使用基于Apache Spark的随机森林方法预测贷款风险


转载 2016年07月20日 14:19:56

原文:Predicting Loan Credit Risk using Apache Spark Machine Learning Random Forests 
作者:Carol McDonald,MapR解决方案架构师 

在本文中,我将向大家介绍如何使用Apache Spark的spark.ml库中的随机森林算法来对银行信用贷款的风险做分类预测。Spark的spark.ml库基于DataFrame,它提供了大量的接口,帮助用户创建和调优机器学习工作流。结合dataframe使用spark.ml,能够实现模型的智能优化,从而提升模型效果。




  • 我们需要预测什么? 
    • 某个人是否会按时还款
    • 这就是标签:此人的信用度
  • 你用来预测的“是与否”问题或者属性是什么? 
    • 申请人的基本信息和社会身份信息:职业,年龄,存款储蓄,婚姻状态等等……
    • 这些就是特征,用来构建一个分类模型,你从中提取出对分类有帮助的特征信息。



  • 问题1:账户余额是否大于200元? 
    • 问题2:当前就职时间是否超过1年? 
      • 不可信赖











  • 标签 -> 守信用或者不守信用(1或者0)
  • 特征 -> {存款余额,信用历史,贷款目的等等}


本教程将使用Spark 1.6.1

按照教程指示,登录MapR沙箱,用户名为user01,密码为mapr。将样本数据文件复制到你的沙箱主目录下/user/user01 using scp。(注意,你可能需要先更新Spark的版本)打开spark shell:

$spark-shell --master local[1]



import org.apache.spark.ml.classification.RandomForestClassifier
import org.apache.spark.ml.evaluation.BinaryClassificationEvaluator
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.StringIndexer
import org.apache.spark.ml.feature.VectorAssembler
import sqlContext.implicits._
import sqlContext._
import org.apache.spark.ml.tuning.{ ParamGridBuilder, CrossValidator }
import org.apache.spark.ml.{ Pipeline, PipelineStage }


    // define the Credit Schema
    case class Credit(
        creditability: Double,
        balance: Double, duration: Double, history: Double, purpose: Double, amount: Double,
        savings: Double, employment: Double, instPercent: Double, sexMarried: Double, guarantors: Double,
        residenceDuration: Double, assets: Double, age: Double, concCredit: Double, apartment: Double,
        credits: Double, occupation: Double, dependents: Double, hasPhone: Double, foreign: Double


    // function to create a  Credit class from an Array of Double
    def parseCredit(line: Array[Double]): Credit = {
          line(1) - 1, line(2), line(3), line(4) , line(5),
          line(6) - 1, line(7) - 1, line(8), line(9) - 1, line(10) - 1,
          line(11) - 1, line(12) - 1, line(13), line(14) - 1, line(15) - 1,
          line(16) - 1, line(17) - 1, line(18) - 1, line(19) - 1, line(20) - 1
    // function to transform an RDD of Strings into an RDD of Double
      def parseRDD(rdd: RDD[String]): RDD[Array[Double]] = {


    // load the data into a  RDD
    val creditDF= parseRDD(sc.textFile("germancredit.csv")).map(parseCredit).toDF().cache()


    // Return the schema of this DataFrame

     |-- creditability: double (nullable = false)
     |-- balance: double (nullable = false)
     |-- duration: double (nullable = false)
     |-- history: double (nullable = false)
     |-- purpose: double (nullable = false)
     |-- amount: double (nullable = false)
     |-- savings: double (nullable = false)
     |-- employment: double (nullable = false)
     |-- instPercent: double (nullable = false)
     |-- sexMarried: double (nullable = false)
     |-- guarantors: double (nullable = false)
     |-- residenceDuration: double (nullable = false)
     |-- assets: double (nullable = false)
     |-- age: double (nullable = false)
     |-- concCredit: double (nullable = false)
     |-- apartment: double (nullable = false)
     |-- credits: double (nullable = false)
     |-- occupation: double (nullable = false)
     |-- dependents: double (nullable = false)
     |-- hasPhone: double (nullable = false)
     |-- foreign: double (nullable = false)

    // Display the top 20 rows of DataFrame 

    |creditability|balance|duration|history|purpose|amount|savings|employment|instPercent|sexMarried|guarantors|residenceDuration|assets| age|concCredit|apartment|credits|occupation|dependents|hasPhone|foreign|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    18.0|    4.0|    2.0|1049.0|    0.0|       1.0|        4.0|       1.0|       0.0|              3.0|   1.0|21.0|       2.0|      0.0|    0.0|       2.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|     9.0|    4.0|    0.0|2799.0|    0.0|       2.0|        2.0|       2.0|       0.0|              1.0|   0.0|36.0|       2.0|      0.0|    1.0|       2.0|       1.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    1.0|    12.0|    2.0|    9.0| 841.0|    1.0|       3.0|        2.0|       1.0|       0.0|              3.0|   0.0|23.0|       2.0|      0.0|    0.0|       1.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    12.0|    4.0|    0.0|2122.0|    0.0|       2.0|        3.0|       2.0|       0.0|              1.0|   0.0|39.0|       2.0|      0.0|    1.0|       1.0|       1.0|     0.0|    1.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    12.0|    4.0|    0.0|2171.0|    0.0|       2.0|        4.0|       2.0|       0.0|              3.0|   1.0|38.0|       0.0|      1.0|    1.0|       1.0|       0.0|     0.0|    1.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    10.0|    4.0|    0.0|2241.0|    0.0|       1.0|        1.0|       2.0|       0.0|              2.0|   0.0|48.0|       2.0|      0.0|    1.0|       1.0|       1.0|     0.0|    1.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|     8.0|    4.0|    0.0|3398.0|    0.0|       3.0|        1.0|       2.0|       0.0|              3.0|   0.0|39.0|       2.0|      1.0|    1.0|       1.0|       0.0|     0.0|    1.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|     6.0|    4.0|    0.0|1361.0|    0.0|       1.0|        2.0|       2.0|       0.0|              3.0|   0.0|40.0|       2.0|      1.0|    0.0|       1.0|       1.0|     0.0|    1.0|
    |          1.0|    3.0|    18.0|    4.0|    3.0|1098.0|    0.0|       0.0|        4.0|       1.0|       0.0|              3.0|   2.0|65.0|       2.0|      1.0|    1.0|       0.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    1.0|    24.0|    2.0|    3.0|3758.0|    2.0|       0.0|        1.0|       1.0|       0.0|              3.0|   3.0|23.0|       2.0|      0.0|    0.0|       0.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    11.0|    4.0|    0.0|3905.0|    0.0|       2.0|        2.0|       2.0|       0.0|              1.0|   0.0|36.0|       2.0|      0.0|    1.0|       2.0|       1.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    30.0|    4.0|    1.0|6187.0|    1.0|       3.0|        1.0|       3.0|       0.0|              3.0|   2.0|24.0|       2.0|      0.0|    1.0|       2.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|     6.0|    4.0|    3.0|1957.0|    0.0|       3.0|        1.0|       1.0|       0.0|              3.0|   2.0|31.0|       2.0|      1.0|    0.0|       2.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    1.0|    48.0|    3.0|   10.0|7582.0|    1.0|       0.0|        2.0|       2.0|       0.0|              3.0|   3.0|31.0|       2.0|      1.0|    0.0|       3.0|       0.0|     1.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    18.0|    2.0|    3.0|1936.0|    4.0|       3.0|        2.0|       3.0|       0.0|              3.0|   2.0|23.0|       2.0|      0.0|    1.0|       1.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|     6.0|    2.0|    3.0|2647.0|    2.0|       2.0|        2.0|       2.0|       0.0|              2.0|   0.0|44.0|       2.0|      0.0|    0.0|       2.0|       1.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    11.0|    4.0|    0.0|3939.0|    0.0|       2.0|        1.0|       2.0|       0.0|              1.0|   0.0|40.0|       2.0|      1.0|    1.0|       1.0|       1.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    1.0|    18.0|    2.0|    3.0|3213.0|    2.0|       1.0|        1.0|       3.0|       0.0|              2.0|   0.0|25.0|       2.0|      0.0|    0.0|       2.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    1.0|    36.0|    4.0|    3.0|2337.0|    0.0|       4.0|        4.0|       2.0|       0.0|              3.0|   0.0|36.0|       2.0|      1.0|    0.0|       2.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|
    |          1.0|    3.0|    11.0|    4.0|    0.0|7228.0|    0.0|       2.0|        1.0|       2.0|       0.0|              3.0|   1.0|39.0|       2.0|      1.0|    1.0|       1.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|

dataframe初始化之后,你可以用SQL命令查询数据了。下面是一些使用Scala DataFrame接口查询数据的例子:


    //  computes statistics for balance 

    |summary|          balance|
    |  count|             1000|
    |   mean|            1.577|
    | stddev|1.257637727110893|
    |    min|              0.0|
    |    max|              3.0|

    // compute the avg balance by creditability (the label) 

    |creditability|      avg(balance)|
    |          1.0|1.8657142857142857|
    |          0.0|0.9033333333333333|


     sqlContext.sql("SELECT creditability, avg(balance) as avgbalance, avg(amount) as avgamt, avg(duration) as avgdur  FROM credit GROUP BY creditability ").show

    |creditability|        avgbalance|            avgamt|            avgdur|
    |          1.0|1.8657142857142857| 2985.442857142857|19.207142857142856|
    |          0.0|0.9033333333333333|3938.1266666666666|             24.86|




  • 标签 -> 是否可信:0或者1
  • 特征 -> {“存款”,“期限”,“历史记录”,“目的”,“数额”,“储蓄”,“是否在职”,“婚姻”,“担保人”,“居住时间”,“资产”,“年龄”,“历史信用”,“居住公寓”,“贷款”,“职业”,“监护人”,“是否有电话”,“外籍”}







    //define the feature columns to put in the feature vector
    val featureCols = Array("balance", "duration", "history", "purpose", "amount",
        "savings", "employment", "instPercent", "sexMarried",  "guarantors",
        "residenceDuration", "assets",  "age", "concCredit", "apartment",
        "credits",  "occupation", "dependents",  "hasPhone", "foreign" )
    //set the input and output column names
      val assembler = new VectorAssembler().setInputCols(featureCols).setOutputCol("features")
    //return a dataframe with all of the  feature columns in  a vector column
    val df2 = assembler.transform( creditDF)
    // the transform method produced a new column: features.

    |creditability|balance|duration|history|purpose|amount|savings|employment|instPercent|sexMarried|guarantors|residenceDuration|assets| age|concCredit|apartment|credits|occupation|dependents|hasPhone|foreign|            features|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    18.0|    4.0|    2.0|1049.0|    0.0|       1.0|        4.0|       1.0|       0.0|              3.0|   1.0|21.0|       2.0|      0.0|    0.0|       2.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|(20,[1,2,3,4,6,7,...|


    //  Create a label column with the StringIndexer  
    val labelIndexer = new StringIndexer().setInputCol("creditability").setOutputCol("label")
    val df3 = labelIndexer.fit(df2).transform(df2)
    // the  transform method produced a new column: label.

    |creditability|balance|duration|history|purpose|amount|savings|employment|instPercent|sexMarried|guarantors|residenceDuration|assets| age|concCredit|apartment|credits|occupation|dependents|hasPhone|foreign|            features|label|
    |          1.0|    0.0|    18.0|    4.0|    2.0|1049.0|    0.0|       1.0|        4.0|       1.0|       0.0|              3.0|   1.0|21.0|       2.0|      0.0|    0.0|       2.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|(20,[1,2,3,4,6,7,...|  0.0|


    //  split the dataframe into training and test data
    val splitSeed = 5043 
    val Array(trainingData, testData) = df3.randomSplit(Array(0.7, 0.3), splitSeed)




  • maxDepth:每棵树的最大深度。增加树的深度可以提高模型的效果,但是会延长训练时间。
  • maxBins:连续特征离散化时选用的最大分桶个数,并且决定每个节点如何分裂。
  • impurity:计算信息增益的指标
  • auto:在每个节点分裂时是否自动选择参与的特征个数
  • seed:随机数生成种子


    // create the classifier,  set parameters for training
    val classifier = new RandomForestClassifier().setImpurity("gini").setMaxDepth(3).setNumTrees(20).setFeatureSubsetStrategy("auto").setSeed(5043)
    //  use the random forest classifier  to train (fit) the model
    val model = classifier.fit(trainingData) 

    // print out the random forest trees
    res20: String = 
    res5: String = 
    "RandomForestClassificationModel (uid=rfc_6c4ceb92ba78) with 20 trees
      Tree 0 (weight 1.0):
        If (feature 0 <= 1.0)
         If (feature 10 <= 0.0)
          If (feature 3 <= 6.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 3 > 6.0)
           Predict: 0.0
         Else (feature 10 > 0.0)
          If (feature 12 <= 63.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 12 > 63.0)
           Predict: 0.0
        Else (feature 0 > 1.0)
         If (feature 13 <= 1.0)
          If (feature 3 <= 3.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 3 > 3.0)
           Predict: 1.0
         Else (feature 13 > 1.0)
          If (feature 7 <= 1.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 7 > 1.0)
           Predict: 0.0
      Tree 1 (weight 1.0):
        If (feature 2 <= 1.0)
         If (feature 15 <= 0.0)
          If (feature 11 <= 0.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 11 > 0.0)
           Predict: 1.0
         Else (feature 15 > 0.0)
          If (feature 11 <= 0.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 11 > 0.0)
           Predict: 1.0
        Else (feature 2 > 1.0)
         If (feature 12 <= 31.0)
          If (feature 5 <= 0.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 5 > 0.0)
           Predict: 0.0
         Else (feature 12 > 31.0)
          If (feature 3 <= 4.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 3 > 4.0)
           Predict: 0.0
      Tree 2 (weight 1.0):
        If (feature 8 <= 1.0)
         If (feature 6 <= 2.0)
          If (feature 4 <= 10875.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 4 > 10875.0)
           Predict: 1.0
         Else (feature 6 > 2.0)
          If (feature 1 <= 36.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 1 > 36.0)
           Predict: 1.0
        Else (feature 8 > 1.0)
         If (feature 5 <= 0.0)
          If (feature 4 <= 4113.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 4 > 4113.0)
           Predict: 1.0
         Else (feature 5 > 0.0)
          If (feature 11 <= 2.0)
           Predict: 0.0
          Else (feature 11 > 2.0)
           Predict: 0.0
      Tree 3 ...



    // run the  model on test features to get predictions
    val predictions = model.transform(testData) 
    //As you can see, the previous model transform produced a new columns: rawPrediction, probablity and prediction.

    |creditability|balance|duration|history|purpose|amount|savings|employment|instPercent|sexMarried|guarantors|residenceDuration|assets| age|concCredit|apartment|credits|occupation|dependents|hasPhone|foreign|            features|label|       rawPrediction|         probability|prediction|
    |          0.0|    0.0|    12.0|    0.0|    5.0|1108.0|    0.0|       3.0|        4.0|       2.0|       0.0|              2.0|   0.0|28.0|       2.0|      1.0|    1.0|       2.0|       0.0|     0.0|    0.0|(20,[1,3,4,6,7,8,...|  1.0|[14.1964586927573...|[0.70982293463786...|       0.0|


    // create an Evaluator for binary classification, which expects two input columns: rawPrediction and label.
    val evaluator = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator().setLabelCol("label")
    // Evaluates predictions and returns a scalar metric areaUnderROC(larger is better). 
    val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions) 
    accuracy: Double = 0.7824906081835722


我们接着用管道来训练模型,可能会取得更好的效果。管道采取了一种简单的方式来比较各种不同组合的参数的效果,这个方法称为网格搜索法(grid search),你先设置好待测试的参数,MLLib就会自动完成这些参数的不同组合。管道搭建了一条工作流,一次性完成了整个模型的调优,而不是独立对每个参数进行调优。


    // We use a ParamGridBuilder to construct a grid of parameters to search over
    val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder()
      .addGrid(classifier.maxBins, Array(25, 28, 31))
      .addGrid(classifier.maxDepth, Array(4, 6, 8))
      .addGrid(classifier.impurity, Array("entropy", "gini"))


    val steps: Array[PipelineStage] = Array(classifier)
    val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(steps)


    // Evaluate model on test instances and compute test error
    val evaluator = new BinaryClassificationEvaluator()
    val cv = new CrossValidator()



    // When fit is called, the stages are executed in order. 
    // Fit will run cross-validation,  and choose the best set of parameters 
    //The fitted model from a Pipeline is an PipelineModel, which consists of fitted models and transformers

    val pipelineFittedModel = cv.fit(trainingData)


    //  call tranform to make predictions on test data. The fitted model will use the best model found 
    val predictions = pipelineFittedModel.transform(testData)
    val accuracy = evaluator.evaluate(predictions)  
    Double = 0.8204386232104784
    val rm2 = new RegressionMetrics(
      predictions.select("prediction", "label").rdd.map(x =>
      (x(0).asInstanceOf[Double], x(1).asInstanceOf[Double])))
    println("MSE: " + rm2.meanSquaredError)
    println("MAE: " + rm2.meanAbsoluteError)
    println("RMSE Squared: " + rm2.rootMeanSquaredError)
    println("R Squared: " + rm2.r2)
    println("Explained Variance: " + rm2.explainedVariance + "\n")

    MSE: 0.2575250836120402
    MAE: 0.25752508361204013
    RMSE Squared: 0.5074692932700856
    R Squared: -0.1687988628287138
    Explained Variance: 0.15466269952237702


posted @ 2017-12-04 16:24  devin.ou  阅读(892)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报