

Say the ActualResolution is set to 156,250, the interrupt heartbeat of the system will run at 15.625 ms periods or 64 Hz and a call to Sleep is made with a desired delay of 1 ms. Two scenarios are to be looked at:

  • The call was made < 1ms (ΔT) ahead of the next interrupt. The next interrupt will not confirm that the desired period of time has expired. Only the following interrupt will cause the call to return. The resulting sleep delay will be ΔT + 15.625ms.
  • The call was made >= 1ms (ΔT) ahead of the next interrupt. The next interrupt will force the call to return. The resulting sleep delay will be ΔT.

posted @ 2022-09-08 22:08  dewxin  阅读(232)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报