perl - 使用regex

postfix in perl

//i : case insensitive

use warnings;
$_ = 'This is a wilma line';
if (/WiLMa/i) {
	print "match\n";

if (/WiLMa/) {, it doesn't match.

//m : multiline match

use warnings;
$_ = 'This is a wilma line
barney is on another line
but this ends in fred
and a final dino line';
if (/fred$/m) {
	print "match\n";

This matches.
if (/fred$/) { (without m), it doesn't match.
if (/fred\z/m) {, it doesn't match.
if (/fred\z/) {, it doesn't match.

The function of $ without m is identical to \z, the ending anchor.

Similar the caret symbol ^, which is defined in regex.

//x : adding white space

use warnings;
$_ = 'This is a wilma line';
if (/wilma \s line/x) {
	print "match\n";

if (/wilma \s line/) {, it doesn't match.



\A anchor matches the absolute beginning of a string.


\z anchor matches the end of a string without a new line.

while (<STDIN>) {
print if /\.png\Z/;


\Z anchor matches the end of a string with an optinal new line.

while (<STDIN>) {
print "$_\n" if /\.png\z/;

This matches *.png from interactive command prompt,
while it dodoesn't matches if there is no chomp


The word-boundary anchor \b matches at either end of a word.

use warnings;
$_ = 'neofred';
if (/fred\b/) {
	print "match\n";

It matches,
but with, /\bfred\b/, it doesn't match.


\w anchor matches ordinary letters, digits, and underscores.
It identical to [0-9a-zA-Z_]


\d anchor matches digital numbers of 0-9.

Perl match variables


Non-capturing parentheses, just grouping.


Capturing parentheses.


Naming capture.

To assginment, use $+{name}.

Automatic match section


Entire matched section.

$ (Invalid in CNBLOGS)

Before mathced.


After matched.

posted @ 2023-05-24 09:51  devindd  阅读(15)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报