pip install gym[atari]
import gym env=gym.make("Pong-v0") print(env) env.reset()
f'We\'re Unable to find the game "{self._game}". Note: Gym no longer distributes ROMs. '
gym.error.Error: We're Unable to find the game "Pong". Note: Gym no longer distributes ROMs. If you own a license to use the necessary ROMs for research purposes you can download them via `pip install gym[accept-rom-license]`. Otherwise, you should try importing "Pong" via the command `ale-import-roms`. If you believe this is a mistake perhaps your copy of "Pong" is unsupported. To check if this is the case try providing the environment variable `PYTHONWARNINGS=default::ImportWarning:ale_py.roms`. For more information see:
根据报错的信息我们知道是因为没有安装atari游戏对应的ROMs的bin文件,我们可以选择手动下载后添加到ale_py库中,但是根据报错信息的提醒我们知道可以使用命令:pip install gym[accept-rom-license] 来进行安装。
pip install gym[accept-rom-license]
import time import gym env = gym.make('BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4') print("Observation Space: ", env.observation_space) print("Action Space ", env.action_space) obs = env.reset() for i in range(1000): env.render() action = env.action_space.sample() obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) time.sleep(0.01) env.close()
def render(self, mode="human"): """Renders the environment. A set of supported modes varies per environment. (And some third-party environments may not support rendering at all.) By convention, if mode is: - human: render to the current display or terminal and return nothing. Usually for human consumption. - rgb_array: Return a numpy.ndarray with shape (x, y, 3), representing RGB values for an x-by-y pixel image, suitable for turning into a video. - ansi: Return a string (str) or StringIO.StringIO containing a terminal-style text representation. The text can include newlines and ANSI escape sequences (e.g. for colors). Note: Make sure that your class's metadata 'render_modes' key includes the list of supported modes. It's recommended to call super() in implementations to use the functionality of this method. Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> class MyEnv(Env): ... metadata = {'render_modes': ['human', 'rgb_array']} ... ... def render(self, mode='human'): ... if mode == 'rgb_array': ... return np.array(...) # return RGB frame suitable for video ... elif mode == 'human': ... ... # pop up a window and render ... else: ... super().render(mode=mode) # just raise an exception Args: mode: the mode to render with, valid modes are `env.metadata["render_modes"]` """ raise NotImplementedError
"render(mode='human') is deprecated. Please supply `render_mode` when "
gym.error.Error: render(mode='human') is deprecated. Please supply `render_mode` when constructing your environment, e.g., gym.make(ID, render_mode='human'). The new `render_mode` keyword argument supports DPI scaling, audio, and native framerates.
从上面的报错信息可以知道gym设置了一个绘图显示模式`render_mode,如果想使用绘图显示的功能就需要在创建环境的时候进行设置,形式如gym.make(ID, render_mode='human')。
import time import gym env = gym.make('BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4', render_mode='human') print("Observation Space: ", env.observation_space) print("Action Space ", env.action_space) obs = env.reset() for i in range(1000): action = env.action_space.sample() obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) time.sleep(0.01) env.close()
通过对上面的代码测试,可以知道在设置绘图显示模式`render_mode时进行绘图的步骤为 env.reset() 和 env.step(action),在执行这两步操作时会自动进行绘图显示。
def render(self, mode: str) -> Any:
Render is not supported by ALE. We use a paradigm similar to
Gym3 which allows you to specify `render_mode` during construction.
For example,
gym.make("ale-py:Pong-v0", render_mode="human")
will display the ALE and maintain the proper interval to match the
FPS target set by the ROM.
if mode == "rgb_array":
return self.ale.getScreenRGB()
elif mode == "human":
raise error.Error(
"render(mode='human') is deprecated. Please supply `render_mode` when "
"constructing your environment, e.g., gym.make(ID, render_mode='human'). "
"The new `render_mode` keyword argument supports DPI scaling, "
"audio, and native framerates."
raise error.Error(
f"Invalid render mode `{mode}`. Supported modes: `rgb_array`."
可以知道在新版本的gym中一共存在两个环境模式,一个是'human'模式,一个是`rgb_array`模式。如果不在创建环境时通过gym.make(ID, render_mode='human')设置绘图显示模式的话默认就是`rgb_array`模式。
posted on 2022-05-30 22:18 Angry_Panda 阅读(3922) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报