
What are Pan's top strengths?


What is one thing Pan currently does as your manager that you'd like Jiajie Pan to continue to do?


What is one thing Pan doesn't do frequently enough as your manager that you think Jiajie Pan should do more often?


What is one thing you'd like Pan to start doing as a manager?


What is one thing Pan can do to help you be more effective in your role?


Pan is a positive energizer. They uplift and boost my mood and leave me feeling elevated, energized and motivated.

Pan clarifies the expectations and responsibilities of my role and I know what is expected of me at work on a regular basis.

Pan helps me understand my top strengths and align my work with those strengths.

Pan cares about me both personally and professionally.

Pan and I have regular and recurring one-on-one meetings.


posted @ 2020-03-08 23:28  得一寸  阅读(97)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报