FreeType Glyph Conventions 翻译(1) ——Basic Typographic Concepts 基础印刷概念


字体文件,格式以及信息 (Font files, format and information)

A font is a collection of various character images that can be used to display or print text.

The images in a single font share some common properties, including look, style, serifs, etc

Typographically speaking, one has to distinguish between a font family and its multiple font faces, which usually differ in style though coming from the same template.
从印刷的角度说,我们需要区分字体族(font family)和它的多个字体(font faces),这些字体经常在样式上有所区别。

For example, ‘Palatino Regular’ and ‘Palatino Italic’ are two distinct faces from the same family, called ‘Palatino’ itself.
比如,Palatino Regular和Palatino Italic是两个不同的字体,但它们来自相同的字体族Palatino.

A digital font is thus a data file that may contain one or more font faces.
电脑中的字体文件可能包含一个或者多个字体(font faces)。

For each of these, it contains character images, character metrics, as well as other kind of information important to the layout of text and the processing of specific character encodings.

In some formats, like Adobe's Type 1, a single font face is described through several files (i.e., one contains the character images, another one the character metrics). We will ignore this implementation issue in most parts of this document and consider digital fonts as single files, though FreeType 2 is able to support multiple-files fonts correctly.

As a convenience, a font file containing more than one face is called a font collection.

This case is rather rare but can be seen in many Asian fonts, which contain images for two or more representation forms of a given script (usually for horizontal and vertical layout).

字符图形和映射 Character images and mappings

The character images are called glyphs.

A single character can have several distinct images, i.e., several glyphs, depending on script, usage or context.

Several characters can also take a single glyph (good examples are Roman ligatures like ‘fi’ and ‘fl’ which can be represented by a single glyph).

The relationship between characters and glyphs can be very complex but won't be discussed in this document.

Moreover, some formats use more or less complicated schemes to store and access glyphs. For the sake of clarity, we only retain the following notions when working with FreeType:

  • A font file contains a set of glyphs; each one can be stored as a bitmap, a vector representation, or any other scheme (most scalable formats use a combination of mathematical representation and control data/programs). These glyphs can be stored in any order in the font file, and are typically accessed through a simple glyph index.

  • The font file contains one or more tables, called character maps (also called ‘charmaps’ or ‘cmaps’ for short), which are used to convert character codes for a given encoding (e.g., ASCII, Unicode, Big5, ShiftJIS, etc.) into glyph indices relative to the font file. A single font face may contain several charmaps. For example, many OpenType fonts contain an Apple-specific charmap as well as a Unicode charmap, which makes them usable on both Mac and Windows platforms.

字符和字体指标 Character and font metrics

Each glyph image is associated with various metrics which describe how to place and manage it when rendering text; see section III for more.
每个字符图形会有多个指标(metrics)来描述在渲染文本时如何放置和管理图形。详情见Section 3.

Metrics relate to glyph placement, cursor advances, as well as text layout. They are extremely important to compute the flow of text when rendering a string of text.
图形放置,cursor advances 以及 文本布局相关的指标 对于计算一串字符串的整个文本布局很重要。

Each scalable format also contains some global metrics, expressed in notional (i.e. font) units, to describe some properties of all glyphs in the same face.

Examples for global metrics are the maximum glyph bounding box, the ascender, descender, and text height of the font.
全局指标的例子有最大图形包围盒,the ascender, descender,以及字体的文本高度。

Non-scalable formats contain metrics also. However, they only apply to a set of given character dimensions and resolutions, and are usually expressed in pixels then.

posted @ 2024-03-23 23:56  dewxin  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报