case class inheritance

Scala 禁止case class inheritance

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
case class FootballPlayer(name: String, age: Int, number: Int) extends Person(name, age)


Error:(5, 12) case class FootballPlayer has case ancestor Person, but case-to-case inheritance is prohibited. To overcome this limitation, use extractors to pattern match on non-leaf nodes.
case class FootballPlayer(name: String, age: Int, number: Int) extends Person(name, age)



我们可以使得两个case class继承同一个trait来实际于case class继承的行为,但是这样就得自己写extractor了。比如

  sealed trait Person{
    def age: Int
    def name: String
  case class FootballPlayer(name: String, age: Int, number: Int) extends Person
  val torres = FootballPlayer("Fernando Torres", 31, 19)
  val Person(name, age) = torres // can't resolve symbal Person

会编译出错, 因为Person是个trait,它并不支持extractor的语法。

需要给Person加个Companion object,像这样

  object Person{
    def unapply(p: Person) = Some((, p.age))


  val torres = FootballPlayer("Fernando Torres", 31, 19)
  val Person(name, age) = torres


编译器会为case class生成equals方法,但普通类就不会了。

  sealed trait Person{
    def age: Int
    def name: String

  case class FootballPlayer(name: String, age: Int, number: Int) extends Person
  class Doctor(val name: String, val age: Int) extends Person
  val torresA = FootballPlayer("Fernando Torres", 31, 19)
  val torresB = FootballPlayer("Fernando Torres", 31, 19)
  println(torresA == torresB)//true

  val docA = new Doctor("C", 30)
  val docB = new Doctor("C", 30)
  println(docA == docB)//false


当给FootballPlayer这个case class的父类Person定义了equals方法之后,就不是这样了。

 sealed trait Person{self =>
    def age: Int
    def name: String
    override def equals(that: Any):Boolean = {
      that match{
        case p: Person => p.age == self.age && ==
        case _ => false
    override def hashCode: Int = {
      var hash = 1
      hash = hash * 31 + age
      hash = hash * 31 + {if(name !=null) name.hashCode else 0}
  case class FootballPlayer(name: String, age: Int, number: Int) extends Person
  class Doctor(val name: String, val age: Int) extends Person
  val torresA = FootballPlayer("Fernando Torres", 31, 19)
  val torresB = FootballPlayer("Fernando Torres", 31, 19)
  println(torresA == torresB)//true

  val docA = new Doctor("C", 30)
  val docB = new Doctor("C", 30)
  println(docA == docB) //true

  val footballPlayerC = FootballPlayer("C", 30, 30)
  println(footballPlayerC == docA) //true

貌似这时候case class就不会生成equals方法了, 转而使用父类Person的equals方法。并且要记得同时在Person中覆盖hashCode方法,不然就破坏了equals对hashCode的要求。

posted @ 2015-04-23 22:04  devos  阅读(2078)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报