询 表名小写 或 表名小写_set. all () 的 related_query_name 为了替换原来__连表查询,中表名小写,现在直接用related_query_name指定的字符串即可 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 | INSERT INTO luffy_teacher( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, role, title, signature, image, brief) VALUES ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:44:19.661327' , '2022-07-14 13:46:54.246271' , 'Alex' , 1 , '老男孩Python教学总监' , '金角大王' , 'teacher/alex_icon.png' , '老男孩教育CTO & CO-FOUNDER 国内知名PYTHON语言推广者 51CTO学院2016\2017年度最受学员喜爱10大讲师之一 多款开源软件作者 曾任职公安部、飞信、中金公司、NOKIA中国研究院、华尔街英语、ADVENT、汽车之家等公司' ); INSERT INTO luffy_teacher( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, role, title, signature, image, brief) VALUES ( 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:45:25.092902' , '2022-07-14 13:45:25.092936' , 'Mjj' , 0 , '前美团前端项目组架构师' , NULL, 'teacher/mjj_icon.png' , '是马JJ老师, 一个集美貌与才华于一身的男人,搞过几年IOS,又转了前端开发几年,曾就职于美团网任高级前端开发,后来因为不同意王兴(美团老板)的战略布局而出家做老师去了,有丰富的教学经验,开起车来也毫不含糊。一直专注在前端的前沿技术领域。同时,爱好抽烟、喝酒、烫头(锡纸烫)。 我的最爱是前端,因为前端妹子多。' ); INSERT INTO luffy_teacher( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, role, title, signature, image, brief) VALUES ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:46:21.997846' , '2022-07-14 13:46:21.997880' , 'Lyy' , 0 , '老男孩Linux学科带头人' , NULL, 'teacher/lyy_icon.png' , 'Linux运维技术专家,老男孩Linux金牌讲师,讲课风趣幽默、深入浅出、声音洪亮到爆炸' ); - - 分类表 INSERT INTO luffy_course_category( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name) VALUES ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:40:58.690413' , '2022-07-14 13:40:58.690477' , 'Python' ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_category( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name) VALUES ( 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:41:08.249735' , '2022-07-14 13:41:08.249817' , 'Linux' ); - - 课程表 INSERT INTO luffy_course( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, course_img, course_type, brief, level, pub_date, period, attachment_path, status, students, sections, pub_sections, price, course_category_id, teacher_id) VALUES ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:54:33.095201' , '2022-07-14 13:54:33.095238' , 'Python开发21天入门' , 'courses/alex_python.png' , 0 , 'Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土&&&Python从入门到入土' , 0 , '2022-07-14' , 21 , '', 0 , 231 , 120 , 120 , 0.00 , 1 , 1 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, course_img, course_type, brief, level, pub_date, period, attachment_path, status, students, sections, pub_sections, price, course_category_id, teacher_id) VALUES ( 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:56:05.051103' , '2022-07-14 13:56:05.051142' , 'Python项目实战' , 'courses/mjj_python.png' , 0 , ' ', 1, ' 2022 - 07 - 14 ', 30, ' ', 0 , 340 , 120 , 120 , 99.00 , 1 , 2 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, course_img, course_type, brief, level, pub_date, period, attachment_path, status, students, sections, pub_sections, price, course_category_id, teacher_id) VALUES ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:57:21.190053' , '2022-07-14 13:57:21.190095' , 'Linux系统基础5周入门精讲' , 'courses/lyy_linux.png' , 0 , ' ', 0, ' 2022 - 07 - 14 ', 25, ' ', 0 , 219 , 100 , 100 , 39.00 , 2 , 3 ); - - 章节表 INSERT INTO luffy_course_chapter( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, chapter, name, summary, pub_date, course_id) VALUES ( 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:58:34.867005' , '2022-07-14 14:00:58.276541' , 1 , '计算机原理' , ' ', ' 2022 - 07 - 14 ', 1 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_chapter( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, chapter, name, summary, pub_date, course_id) VALUES ( 2 , 2 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:58:48.051543' , '2022-07-14 14:01:22.024206' , 2 , '环境搭建' , ' ', ' 2022 - 07 - 14 ', 1 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_chapter( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, chapter, name, summary, pub_date, course_id) VALUES ( 3 , 3 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:59:09.878183' , '2022-07-14 14:01:40.048608' , 1 , '项目创建' , ' ', ' 2022 - 07 - 14 ', 2 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_chapter( id , orders, is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, chapter, name, summary, pub_date, course_id) VALUES ( 4 , 4 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 13:59:37.448626' , '2022-07-14 14:01:58.709652' , 1 , 'Linux环境创建' , ' ', ' 2022 - 07 - 14 ', 3 ); - - 课时表 INSERT INTO luffy_course_Section( id , is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, orders, section_type, section_link, duration, pub_date, free_trail, chapter_id) VALUES ( 1 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 14:02:33.779098' , '2022-07-14 14:02:33.779135' , '计算机原理上' , 1 , 2 , NULL, NULL, '2022-07-14 14:02:33.779193' , 1 , 1 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_Section( id , is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, orders, section_type, section_link, duration, pub_date, free_trail, chapter_id) VALUES ( 2 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 14:02:56.657134' , '2022-07-14 14:02:56.657173' , '计算机原理下' , 2 , 2 , NULL, NULL, '2022-07-14 14:02:56.657227' , 1 , 1 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_Section( id , is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, orders, section_type, section_link, duration, pub_date, free_trail, chapter_id) VALUES ( 3 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 14:03:20.493324' , '2022-07-14 14:03:52.329394' , '环境搭建上' , 1 , 2 , NULL, NULL, '2022-07-14 14:03:20.493420' , 0 , 2 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_Section( id , is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, orders, section_type, section_link, duration, pub_date, free_trail, chapter_id) VALUES ( 4 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 14:03:36.472742' , '2022-07-14 14:03:36.472779' , '环境搭建下' , 2 , 2 , NULL, NULL, '2022-07-14 14:03:36.472831' , 0 , 2 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_Section( id , is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, orders, section_type, section_link, duration, pub_date, free_trail, chapter_id) VALUES ( 5 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 14:04:19.338153' , '2022-07-14 14:04:19.338192' , 'web项目的创建' , 1 , 2 , NULL, NULL, '2022-07-14 14:04:19.338252' , 1 , 3 ); INSERT INTO luffy_course_Section( id , is_show, is_delete, created_time, updated_time, name, orders, section_type, section_link, duration, pub_date, free_trail, chapter_id) VALUES ( 6 , 1 , 0 , '2022-07-14 14:04:52.895855' , '2022-07-14 14:04:52.895890' , 'Linux的环境搭建' , 1 , 2 , NULL, NULL, '2022-07-14 14:04:52.895942' , 1 , 4 ); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | # 1 课程分类接口 # 2 查询所有课程 - 1 可以按人气(学生人数)和价格排序 - 2 可以按课程分类过滤 - 3 带分页(基本分页) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | #### 路由 router.register( 'category' , CourseCategoryView, 'category' ) ### 视图类 class CourseCategoryView(GenericViewSet, CommonListModelMixin): queryset = CourseCategory.objects. filter (is_delete = False , is_show = True ).order_by( 'orders' ) serializer_class = CourseCategorySerializer ### 序列化类 class BannerSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Banner fields = [ 'id' , 'image' , 'link' ] |
1 2 | # get router.register( 'actual' , CourseView, 'actual' ) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | class CourseView(GenericViewSet, CommonListModelMixin): queryset = Course.objects. filter (is_delete = False , is_show = True ).order_by( 'orders' ) serializer_class = CourseSerializer filter_backends = [OrderingFilter, DjangoFilterBackend] ordering_fields = [ 'students' , 'price' ] filterset_fields = [ 'course_category' ] # 分页 pagination_class = CommonPageNumberPagination |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | class TeacherSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Teacher fields = [ 'id' , 'name' , 'role_name' , 'title' , 'signature' , 'image' , 'brief' ] class CourseSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = Course fields = [ 'id' , 'name' , 'course_img' , 'brief' , 'attachment_path' , 'pub_sections' , 'price' , 'students' , 'period' , 'sections' , 'course_type_name' , 'level_name' , 'status_name' , 'teacher' , 'section_list' , ] # 定制,返回课程的老师,课程章节及章节下的课时(总共课时最多显示4条,不足4条,就全部显示) # 子序列化 表模型中写,在序列化类中 teacher = TeacherSerializer() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 | class Course(BaseModel): """课程""" course_type = ( ( 0 , '付费' ), ( 1 , 'VIP专享' ), ( 2 , '学位课程' ) ) level_choices = ( ( 0 , '初级' ), ( 1 , '中级' ), ( 2 , '高级' ), ) status_choices = ( ( 0 , '上线' ), ( 1 , '下线' ), ( 2 , '预上线' ), ) name = models.CharField(max_length = 128 , verbose_name = "课程名称" ) course_img = models.ImageField(upload_to = "courses" , max_length = 255 , verbose_name = "封面图片" , blank = True , null = True ) course_type = models.SmallIntegerField(choices = course_type, default = 0 , verbose_name = "付费类型" ) brief = models.TextField(max_length = 2048 , verbose_name = "详情介绍" , null = True , blank = True ) level = models.SmallIntegerField(choices = level_choices, default = 0 , verbose_name = "难度等级" ) pub_date = models.DateField(verbose_name = "发布日期" , auto_now_add = True ) period = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = "建议学习周期(day)" , default = 7 ) attachment_path = models.FileField(upload_to = "attachment" , max_length = 128 , verbose_name = "课件路径" , blank = True , null = True ) status = models.SmallIntegerField(choices = status_choices, default = 0 , verbose_name = "课程状态" ) students = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = "学习人数" , default = 0 ) sections = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = "总课时数量" , default = 0 ) pub_sections = models.IntegerField(verbose_name = "课时更新数量" , default = 0 ) price = models.DecimalField(max_digits = 6 , decimal_places = 2 , verbose_name = "课程原价" , default = 0 ) # 删除某个课程分类,如果使用models.CASCADE,所有课程都删除,很危险 # 删除某个课程分类models.SET_NULL,跟它相关联的课程,置为空 '''on_delete 可以选择的参数 models.CASCADE # 级联删除,注意使用时机,用户和用户详情 课程和课程章节 models.SET_NULL # 删除分类,课程这个字段设置为空,要有null=True参数的配合 models.SET_DEFAULT # 删除分类,课程这个字段设置为默认值,要有 defalut=xx参数的配合 models.DO_NOTHING # 删除分类,课程这个字段什么都不做 models.SET(值,函数内存地址) # 删除分类,课程这个字段设置为写的值,或者执行内部传入的函数,函数返回值放在这 ''' # db_constraint=False 逻辑外键,不建立物理外键 没有外键约束,如果这样设置,修改,新增速度快,可能会出现脏数据(程序层面控制) # 连表查询没有任何区别,其他操作完全一致 course_category = models.ForeignKey( "CourseCategory" , on_delete = models.SET_NULL, db_constraint = False , null = True , blank = True , verbose_name = "课程分类" ) teacher = models.ForeignKey( "Teacher" , on_delete = models.DO_NOTHING, null = True , blank = True , verbose_name = "授课老师" ) class Meta: db_table = "luffy_course" verbose_name = "课程" verbose_name_plural = "课程" def __str__( self ): return "%s" % self .name # choice字段,返回中文 def course_type_name( self ): return self .get_course_type_display() def level_name( self ): return self .get_level_display() def status_name( self ): return self .get_status_display() def section_list( self ): l = [] # 先取出课程下所有章节 course_chapter_list = self .coursechapters. all () for course_chapter in course_chapter_list: # 拿出这个章节下所有课时 course_section_list = course_chapter.coursesections. all () for course_section in course_section_list: l.append({ 'id' : course_section. id , 'name' : course_section.name, 'section_type' : course_section.section_type, 'section_link' : course_section.section_link, 'duration' : course_section.duration, 'free_trail' : course_section.free_trail, }) if len (l) > = 4 : return l # 循环章节,取出每个章节下的课时,追加到l中,如果超过4条,就结束了 return l |
1 2 3 4 5 | class CommonPageNumberPagination(PageNumberPagination): page_size = 2 page_query_param = 'page' page_size_query_param = 'size' max_page_size = 5 |