分享某Python下的mpi教程 —— A Python Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI 1.0.2 documentation ( 续 #2 )
分享某Python下的mpi教程 —— A Python Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI 1.0.2 documentation
Collective Communication
Reduce(…) and Allreduce(…)
import numpy from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() rankF = numpy.array(float(rank)) if rank == 0: total = numpy.zeros(1) else: total = None comm.Reduce(rankF, total, op=MPI.MAX) #comm.Reduce(rankF, total, op=MPI.SUM) if rank == 0: print("total: ", total)
import numpy from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() rankF = numpy.array(float(rank)) total = numpy.zeros(1) comm.Allreduce(rankF, total, op=MPI.MAX) print("rank {} : total {} ".format(rank, total))
# dotProductParallel_1.py # "to run" syntax example: mpiexec -n 4 python26 dotProductParallel_1.py 40000 from mpi4py import MPI import numpy import sys comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() # read from command line # n = int(sys.argv[1]) #length of vectors n = 10000 # arbitrary example vectors, generated to be evenly divided by the number of # processes for convenience x = numpy.linspace(0, 100, n) if comm.rank == 0 else None y = numpy.linspace(20, 300, n) if comm.rank == 0 else None # initialize as numpy arrays dot = numpy.array([0.]) local_n = numpy.array([0], dtype=numpy.int32) # test for conformability if rank == 0: if n != y.size: print("vector length mismatch") comm.Abort() # currently, our program cannot handle sizes that are not evenly divided by # the number of processors if n % size != 0: print("the number of processors must evenly divide n.") comm.Abort() # length of each process's portion of the original vector local_n = numpy.array([n / size], dtype=numpy.int32) # communicate local array size to all processes comm.Bcast(local_n, root=0) # initialize as numpy arrays local_x = numpy.zeros(local_n) local_y = numpy.zeros(local_n) # divide up vectors comm.Scatter(x, local_x, root=0) comm.Scatter(y, local_y, root=0) # local computation of dot product local_dot = numpy.array([numpy.dot(local_x, local_y)]) # sum the results of each #comm.Reduce(local_dot, dot, op=MPI.SUM) comm.Allreduce(local_dot, dot, op=MPI.SUM) print("The dot product is", dot[0], "computed in parallel") if rank == 0: #print("The dot product is", dot[0], "computed in parallel") print("and", numpy.dot(x, y), "computed serially")
Scatterv(…) and Gatherv(…)
# for correct performance, run unbuffered with 3 processes: # mpiexec -n 3 python26 scratch.py -u import numpy from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() if rank == 0: x_global = numpy.linspace(0,100,11) else: x_global = None if rank == 0: x_local = numpy.zeros(1) elif rank == 1: x_local = numpy.zeros(1) elif rank == 2: x_local = numpy.zeros(9) if rank == 0: print("Scatter") comm.Scatterv([x_global, (1,1,9), (0,1,2), MPI.DOUBLE], x_local) print("process " + str(rank) + " has " + str(x_local)) comm.Barrier() if rank == 0: print("Gather") xGathered = numpy.zeros(11) else: xGathered = None comm.Gatherv(x_local, [xGathered, (1,1,9), (0,1,2), MPI.DOUBLE]) print("process " + str(rank) + " has " +str(xGathered))
mpiexec -np 3 python x.py
上个代码有个地方容易被忽视那就是 函数 comm.Scatterv 其实是非堵塞的,也就是说如果rank==0进程在执行该语句后不进行同步操作:comm.Barrier
那么rank==0进程会继续向下执行而不会等待rank==1,rank==2进程完全接收数据到各自的变量 x_local 中。
# for correct performance, run unbuffered with 3 processes: # mpiexec -n 3 python26 scratch.py -u import numpy from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() if rank == 0: x_global = numpy.linspace(0,100,11) else: x_global = None if rank == 0: x_local = numpy.zeros(1) elif rank == 1: x_local = numpy.zeros(1) elif rank == 2: x_local = numpy.zeros(9) if rank == 0: print("Scatter") if rank != 0: import time time.sleep(10) comm.Scatterv([x_global, (1,1,9), (0,1,2), MPI.DOUBLE], x_local) print("process " + str(rank) + " has " + str(x_local)) #comm.Barrier() if rank == 0: print("Gather") xGathered = numpy.zeros(11) else: xGathered = None comm.Gatherv(x_local, [xGathered, (1,1,9), (0,1,2), MPI.DOUBLE]) print("process " + str(rank) + " has " +str(xGathered))
process 0 has [0.]
然后进入堵塞大致10秒时间,由此可以看到不进行 comm.Barrier 操作的 comm.Scatterv 是非堵塞的,rank==0没有等待其他进程完全接收数据便向下执行了,但是从运行结果上我们可以看到收集操作 comm.Gatherv 是堵塞的,也正因此rank==0进程会在此处进入堵塞10秒的状态。
由于上面的代码后续运行中有堵塞操作了,因此没有 comm.Barrier 操作也不会有问题,不过对于MPI中的非堵塞操作还是进行同步操作 comm.Barrier 操作以防万一的安全一些。
mpiexec -np 3 python x.py
上面的代码其实是把进程数量硬编码进入代码里面了,如果运行不是 -np 3 而是其他数值则会报错,而这种编码方式是不妥的,因此不把进程数硬编码进去同时也能实现很好的计算负载是需要的。给出自己的工作:
# for correct performance, run unbuffered with 3 processes: # mpiexec -n 3 python26 scratch.py -u import numpy from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() size = comm.Get_size() n = 10000 if rank == 0: x_global = numpy.linspace(0,100,n) else: x_global = None n_local = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=numpy.int32) n_local[:] = n // size if n%size != 0: n_local[-(n%size):] += 1 begin_local = numpy.zeros(size) for i in range(1, size): begin_local[i] = begin_local[i-1] + n_local[i-1] x_local = numpy.zeros(n_local[rank]) #if rank != 0: # import time # time.sleep(5) if rank == 0: print("Scatter") comm.Scatterv([x_global, n_local, begin_local, MPI.DOUBLE], x_local) print("process " + str(rank) + " has " + str(x_local[:5])) comm.Barrier() if rank == 0: print("Gather") xGathered = numpy.zeros(n) else: xGathered = None comm.Gatherv(x_local, [xGathered, n_local, begin_local, MPI.DOUBLE]) print("process " + str(rank) + " has " +str(xGathered))
mpiexec -np 23 python x.py
mpiexec -np 8 python x.py
posted on 2021-08-14 22:29 Angry_Panda 阅读(232) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报