微软发布Enterprise Library for .NET Framework 2.0在32位和64位平台上的性能比较测试文档

Enterprise Library for .NET Framework 2.0是一个非常好的东西,让我们在企业开发应用中有章可循。最近微软公司又在我们关心的32位和64位平台性能问题上给出了一份比较测试文档,又需要选择32位和64位平台的朋友们可以参考一下(在此下载)。



  1. Logging Application Block Scenario: Write to Event Log
  2. Data Access Application Block Scenario: ExecuteNonQuery
  3. Scalability View of the Data Block
  4. Caching Block Scenario: Adding Random Item in the Cache in Memory


  1. The 64-bit machine has 2 & 4 processors compared to 2 & 4 processors on the 32-bit machines. Also, the processor speed on 64-bit machines is 1804 MHz per processor as compared to 2790 MHz per processor on 32-bit machines. With these performance numbers in perspective, it can be observed that with less CPU processor power the gains on scalability moving to 64 bit was 100%.
  2. The second important factor for nominal performance of a 64-bit machine revolves around the use of system resource and memory space. For this analysis, we used the Enterprise Library Application Block default test cases. These test cases are not specifically targeted to assess the new features of 64-bit architecture. Since one of the main benefits of 64-bit machine is its high memory and improved architecture, this would be good future work.

总体说来,这份文档还是非常具有指导意义的!且文档只有19页,足够简明,强烈推荐每个使用Enterprise Library for .NET Framework 2.0的朋友都去看一下。

顺便说一句,TerryLee的Enterprise Library系列文章也极为精彩,而且使用中文写的,非常值得一读!

再列出几本不错的Enterprise Library的图书,感兴趣的朋友可以读一下:

  1. Microsoft Patterns & Practices Library-january 2006 (Patterns & Practices)
  2. The Definitive Guide to the Microsoft Enterprise Library
  3. Effective Use of Microsoft Enterprise Library: Building Blocks for Creating Enterprise Applications and Services
posted on 2006-11-20 11:53  Dflying Chen  阅读(7371)  评论(20编辑  收藏  举报