更加全面的ASP.NET AJAX(Atlas)学习、参考资源(英文)
前面几天我总结了一些ASP.NET AJAX(开发代号Atlas)重要参考资源大收集,近来偶尔发现了一个英文站点,也总结了一下ASP.NET AJAX(Atlas)的学习资源。粗略看了一下,比我前一个总结的内容丰富多了,实在不敢独享,搬过来希望能和朋友们分享。
注意,下面有些内容是针对CTP版本的ASP.NET AJAX,现在已经有些过时,还请朋友们多加小心,去伪存真。
ASP.NET AJAX Quick Start
- Definition: ASP.NET (SearchSQLServer.com)
- Definition: Ajax (SearchVB.com)
- Definition: Atlas (SearchVB.com)
- Podcast: Mike Gunderloy on the pros and cons of Atlas (SearchVB.com)
- Download: ASP.NET AJAX v1.0 beta (Microsoft)
- Overview: ASP.NETAJAX (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: "Hello World" in Atlas (Coding Atlas)
- Article: A Primer on Microsoft Atlas (Ajax World)
- Tutorial: An Introduction to Ajax and Atlas with ASP.NET 2.0 (Erich Peterson, 4guysfromrolla.com)
- Tutorial: Asynchronous Communication Layer Overview (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Partial-Page Rendering Overview (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: How to install ASP.NET AJAX (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Tips for new ASP.NET AJAX users (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Common ASP.NET AJAX development scenarios (Microsoft)
- Download: ASP.NET AJAX sample applications (Microsoft)
ASP.NET AJAX Tutorials
- Tutorial: Atlas at last! (Adnan Farooq Hashmi) -- Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
- Tutorial: Beginning Atlas series: Why Atlas? (Omar Al Zabir)
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 - Tutorial: ASP.NET Atlas Powers the AJAX-Style Sites You've Been Waiting For (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Enhancing Existing Applications with ASP.NET AJAX Extensions (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Using the UpdatePanel Control in ASP.NET AJAX Applications (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Customizing Partial-Page Rendering with Client Scripting (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Using Timer Control to Enable Partial-Page Updates (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Creating Custom Client Scripts in ASP.NET AJAX (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Call a Web Service from JavaScript using Server Types (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Making JavaScript easier (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Performing data access (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Controls and UI (Microsoft)
- Tutorial: Call a Web Service with ASP.NET AJAX without writing client-side scripts (Fredrik Normen)
- Tutorial: Using Atlas with PHP (Shanku Niyogi)
- Tutorial: Update Panel: Having fun with errors (Luis Abreu)
- Tutorial: What's up with UpdatePanels and how come nothing works? (Eilon Lipton)
- Tutorial: Cool UI Templating Technique to use with ASP.NET AJAX for non-UpdatePanel scenarios (Scott Guthrie)
- Tutorial: Write controls compatible with UpdatePanel without linking to the ASP.NET AJAX DLL (Eilon Lipton)
- Tutorial: Sliding Task Lists project -- Building an Atlas application from a scratch (Coding Atlas)
- Tutorial: Sliding Task Lists project (day 1) -- Building a user interface (Coding Atlas)
- Tutorial: Sliding Task Lists project (day 2) -- Implementing ASP.NET 2.0 membership provider (Coding Atlas)
- Tutorial: Sliding Task Lists project (day 3) -- Using ModalPopup extender to create panels for adding new tasks (Coding Atlas)
- Tutorial: Sliding Task Lists project (day 4) -- Database tables and saving new tasks with Atlas (Coding Atlas)
- Tutorial: Sliding Task Lists project (day 5) -- Reorder Lists and client side update panel refresh (Coding Atlas)
ASP.NET AJAX Articles and References
- Article: Atlas renamed ASP.NET AJAX, to ship by end of year (SearchVB.com)
- Article: Atlas: Think before you lift (SearchVB.com)
- Article: Microsoft unleashes Atlas at MIX06 (SearchVB.com)
- Article: Atlas means "Ajax for the masses" (SearchVB.com)
- Article: Microsoft's Atlas -- Ajax in a box (Way.Nu)
- Article: Atlas Programming Model (Nikhil Kothari)
- Article: InPlaceEditing with Atlas Behaviors (Nikhil Kothari)
- Article: InPlaceEditing - Implementing Script Behaviors in Atlas (Nikhil Kothari)
- Article: Back Button Support for Atlas UpdatePanels (Nikhil Kothari)
- Article: Script Loading Tips (Nikhil Kothari)
- Article: Using Atlas Update Panel Server Control (Code4Vista)
- Article: From closures to prototypes (Bertrand Le Roy) -- Part 1 | Part 2
- Article: How to add Atlas to an existing site (Jay Kimble, CodeBetter.com)
- Article: Add "Atlas" controls to the Visual Studio 2005 Toolbox (Public Sector Developer Weblog)
- Article: Dragging and dropping with ASP.NET 2.0 and Atlas (The Code Project)
- Article: Implementing Ajax Using ASP.NET 1.1 (15 Seconds)
- Reference: ASP.NET AJAX client class library (Microsoft)
- Reference: Client-Side Type System & Reflection API Overview (Microsoft)
- Reference: Client-Side Error Type Extensions API Overview (Microsoft)
- Reference: ASP.NET AJAX server class library (Microsoft)
ASP.NET AJAX "How Do I?" Videos
- Get Started with Atlas: Watch | Download
- Get Started with the Atlas Control Toolkit: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas CascadingDropDown Control Extender: Watch | Download
- Implement Dynamic Partial-Page Updates with Atlas: Watch | Download
- Make Client-Side Network Callbacks with Atlas: Watch | Download
- Write a Custom Atlas Control Extender: Watch | Download
- Add Atlas Features to an Existing Web Application: Watch | Download
- Atlas Enable an Existing Web Service: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas TextBoxWatermark Control Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas Popup Control Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas ModalPopup Extender Control: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas AlwaysVisible Control Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas Accordion Control: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas Client Library Controls: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas Collapsible Panel Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas Draggable Panel Extender: Watch | Download
- Build a Mashup using Microsoft Atlas: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas DynamicPopulate Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the Atlas FilteredTextbox Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the ASP.NET AJAX HoverMenu Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the ASP.NET AJAX ToggleButton Extender: Watch | Download
- Use an ASP.NET AJAX ScriptManagerProxy: Watch | Download
- Use the ASP.NET AJAX DropShadow Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the ASP.NET AJAX PasswordStrength Extender: Watch | Download
- Use the ASP.NET AJAX RoundedCorners Extender: Watch | Download
More Webcasts and Videos
- Webcast: Creating a customer view with Atlas (Wahlin Consulting)
- Webcast: Simplifying XMLHTTP programming with ASP.NET Atlas (Channel 9) -- Part 1 | Part 2
- Webcast: Enabling Partial Page Updates with the ASP.NET Atlas UpdatePanel (Channel 9)
- Webcast: Attaching Client Functionality to ASP.NET Server Controls using ASP.NET Atlas (Channel 9)
- Webcast: AJAX Enabling ASP.NET 2.0 Web Parts with Atlas (Channel 9)
- Video: Atlas Technical Overview (Microsoft)
- Video: Mashup 101: Virtual Earth -- Part 1 | Part 2 (Microsoft)
- Video: Control Toolkit (Microsoft)
- Video The Ajax Experience (Microsoft)
- Video: Technology Preview (Microsoft)
- Video: Application Demos (Microsoft)
- Video: First Look (Microsoft)
Working with ASP.NET AJAX Controls
- ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit home page (Microsoft)
- Article: With Microsoft's Atlas toolkit, no wait for Ajax controls (SearchVB.com)
- Article: Atlas Control Toolkit: A large, open-source framework (SearchVB.com)
- Article: Atlas Control Toolkit (And Why It Is Really Cool) (Scott Guthrie)
- Article: Testing the Toolkit (Shawn Burke)
- Article: Free Atlas Control Toolkit Test Automation Harness Published (Scott Guthrie)
- Control: Introducing Drag-Drop and Animations with Microsoft Atlas (Shiju Varghese)
- Control: Microsoft Atlas Control Extender -- Focus (Chris Crowe)
- Control: Master / Detail drop down lists -- client side data binding (Coding Atlas)
- Control: Always visible loading image (Coding Atlas)
- Control: ReorderList control (Coding Atlas)
- Control: Atlas ScriptManager Control (Nikhil Kothari)
- Control: TextBoxCounter Atlas Extender (Scott Cate)
- Control: Atlas PasswordStrength Display Extender control (Paul Glavich)
- Control: UpdateProgress Control and Ajax Activity Image Animations (Scott Guthrie)
- Tutorial: Working with Atlas Control Toolkit (ASPAlliance.com)
- Tutorial: Dynamic content made easy (How to use the new dynamic population support for Toolkit controls) (Delay's Blog)
- Tutorial: Building a Mashup using the Atlas Virtual Earth Map control (Jonathan Hawkins)
General Ajax Resources
- Article: Ajax development: The what, how and when (SearchVB.com)
- Article: Ajax development: The what, how and when, continued -- Five tips for getting started (SearchVB.com)
- Article: 2005 in review: Ajax makes news, but will it make the grade? (SearchVB.com)
- Article: Ajax hype and reality (SearchWebServices.com)
- Article: Can Ajax be running partner of Web services? (SearchWebServices.com)
- Article: Ajax and interface design (Luke Wroblewski)
- Quiz: Ajax quiz: Do you speak geek? (WhatIs.com)
- Reference: Ajax Learning Guide (SearchVB.com)
- Reference: Comparison of Ajax frameworks for ASP.NET (Daniel Zeiss)
- Tutorial: Populating a DropDownList using Ajax and ASP.NET (ASPAlliance)
ASP.NET AJAX Forums and Blogs
- Where peers share know-how and experience: ITKnowledge Exchange (SearchVB.com)
- Forum: AJAX Discussion and Suggestions (ASP.NET Forums)
- Forum: AJAX UI (ASP.NET Forums)
- Forum: AJAX Networking and Web Services (ASP.NET Forums)
- Forum: Atlas general questions (DotNetSlackers)
- Forum: Atlas code samples (DotNetSlackers)
- Blog: ASP.NET AJAX Blog Roll (Microsoft)