

接口只能包含:constants, method signatures(abstract), default methods, static methods, and nested types

方法体只存在于:default methods and static methods



public interface OperateCar {

   // constant declarations, if any

   // method signatures
   // An enum with values RIGHT, LEFT
   int turn(Direction direction,
            double radius,
            double startSpeed,
            double endSpeed);
   int changeLanes(Direction direction,
                   double startSpeed,
                   double endSpeed);
   int signalTurn(Direction direction,
                  boolean signalOn);
   int getRadarFront(double distanceToCar,
                     double speedOfCar);
   int getRadarRear(double distanceToCar,
                    double speedOfCar);
   // more method signatures


public class OperateBMW760i implements OperateCar {

    // the OperateCar method signatures, with implementation --
    // for example:
    public int signalTurn(Direction direction, boolean signalOn) {
       // code to turn BMW's LEFT turn indicator lights on
       // code to turn BMW's LEFT turn indicator lights off
       // code to turn BMW's RIGHT turn indicator lights on
       // code to turn BMW's RIGHT turn indicator lights off

    // other members, as needed -- for example, helper classes not 
    // visible to clients of the interface




public interface Relatable {

    // this (object calling isLargerThan())
    // and other must be instances of 
    // the same class returns 1, 0, -1 
    // if this is greater than, 
    // equal to, or less than other
    public int isLargerThan(Relatable other);


public class RectanglePlus 
    implements Relatable {
    public int width = 0;
    public int height = 0;
    public Point origin;

    // four constructors
    public RectanglePlus() {
        origin = new Point(0, 0);
    public RectanglePlus(Point p) {
        origin = p;
    public RectanglePlus(int w, int h) {
        origin = new Point(0, 0);
        width = w;
        height = h;
    public RectanglePlus(Point p, int w, int h) {
        origin = p;
        width = w;
        height = h;

    // a method for moving the rectangle
    public void move(int x, int y) {
        origin.x = x;
        origin.y = y;

    // a method for computing
    // the area of the rectangle
    public int getArea() {
        return width * height;
    // a method required to implement
    // the Relatable interface
    public int isLargerThan(Relatable other) {
        RectanglePlus otherRect 
            = (RectanglePlus)other;
        if (this.getArea() < otherRect.getArea())
            return -1;
        else if (this.getArea() > otherRect.getArea())
            return 1;
            return 0;               


public interface DoIt {
   void doSomething(int i, double x);
   int doSomethingElse(String s);



public interface DoItPlus extends DoIt {

   boolean didItWork(int i, double x, String s);

②default method

public interface DoIt {

   void doSomething(int i, double x);
   int doSomethingElse(String s);
   default boolean didItWork(int i, double x, String s) {
       // Method body 


  1. 无声明,继承父接口的默认方法
  2. 声明,变为abstract method,实现类,必须实现该方法(也就是父类默认,但是子类不默认了)
  3. 声明并重写,以子类的默认方法为准

③static method

public interface TimeClient {
    // ...
    static public ZoneId getZoneId (String zoneString) {
        try {
            return ZoneId.of(zoneString);
        } catch (DateTimeException e) {
            System.err.println("Invalid time zone: " + zoneString +
                "; using default time zone instead.");
            return ZoneId.systemDefault();

    default public ZonedDateTime getZonedDateTime(String zoneString) {
        return ZonedDateTime.of(getLocalDateTime(), getZoneId(zoneString));

接口的static method,就相当于把多个class的static method抽到了一个公共的地方,实现该接口的类,都具有static method。



public Object findLargest(Object object1, Object object2) {
   Relatable obj1 = (Relatable)object1;
   Relatable obj2 = (Relatable)object2;
   if ((obj1).isLargerThan(obj2) > 0)
      return object1;
      return object2;



posted @ 2023-06-05 23:24  测试开发刚哥  阅读(10)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报