
1. The original paper reports 95% accuracy, which we have not been able to replicate.



2. It mostly orthogonal to the ideas in this paper. 



It (该想法/理论)和本文想法不相关(垂直关系、不相交、无关),在这个上下文中,"orthogonal" 意味着两者之间关系不大、差异较大,或者说它们在某个方面彼此独立。所以,整个句子的意思是某个东西在很大程度上与某些想法相对独立或者相异。


This theory of compatible features provides no guidance on how to exploit the temporal structure of the problem to obtain better estimates of the advantage function, making it mostly orthogonal to the ideas in this paper.



3. The Actor-Mimic and expert DQN training curves for 100 training epochs for each of the 8 games. A training epoch is 250,000 frames and for each training epoch we evaluate the networks with a testing epoch that lasts 125,000 frames. We report AMN and expert DQN test reward for each testing epoch and the mean and max of DQN performance. The max is calculated over all testing epochs that the DQN experienced until convergence while the mean is calculated over the last ten epochs before the DQN training was stopped.



4. For each game, we bold out the network results that have the highest average testing reward for that particular column.


posted on 2023-11-06 17:58  Angry_Panda  阅读(16)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
