人民邮电出版社图灵公司的两本SQL Server 2005图书诚征译者





两本SQL Server 2005的图书分别为《SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach》和《SQL Server 2005 Practical Troubleshooting: The Database Engine (SQL Server Series)》(链接指向Amazon网上书店的原版),Amazon评价均为四星半,是两本非常不错的参考图书。下面简单介绍一下(介绍内容翻译自Amazon):


SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

作者:Joseph Sack  出版社:Apress 篇幅:768页

想要复习一下某个SQL Server任务、存储过程或是TSQL命令?在网上找不到你需要的东西?或者你可能就是想熟悉一下SQL Server 2005的最新TSQL的实际应用。无论是开发者还是DBA,这本《SQL Server 2005 T-SQL Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach》都将会成为你不二的选择。

这本直奔主题的参考手册让你立即可以查阅到你需要的知识。本书覆盖了基本的TSQL数据维护、存储过程的使用、触发器和UDF,以及用来考虑数据库安全和进行数据库维护的高级TSQL技术。本书还提供了数百条SQL Server 2005的特性和功能的实践原则,只要你有最基本的背景知识即可理解。

此外,本书还针对一些常见的TSQL问题给出了“how to”的答案,同时提供了概念上的总揽以及SQL Server 2005中引入的最新特性介绍等内容。本书也给出了一些简单的TSQL语法示例,你可以用此书准备SQL Server 2005相关的面试或是认证考试。


01. Select
02. Insert, Update, Delete
03. Transactions, Locking, Blocking and Deadlocking
04. Tables
05. Indexes
06. Full-Text Search
07. Views (11 recipes)
08. SQL Server Functions
09. Conditional Processing, Control-of-Flow and Cursors
10. Stored Procedures
11. User-Defined Functions and Types
12. Triggers
13. CLR Integration
14. XML
15. Web Services
16. Error Handling
17. Principals
18. Securables and Permissions
19. Encryption
20. Service Broker
21. Configuring and Viewing SQL Server Options
22. Creating and Configuring Databases
23. Database Integrity and Optimization
24. Maintaining Database Objects and Object Dependencies
25. Database Mirroring
26. Database Snapshots
27. Linked Servers and Distributed Queries
28. Performance Tuning
29. Backup and Recovery


SQL Server 2005 Practical Troubleshooting: The Database Engine (SQL Server Series)

作者:Ken Henderson  出版社: Addison-Wesley  篇幅:480页 (不翻译了,吃饭了。想要翻译的朋友们应该能看得懂,呵呵)

This is the definitive guide to troubleshooting the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database engine, direct from the people who know it most intimately: the people who wrote it, designed it, and support it. SQL Server expert Ken Henderson, author of the best-selling Guru’s Guides to SQL Server, has assembled a “dream team” of SQL Server developers and support engineers to provide in-depth troubleshooting and diagnostic information that has never been documented before: information that would be impossible to get without access to Microsoft’s own source code.

From caching to clustering, query processing to Service Broker, this book will help you address even the toughest problems with database engine operations. Each chapter begins with a brief architectural overview of a key SQL Server component, then drills down into the most common problems users encounter, offering specific guidance on investigating and resolving them. You’ll find comprehensive, in-depth chapters on

  1. Waiting and blocking
  2. Data corruption and recovery
  3. Memory
  4. Procedure cache issues
  5. Query processing
  6. Server crashes and other critical failures
  7. Service Broker
  8. SQLOS and scheduling
  9. tempdb
  10. Clustering

This is the indispensable resource for everyone who must keep SQL Server running smoothly: DBAs, database application developers, API programmers, and Web developers alike.

CD-ROM Contains the revolutionary SQL Server performance diagnostic tool, SQL NexusTM; TraceBusterTM, one of the world’s fastest SQL Server Profiler trace reader/analyzers; DataDemonTM, one of the fastest, most versatile file import utilities available; and sample code and scripts from the book.


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posted on 2007-03-14 12:47  Dflying Chen  阅读(5053)  评论(42编辑  收藏  举报