

在一个长度为L的链表List中,Input: head tail --->在List中查找head和tail值的链表的节点,从tail节点往后的链表连接到List的头部去,然后改变tail节点的next-->head,图如下:


#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_

template<typename T>
class List {
	struct Node {
		T data;
		struct Node* parents;
		struct Node* next;
		Node(T d) :data(d) {
			parents = nullptr;
			next = nullptr;

		Node() = default;
	using node = struct Node;
	using pnode = struct Node*;
	void delete_list();
	std::array<pnode, 2>A;//存储环路的两个节点
	pnode intersection{ nullptr };//存储相交位置的节点
	bool flag;//判断是否存在环路得标志位
	bool flag2{ false };//判断是否转换为双头链表
	void insert(pnode p);
	pnode phead;
	pnode phead1;
	pnode phead2;
	List() = default;//default construct function
	List(pnode p1) :phead(p1), phead1(nullptr), phead2(nullptr) {
		phead = nullptr; phead->next = nullptr; phead->parents = nullptr;
		phead1 = nullptr; phead1->next = nullptr; phead1->parents = nullptr;
		phead2 = nullptr; phead2->next = nullptr; phead2->parents = nullptr;
		A[0] = A[1] = nullptr;
	List(T num);
	List(List<T>& c);

	List<T>& operator=(List<T>& c);

	T& operator[](int index);
	bool INTERSEC() const;//判断是否相交
	std::size_t Len();//返回链表长度
	void conver_to_list();
	void insert(T n);

	pnode find(T data);
	std::size_t find_count(T c);//返回查找节点比较的次数
	void print_list();

	void  convert_to_double(T m, T n);//转换为对应得双头链表
	void find_loop() const;
	bool empty();
	~List() {
		if (flag2 == true)
		else if (flag2 == false)

template <typename T>
void List<T>::delete_list()

	pnode p = nullptr;
	if (phead != NULL)
		while (phead)
			p = phead->next;
			delete phead;
			phead = p;
template <typename T>
List<T>::List(T num)
	phead = new node(num);
template <typename T>
List<T>::List(List<T>& c)
	this->phead = c->phead;
template <typename T>
List<T>& List<T>::operator=(List<T>& c)
	this->phead = c.phead;
	return *this;
template <typename T>
T& List<T>::operator[](int index)
	if (index < 0)
		std::cout << "INDEX Error" << std::endl;
		auto p2 = this->phead;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < index; i++)
			p2 = p2->next;
		return p2->data;
template<typename T>
bool List<T>::INTERSEC() const
	if (phead1 == nullptr && phead2 == nullptr)
		throw "Please convert to a double-ended linked list first";
	else {
		if (intersection != nullptr)
			std::cout << "存在相交的节点,相交的节点的值是:" << intersection->data << std::endl;
			return true;
		std::cout << "不相交" << std::endl;
	return false;
template<typename T>
inline std::size_t List<T>::Len()
	std::size_t size = 0;
	pnode p1 = phead;
	while (p1 != nullptr)
	return size;
template<typename T>
void List<T>::conver_to_list()

	if (phead1 != nullptr || phead2 != nullptr)
		if (phead1 != nullptr && phead2 == nullptr)
			if (flag == false) {//在链表尾节点的时候
				if (phead1 == phead)
					phead1 = phead2 = nullptr;

				else {
					pnode pcur = phead1;
					while (pcur->next != phead)
						pcur = pcur->next;
					pcur->next = nullptr;
					phead->next = phead1;
					phead->parents = nullptr;
					phead1->parents = phead;
					phead1 = phead2 = nullptr;

			else if (flag == true)

				assert(A[0] != A[1]);
				A[1]->next = nullptr;
				phead1 = phead2 = nullptr;


		else if (phead1 == nullptr && phead2 != nullptr)
			assert(flag == true);
			pnode pcur = phead2;
			while (true)
				if (pcur->next == phead)
					pcur->next = nullptr;
				pcur = pcur->next;
			A[1]->next = nullptr;
			A[1]->next = phead2;
			phead2->parents = A[1];
			phead1 = phead2 = nullptr;


		else if (phead1 != nullptr && phead2 != nullptr)
			if (phead1 != phead2)

				if (flag == false)
					pnode pcur1 = phead1;
					pnode pcur2 = phead2;
					pnode pcur3 = nullptr;
					while (true)
						if (pcur1 == pcur2)
							pcur2->next = nullptr;
							pcur3 = pcur1;

						if (pcur1->next != nullptr)
							pcur1 = pcur1->next;
						else if (pcur2->next != nullptr)
							pcur2 = pcur2->next;

					pnode pcur4 = phead2;
					while (pcur4->next != pcur3)
						pcur4 = pcur4->next;
					pcur4->next = nullptr;
					pcur3->next = phead2;
					phead2->parents = pcur3;

					phead1 = phead2 = nullptr;

					assert(A[0] != A[1]);

					A[1]->next = nullptr;
					pnode pcur1 = phead2;
					while (true)
						if (pcur1->next == intersection)
							pcur1->next = nullptr;
						pcur1 = pcur1->next;
					A[1]->next = phead2;
					phead2->parents = A[1];

					phead1 = phead2 = nullptr;

			//first在头部 end在尾部的时候
			else if (phead1 == phead2)
				A[1]->next = nullptr;
				phead->parents = nullptr;
				phead1 = phead2 = nullptr;

		flag2 = false;
	assert(phead1 == nullptr && phead2 == nullptr);
template <typename T>
void List<T>::insert(T n)

	if (phead == nullptr)
		phead = new node(n);

	else {
		pnode pnew = new node(n);
		pnode pcur = phead;
		while (pcur->next != nullptr)
			pcur = pcur->next;
		pcur->next = pnew;
		pnew->parents = pcur;

template<typename T>
void List<T>::insert(pnode p)
	if (phead == nullptr)
		phead = p;
	else {
		pnode pnew = p;
		pnode pcur = phead;
		while (pcur->next != nullptr)
			pcur = pcur->next;
		pcur->next = pnew;
		pnew->parents = pcur;

template <typename T>
typename List<T>::pnode List<T>::find(T data)
	pnode pcur = phead;
	while (pcur != nullptr)
		if (pcur->data == data)
			return pcur;
		pcur = pcur->next;
	return nullptr;
template<typename T>
std::size_t List<T>::find_count(T c)
	pnode pcur = phead;
	std::size_t count = 0;
	while (pcur != nullptr)
		if (pcur->data == c)
			return count;
		pcur = pcur->next;

	return 0;

template <typename T>
void List<T>::print_list()
	if (empty())
		std::cout << "This is empty list" << std::endl;

		pnode pcur = phead;
		while (pcur != nullptr)
			std::cout << "data:" << pcur->data << "\t";
			if (pcur->next != nullptr)
				std::cout << "next-data:" << pcur->next->data << "\t";
			if (pcur->parents != nullptr)
				std::cout << "parent-data" << pcur->parents->data << std::endl;

			pcur = pcur->next;
template<typename T>
void  List<T>::convert_to_double(T m, T n)
	/*T m, n;
	std::cout << "请输入m,n得值是多少:" << std::endl;
	std::cin >> m >> n;*/
	pnode phead_m = find(m);
	pnode phead_n = find(n);

	if (phead_m == nullptr || phead_n == nullptr)
		flag = false;//不存在环路

	else if (phead_m == phead_n)
		flag = false;//不存在环路但是可以创建双头链表
		//case1 查找到得节点在list得头部节点上面
		if (phead_m == phead)
			pnode pcur = phead_m->next;
			phead1 = pcur;
			phead2 = nullptr;
			pcur->parents = nullptr;
			while (pcur->next != nullptr)
				pcur = pcur->next;
			pcur->next = phead_m;
			phead_m->parents = pcur;
			phead_m->next = nullptr;
		//case2 查找到得两个节点都是list得尾部
		else if (phead_m->next == nullptr)
			phead1 = phead;
			phead2 = nullptr;
		//case3 查找得节点既不在链表得头部 也不再链表得尾部节点
		else if (phead_m->next != nullptr && phead_m->parents != nullptr)

			std::cout << "In middle with list" << std::endl;
			pnode pcur = phead_m->next;
			phead1 = phead;
			pcur->parents = nullptr;
			phead2 = pcur;
			while (pcur->next != nullptr)
				pcur = pcur->next;

			pcur->next = phead_m;
			phead_m->next = nullptr;

			intersection = phead_m;

	else if (phead_m != phead_n)

		flag = true;
		pnode first = new node, end = new node;
		std::size_t c1 = find_count(m);
		std::size_t c2 = find_count(n);

		if (c1 > c2)
			first = phead_n;
			end = phead_m;
		else if (c2 > c1)
			first = phead_m;
			end = phead_n;
		//case2 一个节点在头部一个节点在尾部的时候(不相交)
		A[0] = first;
		A[1] = end;
		std::cout << first->data << "\t" << end->data << std::endl;
		if (first->parents == nullptr && end->next == nullptr)

			first->parents = end;
			end->next = first;
			phead1 = phead2 = first;
		//case3 first节点在头部,end节点在中间的时候,把end后面的拉过去 end->next=first即可(不相交)
		else if (first->parents == nullptr && end->next != nullptr)

			pnode pre = end->next;
			phead1 = nullptr;//第一个头节点
			end->next = first;//建立环路
			pnode pre2 = pre;
			while (pre->next != nullptr)
				pre = pre->next;
			pre->next = first;
			pre2->parents = nullptr;
			phead2 = pre2;


		//case4 end在尾部 first在中间的时候(不相交)
		else if (end->next == nullptr && (first->parents != nullptr && first->next != nullptr))
			phead1 = phead;
			end->next = first;
			phead2 = nullptr;

		//case5 first 和end 节点都在中间的时候(相交)
		else if ((first->next != nullptr && first->parents != nullptr) && (end->next != nullptr && end->parents != nullptr))
			phead1 = phead;

			pnode pre = end->next;
			pnode pre2 = pre;

			pre2->parents = nullptr;
			while (pre->next != nullptr)
				pre = pre->next;
			pre->next = first;
			end->next = first;
			first->parents = end;

			phead2 = pre2;
			intersection = first;

	flag2 = true;
template<typename T>
void List<T>::find_loop() const
	if (flag == false)
		std::cout << "不存在环路" << std::endl;
	else if (flag == true)
		std::cout << "环路的首部是:" << A[0]->data << "\t"
			<< "环路的尾部是:" << A[1]->data << std::endl;

template <typename T>
bool List<T>::empty()
	if (phead == nullptr)
		return true;
	return false;

posted @ 2020-12-04 14:33  差三岁  阅读(249)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报