1 sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install binutils git git-lfs gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z1-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip m4 bc gnutls-bin python3.8 python3-pip ruby device-tree-compiler lib32stdc++6 lib32z1 libncurses5-dev libtinfo5 scons genext2fs abootimg -y
1 git config --global user.name "yourname" 2 git config --global user.email "your-email-address" 3 git config --global credential.helper store
1 cd ~ 2 curl -s https://gitee.com/oschina/repo/raw/fork_flow/repo-py3 > bin/repo 3 chmod a+x bin/repo
1 vim ~/.bashrc 2 # 在最后一行添加: export PATH="~/bin/repo:$PATH" 3 :wq 4 source ~/.bashrc
1 pip3 install -i https://repo.huaweicloud.com/repository/pypi/simple requests
node -v
1 cd ~ 2 mkdir ohos 3 cd ohos
1 repo init -u https://gitee.com/ohos_port/manifest -b fajita-OpenHarmony-3.2-Release --no-repo-verify 2 repo sync -c 3 repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'
1 cd ~/ohos 2 ./build/prebuilts_download.sh
#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -e CUR_PATH=$(cd $(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]}) && pwd) BASE_PATH=$(dirname ${CUR_PATH}) ROOT_PATH=$(cd ${CUR_PATH}/../../.. && pwd) && cd - arg_project="" arg_sdk_path="" arg_build_sdk="false" arg_help="0" arg_url="" arg_branch="" arg_npm="" arg_out_path="${ROOT_PATH}/out/hap" arg_sign_tool="${ROOT_PATH}/developtools/hapsigner/dist" arg_p7b="" arg_apl="normal" arg_feature="hos_normal_app" arg_profile="UnsgnedReleasedProfileTemplate.json" arg_bundle_name="" function print_help() { cat <<EOF use assembleHap [options] <mainclass> [args...] EOF } function clear_dir(){ if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then mkdir -p $1 fi } function is_project_root(){ if [[ -f $1"/build-profile.json5" && -f $1"/hvigorfile.js" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } function build_sdk() { if [ -d ${ROOT_PATH}/out/sdk/packages/ohos-sdk/linux ]; then echo "ohos-sdk exists." return 0 fi pushd ${ROOT_PATH} echo "building the latest ohos-sdk..." ./build.sh --product-name ohos-sdk pushd ${ROOT_PATH}/out/sdk/packages/ohos-sdk/linux ls -d */ | xargs rm -rf for i in $(ls); do unzip $i done # for f in $(find . -name package.json); do # echo "running npm install in $(dirname $f)" # pushd $(dirname $f) # npm install # popd # done api_version=$(grep apiVersion toolchains/oh-uni-package.json | awk '{print $2}' | sed -r 's/\",?//g') sdk_version=$(grep version toolchains/oh-uni-package.json | awk '{print $2}' | sed -r 's/\",?//g') for i in $(ls -d */); do mkdir -p $api_version mv $i $api_version mkdir $i ln -s ../$api_version/$i $i/$sdk_version done popd popd } function parse_arguments() { local helperKey=""; local helperValue=""; local current=""; while [ "$1" != "" ]; do current=$1; helperKey=${current#*--}; helperKey=${helperKey%%=*}; helperKey=$(echo "$helperKey" | tr '-' '_'); helperValue=${current#*=}; if [ "$helperValue" == "$current" ]; then helperValue="1"; fi #echo "eval arg_$helperKey=\"$helperValue\""; eval "arg_$helperKey=\"$helperValue\""; shift done } parse_arguments ${@}; if [ "$arg_help" != "0" ]; then print_help; exit 1; fi if [ "${arg_project}" == "" -a "${arg_url}" == "" ]; then echo "--project or --url is not null" exit 1; fi if [ ! -d "${arg_project}" ]; then echo "${arg_project} is not dir" exit 1; fi if [[ ${arg_project} = */ ]]; then arg_project=${arg_project%/} fi if [[ ${arg_sign_tool} = */ ]]; then arg_sign_tool=${arg_sign_tool%/} fi if [[ ${arg_p7b} = "" ]]; then arg_p7b=$(find ${arg_project} -name *.p7b | head -n 1) if [[ ${arg_p7b} = "" ]]; then arg_p7b=openharmony_sx.p7b fi fi clear_dir ${arg_out_path} export OHOS_SDK_HOME=${arg_sdk_path} echo "use sdk:"${OHOS_SDK_HOME} npm config set ${arg_npm} echo "npm config set ${arg_npm}" if [ "${arg_url}" != "" ]; then if [ "${arg_branch}" == "" ]; then echo "branch is not null" exit 1 fi project_name=${arg_url##*/} project_name=${project_name%%.git*} if test -d ${BASE_PATH}/projects/${project_name} then echo "${project_name} exists,ready for update..." cd ${BASE_PATH}/projects/${project_name} git fetch origin ${arg_branch} git reset --hard origin/${arg_branch} git pull else echo "${project_name} dose not exist,ready to download..." cd ${BASE_PATH}/projects git clone -b ${arg_branch} ${arg_url} ${project_name} fi arg_project=${BASE_PATH}/projects/${project_name} fi if ! is_project_root ${arg_project}; then echo "${arg_project} is not OpenHarmony Project" exit 1; fi if [ "${arg_build_sdk}" == "true" ]; then build_sdk export OHOS_SDK_HOME=${ROOT_PATH}/out/sdk/packages/ohos-sdk/linux echo "set OHOS_SDK_HOME to" ${OHOS_SDK_HOME} fi echo "start build hap..." cd ${arg_project} module_list=() module_name=() out_module=() bundle_name="" function del_module_name(){ name=${1} for i in "${!module_name[@]}" do if [[ "${module_name[i]}" == "${name}" ]]; then unset module_name[i] echo "移除"${name}" , 剩余 : "${module_name[@]} return 0 fi done return 1 } function load_dep(){ cur_m_n=${1} for cur_module in ${module_list[@]} do if [[ "${cur_module}" =~ "${cur_m_n}" ]]; then del_module_name ${cur_m_n} for m_n_1 in ${module_name[@]} do rr=$(cat ${cur_module}"/package.json" | grep "${m_n_1}" || true) if [[ "${rr}" != "" ]]; then load_dep ${m_n_1} fi done cd ${cur_module} echo ${cur_module}" 执行npm install" npm i fi done } while read line do if [[ ${line} =~ "srcPath" ]]; then pa=${line%\"*} pa=${pa##*\".} module_list[${#module_list[*]}]=${arg_project}${pa} module_name[${#module_name[*]}]=${pa} if [ -d "${arg_project}/AppScope" ]; then cur_bundle_line=`cat ${arg_project}/AppScope/app.json5 | grep "\"bundleName\""` bundle_name=${cur_bundle_line%\"*} bundle_name=${bundle_name##*\"} # echo "bundleName : "${bundle_name} is_entry=`cat ${arg_project}${pa}/src/main/module.json5 | sed 's/ //g' | grep "\"type\":\"entry\"" || true` is_feature=`cat ${arg_project}${pa}/src/main/module.json5 | sed 's/ //g' | grep "\"type\":\"feature\"" || true` if [[ "${is_entry}" != "" || "${is_feature}" != "" ]]; then echo "hap输出module: "${arg_project}${pa} out_module[${#out_module[*]}]=${arg_project}${pa} fi else cur_bundle_line=`cat ${arg_project}${pa}/src/main/config.json | grep "\"bundleName\""` bundle_name=${cur_bundle_line%\"*} bundle_name=${bundle_name##*\"} # echo "bundleName : "${bundle_name} is_entry=`cat ${arg_project}${pa}/src/main/config.json | sed 's/ //g' | grep "\"moduleType\":\"entry\"" || true` is_feature=`cat ${arg_project}${pa}/src/main/config.json | sed 's/ //g' | grep "\"moduleType\":\"feature\"" || true` if [[ "${is_entry}" != "" || "${is_feature}" != "" ]]; then echo "hap输出module: "${arg_project}${pa} out_module[${#out_module[*]}]=${arg_project}${pa} fi fi fi done < ${arg_project}"/build-profile.json5" for module in ${module_list[@]} do if del_module_name ${module##${arg_project}}; then for m_n in ${module_name[@]} do rr=$(cat ${module}"/package.json" | grep "${m_n}" || true) if [[ "${rr}" != "" ]]; then load_dep ${m_n} fi done cd ${module} echo ${module}" 执行npm install" npm i fi done cd ${arg_project} echo ${arg_project}" 执行npm install" npm install node ./node_modules/@ohos/hvigor/bin/hvigor.js clean node ./node_modules/@ohos/hvigor/bin/hvigor.js --mode module clean assembleHap -p debuggable=false for module in ${out_module[@]} do cur_out_module_name=${module##*/} is_sign=false echo "module = ${module} , cur_out_module_name=${cur_out_module_name}" if [ ! -d ${module}/build/default/outputs/default/ ]; then echo "module = ${module}, assembleHap error !!!" continue fi for out_file in `ls ${module}/build/default/outputs/default/` do if [[ "${out_file}" =~ "-signed.hap" ]]; then is_sign=true echo "发现signed包 : "${out_file}",直接归档" cp ${module}/build/default/outputs/default/${out_file} ${arg_out_path}/ break fi done if test ${is_sign} = false then hap_name=${arg_project##*/} # echo "${hap_name},skip sign 'hap'. Invalid signingConfig is configured for 'default' product." for out_file in `ls ${module}/build/default/outputs/default/` do if [[ "${out_file}" =~ "-unsigned.hap" ]]; then echo "发现unsigned包 : "${out_file}",开始使用签名工具签名" nosign_hap_path=${module}/build/default/outputs/default/${out_file} sign_hap_path=${module}/build/default/outputs/default/${out_file/unsigned/signed} cp -r ${arg_sign_tool} ${arg_project}/ cd ${arg_project}/dist if [ ! -e ${arg_profile} ]; then echo "${arg_profile} not exist! ! !" exit 1 fi if [ "${arg_bundle_name}" != "" ]; then sed -i "s/\"com.OpenHarmony.app.test\"/\"${arg_bundle_name}\"/g" ${arg_profile} else sed -i "s/\"com.OpenHarmony.app.test\"/\"${bundle_name}\"/g" ${arg_profile} fi sed -i "s/\"normal\"/\"${arg_apl}\"/g" ${arg_profile} sed -i "s/\"system_basic\"/\"${arg_apl}\"/g" ${arg_profile} sed -i "s/\"system_core\"/\"${arg_apl}\"/g" ${arg_profile} sed -i "s/\"hos_normal_app\"/\"${arg_feature}\"/g" ${arg_profile} sed -i "s/\"hos_system_app\"/\"${arg_feature}\"/g" ${arg_profile} java -jar hap-sign-tool.jar sign-profile -keyAlias "openharmony application profile release" -signAlg "SHA256withECDSA" -mode "localSign" -profileCertFile "OpenHarmonyProfileRelease.pem" -inFile "${arg_profile}" -keystoreFile "OpenHarmony.p12" -outFile "openharmony_sx.p7b" -keyPwd "123456" -keystorePwd "123456" java -jar hap-sign-tool.jar sign-app -keyAlias "openharmony application release" -signAlg "SHA256withECDSA" -mode "localSign" -appCertFile "OpenHarmonyApplication.pem" -profileFile "${arg_p7b}" -inFile "${nosign_hap_path}" -keystoreFile "OpenHarmony.p12" -outFile "${sign_hap_path}" -keyPwd "123456" -keystorePwd "123456" cp ${sign_hap_path} ${arg_out_path}/ is_sign=true break fi done if test ${is_sign} = false then echo "${module} assembleHap error !!!" rm -rf ${arg_project}/sign_helper exit 1 fi fi done rm -rf ${arg_project}/sign_helper exit 0
1 ./applications/standard/hap/build.sh --project=/home/[username]/ohos/applications/standard/systemui --npm=@ohos:registry=https://registry.npmmirror.com/ --build_sdk=true
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